Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 2638: Demon Dragon Mountain, Prince Tai'ayu

According to legend, in the depths of Yaolong Mountain, there are countless treasures with Eclipse Yaolong, countless fantasies to get the treasure of Eclipse Yaolong and then adventurers flying from the sky to the north, and now at the foot of Yaolong Mountain, it has become a Bustling town


The town at the foot of Yaolong Mountain is called Yaolong City.

However, the monster dragon city has not been approved by the Dali Dynasty, nor has the city owner and the moat. It can be said that there is an irregular black area. Every morning, there will be many corpses found in the corner. It took Lin Chen less than a day to arrive at the Dragon City at the foot of Yaolong Mountain. Looking at the endless stream of people in front of him, he felt that there was not much difference compared with Wuyuan City. , Shops, street vendors, etc.


To say the difference, it may be that the people in the Enchanted Dragon City have a little less breath of life than the residents of the city, and a little more sturdy.

"Give up! Give me a break, don't get in the way!"

Lin Chen walked on the streets of the Enchanted Dragon City. Suddenly, the ground shook, and behind him came a commanding cry.

Lin Chen turned his head and saw that a team of hundreds of people came to the side in the distance. These people's mounts are a kind of black scales with a shape similar to a horse. They are three or four meters tall and are extremely gods. Jun monster.

A few soldier-like people opened the road in front, and the remaining hundreds of soldiers were arranged in two rows. In the middle, there was a pair of young men and women who were extremely conspicuous. The monsters under them were taller than others. One level.

The men and women are all outstanding in appearance, with a respectful temperament, which makes people feel their origins are extraordinary.

The people on both sides of the street looked into the eyes of the couple, some with curiosity and some with awe.

"What's the reason for this group's big show? I don't know. I thought it was a big figure!"

Someone heard a sneer from the people in front of the team. After a sneer, some sarcastically said. "Be quiet, don't you want to die! Do you know what is the surname of Tai Ayu? Surname Ao! And that young man is the heir of the most outstanding descendant of Ao Jing, the prince of Tai Ayu. Ao Feiyu, known as Ayu's first day of pride!

The woman beside Feiyu is his sister Ao Manyao! "

Someone quickly covered the mouth of the man who had opened the mouth and warned in his ear.

The descendant of Ao Jing, the most outstanding descendant of Tai'a domain, is indeed a terrifying start. The person who originally spoke was scared at this time, and he dared not say more nonsense.

However, there are many bold people who dare to come to Yaolong Mountain. Even if Ao Feiyu has a big start, some people still disagree, at least not very seriously.

"What about the descendants of the Master of the Territory of Aya? There are many big men coming every day in Yaolong Mountain, and the background is bigger than Ao Feiyu, it is not without it!" The strong man of the domain master level does not mean that he can go deep into the Demon Dragon Mountain and get the treasures! You must know that there are many strong players in the Tao Dao Realm deep into the Demon Dragon Mountain.

,The results of it? After those people entered, they never came out again, and probably died there! "

"That's it! Although the Eclipse Demon Dragon is dead, the Demon Dragon Mountain is very mysterious, not to mention Ao Feiyu, even if Ao Jing is useless! Whether he can get the treasure, in the final analysis, it still depends on the individual luck!"


Lin Chen just came to Yaolong Mountain, did not want to cause trouble, retreated to the side, watching the Tai Ayu crown prince Ao Feiyu and his party go away.

And from the voices of people on the side, he also got a lot of useful information.

"That day, the Eclipse Demon Dragon was dead, but as a result, there were still a lot of powerful Taoist realms who went deep into the Demon Dragon Mountain, and they never came out. It seems that there should be some secrets deep inside this Demon Dragon Mountain.

Lin Chen rubbed his chin in his right hand, realizing that this demon dragon mountain might not be as simple as he thought.

Although he is confident that he is much stronger than most monks in Taoist realm, he is still cautious. It is best to get more information about Yaolong Mountain before going deep into Yaolong Mountain.

He walked aimlessly on the street, and his ears captured the information that was useful to him in the conversation of people. After a while, he heard something useful to him.

At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly noticed that there was a figure in front of him who collided.

Lin Chen's response was extremely fast, and he avoided the man sideways, but the man still made a scream, and then the whole person fell to the ground, screaming again and again with his thighs in his arms.

"Ah! My leg! My leg is broken! Bastard, don't you walk with long eyes? Lao Tzu's leg! You pay Lao Tzu's leg!"

A middle-aged man with sharp-billed monkey cheeks and skin-thin bamboo poles, howling on the ground with his right leg, glaring at Lin Chen, swearing.

"what's the situation……"

Lin Chen was stunned. He was sure that he hadn't hit this person just now. Seeing this person as if his leg was really broken, many people came around. A word appeared in Lin Chen's mind... porcelain?

Lin Chen smiled dumbfounded. He thought that such a thing as touching porcelain only happened in the modern society of the earth. As a result, I did not expect that such a thing would happen here. Many onlookers pointed at Lin Chen and the screaming middle-aged man. They did not sympathize with the screaming middle-aged man. Instead, they looked into Lin Chen's eyes with some sympathy. , Obviously, they should know

This middle-aged man.

"I didn't hit you, get up, don't pretend!"

Lin Chen frowned and said to the middle-aged man who was still wailing on the ground. The middle-aged man screamed while cursing: "Fart, you broke the Lao Tzu's leg, and even said you didn't hit it! If it wasn't you, it would be impossible, but my leg would be broken. It won't work! Ouch, it hurts me!

Egg, don’t think you don’t admit it, you don’t have to pay compensation! "

At this time, a few men facing the evil came out of the crowd, and they stared at Lin Chen with unsightly eyes. Their breath was not weak, but they all reached the level of free and easy.

"Boy, why, you broke my brother's leg. You didn't even admit it? Believe it or not, we broke your leg!"

"I advise you to be honest and accompany some spirit stones! Otherwise, you won't be able to eat fruit without you!"

"Small waste, you just came to the Dragon City, don't you know Lao Tzu a few right? You dare not admit it!"


Several men shouted, very rampant. Lin Chen has understood that these people, and the one lying on the ground, are definitely a gang, and this gang is estimated to have some fame. From this time, the people on the side did not look surprised, but looked at In your own eyes or the same

Love, or gloating, can be seen.

This demon dragon city is really chaotic enough, and I just encountered this kind of thing just before I came.

"How much do you want me to accompany?" Lin Chen frowned, staring at the middle-aged man lying on the ground.

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "You are still acquainted! You compensate me ten thousand Need for Spirit Stone, this matter, we will not trouble you!"

"Ten Thousand Needs Spirit Stone? Too few!" Lin Chen was not angry when facing the other lion's big opening, but said lightly: "Otherwise, will I compensate you for one hundred thousand Need Spirit Stones?"

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