"Eevee, dragon form. "

Lin Mo's calm command.


His game is very popular!

The narration was full of passion at the beginning.

"Lin Mo, the player conductor Ibu, Long ......"

"Dragon form??"

"What do you mean??"

The audience was also fluted.

Li Ao was also a little puzzled......

What does the dragon form mean?

Eevee has various forms, but he doesn't have a dragon form...... And even if there is, you can still change one on the spot...... it!

It's changed!

Li Ao watched as the fluttering weird elf, which was originally covered in pure white fluff, fell directly to the ground, his hair turned into scales, his wings stretched out from his back, his eyes were burning, and he gently let out a dragon roar.


This is the new form of Eevee, and looking at the scales and looking at the wings, there is also what Lin Mo said earlier.

Dragon Eevee is a new form that has never been seen before!

No! No! No!

The point is......

How could Lin Mo's Eevee cut the form?

Is this Eevee?

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar!!

Lin Mo's previous game was exciting, but it couldn't compare to the excitement at this time!

Eevee, who switches forms freely, plus the dragon Eevee, who has never been discovered!!

Immediately, countless colleges and universities that were observing Lin Mo's game were extremely surprised!!

"This Eevee is special......"

"However, I researched the ghost Eevee, and then researched the dragon Eevee, and sure enough, this person is very powerful......"

In the Shimmer University lounge, John Evans, the handsome-looking blonde young man, admired.

The logic of ordinary people.

For so many years, Long Yibu didn't appear, and the ghost Yibu didn't appear, but Lin Mo's hands could show it all......

There must be something wrong with this person!

Jack, the vice captain of the Shimmer University team on the side, was stunned.

"It's really rare that you would compliment someone?"

"What's the matter? Lin Mo is stressing you down. "

And John Evans looked calm.

"It's not a lot of pressure, I just think his research talent is really amazing, above me. "

Speaking of this, the blonde-haired youth suddenly clenched his palms!

He calmly admitted his flaws, but boundless resentment also rose in his heart!

John Evans became famous since childhood, an all-round genius!

Training, nurturing, and elf research are the strongest among their peers!

Therefore, Lin Mo made him very uncomfortable! The previous discovery of the mega system has proved that he is inferior.

Now the appearance of Long Yibu makes this even more annoying!

And Jack, the vice captain of Shimmer University, smiled dumbly when he saw this.

"You're too competitive. "

But this ......

Looking at Lin Mo's figure, as well as Ebu's transformation into a dragon form 760, he was also slightly shocked.

"The trainer is extremely talented, and he still has such strong research ability and talent......

"Huaguo is really a genius......"

At the same time, in the Mosco University lounge, the girl with a silver ponytail looked curious.

"This Lin Mo ...... It's really a surprise, but I didn't expect to play until now, he hasn't taken out a hole card......"

"And you actually researched Long Yibu, which is amazing!"

On the side, a shirtless, muscular member of the varsity asked curiously.

"Eevee who switched forms, Mega Lucario, Mega Shanaido, and Sister Elena, which one do you think is the most powerful?"

He was curious.

And the other members of the school team on the side were speechless, which pot you don't open and mention.

Sure enough, Yelena was stunned.

"Uh...... Is this, Ibu is very good at being able to switch forms!"

"Lucario was really handsome just now!"

"Shanaiduo actually broke through the immune ...... of the evil system"

"That's... That ......"

Apparently, the silver-haired girl is stuck in a choosing.


Kyoto University ......

Moore University ......

Ruilun University ......

All colleges and universities are a little shocked!

The youngest Elf Doctor lives up to its name.


At this time, the atmosphere in the arena was also extremely high.

Eevee who switches forms freely!

It's so exciting!!

It's worth the ticket price!!

The narrator can't wait to shout out his voice!!

"According to Lin Mo, this is the new Eevee form Dragon Eevee!!"

"His Eevee can switch forms!!"

Countless spectators also shouted!!

"Is there any other form?"

"Ibu changes again!!"

"Oh my God!"


Apparently they're all getting high!

And Li Ao was relieved......

Lin Mo gave him too much psychological pressure.


Now on the contrary, this ace of Modu University is full of fighting spirit!

There's nothing to be afraid of anymore!

Defeat Lin Mo's family, which is not a mega system.

Make a name for yourself!

It's normal to lose!

Everyone can switch forms at will, I'll take the head to win!

This one shouted directly.

"Swift Dragon, Dragon Claw!"

Anyway, let's test it first......

And Lin Mo commanded decisively.

"Destroy the light!"

Destroying the light?

Are you a dragon Eevee with this move?

The year just flashed in his mind, and the next second Li Aoren was numb!

This spoils the light!!

Eevee released a complete blue-purple light!

It's all dragon power surging......

This seems to have become the ultimate move of the department!!

And the power is outrageous!

And Lin Mo looked calm!

Of course, the dragon skin of the dragon destroys the light...... The power is higher than that of the meteor swarm!In the realm other than the basic god, there is no stronger skill than this except self-detonation.

Coupled with the Dragon Skin Power Bonus, the Adaptability is enhanced!!

This move down......

Double restraint!

You're a fat guy and take the top of your head??

Sure enough!

The dragon rushed forward and slashed out the giant claws of light!

But it was directly washed away by the torrent of energy, and then it was violently knocked away, and crashed into the realm of the king's shield, and Eevee's impact was not over yet!

Squirt hard for a second!!

The fast dragon was lying on top of the King's Shield field in pain, bearing the output!!

The dragon destroys the rays and isn't even quite done yet.

The dragon's eyes are black!

You can't fight!


The narrator's voice trembled.

"What do I see!"

"Eevee's new form, or dragon form, killed the quasi-god elf fast dragon in an instant with a burst of destructive light, what's going on?"

The audience was also extremely confused.

But they mainly look at the hilarious!

"Lin Mo!"

"Lin Mo!!"



I feel that this Chinese player is powerful!

Even some of the fanatical Ibrahimovic enthusiasts were there, and they were crazy with excitement.

"Ibrahimovic, the strongest !!"

"Ibrahimovic, the strongest !!"


And watch the fast dragon fall.

Li Ao was dumbfounded, opened his mouth to speak, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Any elf in the Lin Mo family is extremely terrifying, forget it!

It's normal that you can't win by yourself!

As for his last elf, the elite high-level devouring beast

Successfully took advantage of the stiffness of the Ibu exchange to destroy the light,

Trash shooting!

The power of the poison system is the same level as the output move of the reverse scale!!

Li Ao only thought about ......

After all, Long Eevee put a stand-in and a curse before, anyway, let's spell this one.


Lin Mo.

"Switch forms!"

In an instant, Ibu's fur turned into a steel structure, and his scarf turned into a gear, majestic!

It's true that it can't use skills and it's hard to move.

Transformers are still no problem!

Steel direct immunity to poison!!

Li Ao is stupid!

What's this??(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

His ultimate move has no effect!

He was not blind, and he could see that this should be Gang Eevee, because this form could only be this attribute.

But...... You have so many forms??

And after that, Lin Mo was even more inappropriate,

It turned into a water form again, and circled back the blood with liquid!

In the last dragon form, a dragon destroys the light and sends Li Ao out!

The battle is over!

However, the atmosphere in the stadium was still frenetic!

"Dragons, ghosts, steel, water!"

"Lin Mo's Ibu has four forms!!"

"Oh my God!"

"Seriously, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a scam!"

And the audience was also extremely surprised!

"What's going on?"

"Does Ibrahimovic still have that ability?"


As for Lin Mo, he rarely accepted a post-match interview.

Mainly to answer the audience's doubts, he affirmed that among the several forms that his Eevee had shown before, there were dragon forms and steel forms that had never been found.

At the same time, it explains the reason why Eevee can cut the form, because Lokia Poseidon has blessed himself, so if you don't believe it, you can go to Poseidon Island to ask!

The priest saw it with his own eyes.

Finally, Lin Mo said that Ievee's paper in the form of steel and dragon is ready (CBAE)!

It will be sent out soon!

After saying that, he directly asked Shanaiduo to launch an instant movement and ran away with him.

Lin Mo also considered exposing Ibu at the competition,

Now, who dares to move his prestige and status in China?

And pushing off to Poseidon Island can also divert the attention of others from themselves, and by the way, pull the economy there.

It's good to take care of the people it guards after inheriting Lokia's feelings.


After that, Lin Mo went to work, rested, and played the game.

Rest, play.

And Kunlun University, with the MEGA system, has once again been fully promoted!

Of course, in the third stage of the knockout round, all the elites who can be left are the top elites......

Other schools are basically eliminated, there are only one or two trump cards left, and even all of them are out!

Of course, there is another school that performs better than Kunlun University.

Shimmer University, the trump card of the Lighthouse Nation!

All qualified!

And the Mosco University in Mao Xiong Country also has good grades, but two people have been eliminated, which is currently the third ......

At this time, the people of Kunlun University in the lounge heard the passionate shouting of the external commentary opportunity.

"Let's congratulate the rest of the trainers on the final knockout stage!"

"Here, we will witness the showdown between the young generation of the world today!!"

"During this period, the points earned by each university member to defeat their opponents will be doubled, which means that whether it is an individual competition or a team competition, there is no suspense of being killed!"

"Let's wait and see!!"

In an instant, the audience cheered deafeningly.

Lin Mo was in the lounge, the sound insulation effect was good, but he felt that the ground was trembling!!

This is a global event!

However, in the third stage, Lin Mo was not ready to continue to rest, but took the initiative to walk out of the lounge and come to the prepared audience stands to watch the game.

Knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent, can you not be defeated in a hundred battles?

And he did find a lot of strong people.

Jack, the vice captain of Shimmer University, a high-level Mega Thunderbolt Beast of the Gym swept all directions!


Like Lin Mo, he let the other elves in the team make shots, basically revealing that it was a combination and collocation of pure electricity.

Yelena, the leader of Mosco University, is a girl with a graceful posture and a quiet and gentle smile.

And the trump card - the fierce bite of the land shark as the main force!

After buying it, it was almost violent, a string of six, and ordinary opponents couldn't stop it at all!

The rest of the elves have also shown, what Heracross, the giant pincer mantis, the dragon gopher, the Muck eagle......

It's all about the extreme violent output genre, just do it!


Of course, what Lin Mo attaches the most importance to is what Kunlun University emphasized before......

Shimmer University, John Evans!

But...... His game was not very exciting.

The three evil dragons of the Quasi-Heavenly King Rank Initial Rank and the Intermediate Rank are almost unstoppable!

All opponents are for him directly and simply, 1 wear 6.


The commentators are shouting,

"Oh God! John Evans is so powerful that it's terrifying!!"

"Isn't there anyone who can stand in the way of his way? we can't even see what the rest of his five elves are!"

And countless audiences at the scene were also fanatical!

"John Evans!!"

"John Evans!!"

"John Evans!!"


This person's popularity is not lower than Lin Mo!

One is extremely violent, and one is invincible with three evil dragons.

The other is the embodiment of the will of the perfect trainer and elves, who have repeatedly defeated the strong with the weak!

They are the two most popular players in the audience!

And Lin Mo... He originally wanted to see the performance of a few more strong men.

As a result, on the big screen,

It shows that he is going to fight, and the opponent is the vice captain of Shimmer University, Jack!

The guy with the Mega Thunderbolt!

Undoubtedly, a strong enemy!!

However, Lin Mo showed a strange look.

The opponent's lineup has been exposed a lot, and it is obviously pure electric, and its own tyrannosaurus is immune to electricity!


Am I a bit of a bully with a tyrannosaur?

Lin Mo thought for a while.

I don't think it's good to do that......

And at this time, the audience was already cheering!


Compared to Pu Ruozhi, who fought with Lin Mo before, although a mega sac beast is extremely strong!, the other elves in the team are really not strong!

And now Mars hits the Earth!!

Jack of Shimmer University vs. Lin Mo of Kunlun University!

Battle of the Spotlight!

It is also the strong of the two sides, meeting on a narrow road!!

Rejoice in the commentary!

"Let's have Jack and Lin Mo on the field. "

The audience cheered!

"Lin Mo"


"Lin Mo"



At this time, except for the audience in the lighthouse country and the Chinese country, there is a clear position, everyone is looking forward to the upcoming visual feast!

And after Lin Mo came to power, he threw out his elf without hesitation.

Thirty-meter glitter tyrannosaurus!

"Javanese !!"

The beast roars!

What Jack took out was the ace Thunderbolt Beast, the high-level of the Gym!

After the elves of both sides were in place, the face of the vice captain of Shimmer University changed!

"Look down on me so much?"

The tone is angry!?

Tyrannosaurus! Flying with water, four times the weak electricity! This kind of innate disparity gap! A big stage ahead may not be able to erase it!

Can the tyrannosaurus even ......

It's still elite!!

Even if you Lin Mo is confident that the elves are well cultivated, you can't help but treat me too seriously!

How can Jack not be hot??

And at this time...... Countless people outside the field were stunned!

First of all, the explanation is a little incomprehensible.

"Lin Mo sent a violent dragon with 4 times the weak electricity, and the level is not advantageous......"

"We don't know why he made the decision. "

And the audience actually lost the enthusiasm they had before.

"What's the situation?"

"What is this doing??"

"Tyrannosaurus??Fight the team of the pure electric system??Crazy!"


Anyone who comes to watch the game has more or less common sense of elf battles!

Naturally, I feel that Lin Mo's choice is extremely problematic!

And the college teams of various countries are also confused......

Out of the Tyrannosaurus??

Isn't it just giving away heads?

In the Shimmer University lounge, a group of school team members were very unhappy!

"What do you mean? Look down on our vice-captain. "

"What is this Chinese man doing?"

"Put a tyrannosaurus, who are you insulting??"

They are angry!

Lin Mo is obviously the ace player of Huaguo, and the information is available to the school teams of various countries.

The other party is powerful, take 4 weak electric elves, and fight the electric team, except for humiliating people, what else is there??。

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