Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 2551: Why don't you like him?

"Xiao Yun."

The woman with a hot figure saw a light smile on her face when she saw Guo Yun coming.

Her facial features are exquisite, and she has a pair of heroic eyebrows, which is a little weaker and more determined than a normal woman.

Guo Yun is tall among women, but she is half a head shorter than the other person. The curve of the other person's figure makes her feel a little inferior every time.

She envied: "Sister Mo'er, how do I feel that you have become more beautiful this time?"

"That's your illusion. Well, you just said, what interesting news would you tell me?" Lin Mo'er smiled.

Guo Yun just remembered something. He took Lin Mor's hand and said something about Guanzi: "Sister Sister, when you closed the gate, there was an 8th disciple of inheritance at the Danqing Palace. You can't guess, this person is What realm!" "Can it be the later period of the Taoist realm?" Now, at the beginning, the lowest inheritance disciple of the Shenshan realm was the peak of the plastical realm. Guo Yun expressed this, indicating that the realm of the man should be very low. Lin Mo'er guessed what she said That person may not have reached the level

Daojing Pinnacle.

She had some doubts in her mind. If it was only in the late period of Taoism, how could she become a disciple of inheritance?

"Not in the late period of the Tao Daojing, but in the early stage of the Dao Daojing!" Guo Yun knew that you would guess the wrong expression.

"In the early days of the Tao Road?" Lin Mo'er was stunned.

Guo Yun smiled and said: "Yes! Was it shocked at the beginning of the Tao Daojing? I was also shocked when I first heard this news. This guy was just at the beginning of the Tao Daojing, and even talked about it. He said that he accepted all the disciples from the early days of Shenshan in the early days of the Tao Dao Realm, and went to him for gambling achievements. As a result, more than 400 people passed.

Many people have gone. "

She blinked and said Guan Zi again: "Sister Sister, continue to guess, what is the final result?"

"It's impossible that he defeated many of the core disciples in the middle of the Tao Dao Realm in the early days of the Tao Dao Realm?" Lin Mo'er was surprised. Guo Yun's expression you guessed wrong again, said: "Instead of defeating many of the core disciples in the middle of the Tao Dao Realm, he defeated all those who went to fight for his merit points! However, he It is not the early stage of the Tao Dao Realm, but the first

In a few days, it broke through to the middle of the plastic road. "

Lin Mo'er froze. After a long while, Lin Mo'er returned to his mind and said: "Just stepping into the middle of the Taoist realm, you can defeat more than 400 core disciples, including Tian Long, which is also incredible. No wonder, this person Can become a disciple of inheritance, and really not

Are ordinary people. If there is a chance, I would like to see, what kind of person is this. "

Speaking of which, Lin Chen's face appeared in her mind, and she secretly said in her heart that she didn't know if he had already come to Tianquexing. When will I see him again?

"Hee hee. If he knew that the first beauties of our battlefield wanted to meet him, he would probably be happy."

Guo Yun smiled, and then thought of something, said: "Yes, Sister Mo'er, Brother Dou, he came back after completing the task. I guess he will come to you soon. Look at him like this, but miss you No, I can’t wait to fly to your side and ask for help. When I saw me just now, I kept asking you how it was. If it weren’t for him to go to the palace master

Take a trip, it is estimated to come directly with me. "

Lin Mo'er frowned.

Upon seeing this, Guo Yun secretly said in his heart: ‘Brother Dou stepped into the realm of Taoism and became the elder of the Palace of War. It is already a matter of stubbornness. The eighth disciple of the Danqing Palace is a few steps down from him.

Throughout the beginning of the Shenshan Mountain, I don't know how many women are in love with him. He was so outstanding, but he didn't know. Why did Sister Mo'er just not like him? ’


This is a mountain peaked like a spear standing upright. The peak of the mountain is already in the clouds.

At night, people will have the illusion that they can take off the stars by raising their hands.

At the summit, stood a man and a woman.

The man is tall and mighty, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The woman's looks are beautiful and her temperament is dusty.

The male is called Hanfeng, and the female is called Dantai Xue. Both are like Lin Chen who are the disciples of the Danqing Palace.

What is different from Lin Chen is that for the two of them, no one in the Danqing Palace disagrees, and even takes pride in both of them. They can become inherited disciples, step by step by virtue of their strength.

Both of them are the existence of the Dadao Realm.

"His combat strength surprised me a little bit. When I first entered the middle of the plastic road, it was not much stronger than him. However, what really surprised me was his defense. The blood-red scales on his body were not simple. , What secret should be."

Han Feng looked at Dantai Xue beside him, and the "he" in his mouth was naturally Lin Chen, who is now the famous **** at the beginning of the world.

Although it was surprised, Han Feng still had a casual smile on his face.

"It is not strange to be able to become a disciple of inheritance. Some secrets are just like you and me. Who wouldn't have some secrets that I don't want to tell outsiders?"

Dan Taixue's voice smelled of dust, and her hair and clothes were blown by the wind. She was like a fairy who wanted to go away at any time. She said lightly: "When he grows up to our level, his strength may not be much worse than ours now. However, after all, he is behind us by an era, and when he grows into a perfect Dao realm, we have stepped into a common path. Environment. So,

You don't need to pay too much attention to him in the past. What we want to pay attention to is the battle of "Qing Que Dao Dao" a few years later. "

"Tian Que asked for battle!" Han Feng's eyes flashed with a bright warfare: "You are right, this Lin Chen is behind us by an era and will never be able to catch up with us. Our real opponent is Inheritance disciples of the same series, as well as those from

Guys from Shengyanzong, Feixian Pagoda, Illusory Demon Cave, Yin Yangjiao and other forces! "

He smiled and said: "I was in the early days of Shenshan, and there were ten qualification places to participate in the "Tian Que Asking Dao Battle". At that time, before the "Tian Que Asking Dao Battle", an internal war would be held first. Ten million merit points. This time—"

"I will fight internally, defeat all the disciples of inheritance, and get the first place." Han Feng hasn't finished speaking yet, Dan Taixue has spoken.

Han Feng raised his eyebrows, and the next second, he smiled and said: "That may not be necessary. I think the first will be me."

Originally, the two portraits were friends, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. At this time, the two portraits became enemies. With absolute confidence in their eyes!

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