Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 1031: Jealous

Into the night.

The Vis Mountains were shrouded in darkness, dark and silent, with occasional beast growls.

Inside a very hidden cave.

The small bonfire was burning, so that the night in this mountain was not so cold.

Derek was only a single figure, sitting close to the hole, looking a little bit jealously surrounded by Audrey and Tang Guo, and some looked like Lin Chen hugging each other.

Audrey was more curious about him because of the skills revealed by Lin Chenzhan. In addition to asking some Chinese customs, he also asked him a lot about Chinese medicine.

Although Lin Chen's answer, she did not understand, but it made her admire Lin Chen even more.

I just think that this Hua Xia Qing, who is about as big as myself, seems to be omniscient in general, with profound knowledge.

However, Tang Guo is not interested in TCM-related things.

After listening for a while, he wobbled around Lin Chen's arm and said:

"Uncle, so boring, or would you tell me a joke?"

Audrey glanced at Lin Chen's arm, where he touched Tang Guo's chest, and he murmured in his heart, what is the relationship between the two?

According to Lin Chen, Tang Guo is his sister.

But how can my sister and brother be so intimate that they are much more intimate than the average boyfriend and girlfriend!

Tang Guo is like a young girlfriend who is naive and clingy.

Moreover, the surnames of the two of them are different!

Also, how can a younger sister call his brother "Uncle"?

It's a pity that although Audrey knows some Huaxia languages, she is not very proficient in the language and culture of Huaxia.

Otherwise, she will think, in addition to her brother, there is such a love brother...

Seeing Tang Guo asking Lin Chen to tell a joke, she also looked forward to:

"Yes, Lin Chen, would you like to tell a joke to hear it?"


At this time, there was a cold hum.

Audrey wrinkled her brow and looked at Derek, who sneered. "Derek, do you have any comments?"

Derek's previous performance disappointed her too much, and she didn't give any good looks at this time.

Derek said coldly:

"Audrey, don't get too close to this guy. He's just an ordinary person, not at all worthy of our noble werewolf!"

At this time, although his body is not yet in good condition, he has also eased a lot.

Lin Chen didn't even think about it.

After all, in his view, although Lin Chen has that horrible **** broken sword, it is actually a holy level peak!

In front of him, it was vulnerable!

Audrey Dai raised her eyebrows and glared at Derek.

"You shut up! If it weren't Lin Chen, we would all be over. He is our life-saving benefactor. How can you speak like this? Furthermore, I don't think that werewolves are nobler than ordinary people. It depends on his character, not his blood!"

"You... hum!"

Derek's face turned red and he was speechless.

Audrey's words seemed to be the shameful performance of the greedy life and death before satire.

Lin Chen looked at Audrey, and there was a touch of appreciation in her eyes, but she didn't expect that she still had this kind of opinion.

"Sister Audrey, you are a good person, not like that nasty ghost!"

Tang Guo smiled at Audrey, then made a grimace at Derek, and even tickled Derek's teeth.

Lin Chen joked at Derek and suddenly smiled:

"OK, then I will tell you a joke!"

Audrey and Tang Guo were attentive, and even John, Byrne, and even Derek's ears were erected.

"In a question-answering contest, the host asked the female players: "What is the purpose of men eating Viagra?"

The female player thought for a long time and blushed: "Can't think of it".

At this time, the host immediately smiled; ‘Congratulations, you got it right! ’

Everyone on the stage also applauded, and sighed that the female players answered so brilliantly! "

Speaking here, Lin Chen smiled at Audrey.

Audrey opened her blue eyes, a little confused.

She still knows about Viagra.

However, she really doesn't understand this joke from Lin Chen!

The rest of the people were all puzzled.

Not only did Lin Chen's joke not make them feel funny, but they were confused.

The female player couldn't figure it out, why did the host say that she answered right.

Tang Guo couldn't help saying: "Uncle, can't the female player think of it, why did the host say that she got it right, where is it brilliant?"

Although she is not very young, as a super hacker, Tang Guo still knows a lot of things, such as Viagra, she also knows what it is.

Rao is so, she also can't understand the meaning of Lin Chen's joke.

Lin Chen raised a brow: "Can't think of it, just want to last forever!"

"Want to last?"

Both Audrey and Tang Guo were startled. At the next moment, Tang Guo suddenly realized that Audrey was Xia Fei's cheeks.

Audrey chewed with a blush and snorted:

"I didn't expect you to be so bad. Let you tell a joke. Who made you tell a yellow joke is really dead!"

Tang Guo grinned, but it seemed that Lin Chen's joke was fun.

"Uncle, tell me another one!"

John and Byrne glanced at each other, both speechless.

But as a man, they all admire Lin Chen.

Originally in Wolfsburg, it seemed that the eldest lady could not be looked at by anyone, but now she was amused by a joke.

This guy is definitely a master of picking girls!

Derek was so jealous that he wished to pull Lin Chen to the bone.

This kid is definitely deliberately provoking himself, which is really hateful!

"Miss! I found it! I found the entrance to the underground castle!"

At this moment, Peter, who had just gone out conveniently, ran in from outside the cave.

His face was full of joy, the people had not yet arrived, and the voice of ecstasy had come.

Audrey, Lin Chen and John and others suddenly stood up!

Jim was surprised: "Peter, are you serious, you found the entrance?"

Peter gasped: "Yes! Absolutely! I just found a place to urinate, and then I saw a cave near that. I walked in curiously, and finally saw a metal gate inside!"

"Hurry! Hurry and take us over!"

Audrey's face was overjoyed.

After a while, several people followed Peter to the cave he said.

The entrance of the cave can only allow one person to enter, but the more inside, the more open the space, after entering more than two hundred meters.

A huge iron gate appeared in front of Lin Chen and others!

"There is such a gate here, so it is very likely that the castle is really behind it!"

Audrey was surprised, and she reached out to push the door.

At this moment, Derek suddenly stood in front of her and stopped saying:

"Wait a minute! Miss, since the underground castle has been found, then this guy is of no use to us, let him get away first! Otherwise, maybe he will sneak in after waiting for something good inside. Now!"

He turned to Lin Chen and sneered, "Okay, we don't need you anymore! You can get away!"

Audrey's face sank, angrily:

"Derrick, what nonsense! Lin Chen will definitely not be that kind of person!"

Seeing Audrey protecting Lin Chen in this way, Derek felt uncomfortable and sneered.

"Miss, you need to know that he appeared here, probably from the blood of Cain! Do you think he really wants to help us? I guess he is just using us !Maybe you will be handed over to us later!"

He stared at Lin Chen's gloomy face, with a grin flashing in his eyes: "Boy, if you don't get away, don't blame me!"

Lin Chen said lightly: "Why are you going to be rude?"

Seeing Lin Chen so calm, Derek frowned slightly.

However, his eyebrows spread out in the next second. Although the opponent had the sharp blood red broken sword, at the speed of his reaction, the opponent could not touch him at all.

The broken sword is useless no matter how sharp it is!

Thinking of the broken sword, even after using the secret method, Harrison could pierce, Derek's eyes became greedy, and sneered: "Why are you welcome? Of course, you interrupted your hands and feet, and then thrown out! And, Because you are disrespectful to the noble me, your broken sword must be given to me!"

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