Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 3393: One step away from the late stage of Immortality

Time passed, and more than a year later.

For more than a year, it is very short for the creatures on the original continent, because their lifespan is generally much longer than those of the indigenous planets of distant galaxies. But over the past year, a lot of things have happened on the source continent. Some of them have risen in the sky, and some ancient immortal dynasties have collapsed. Lin Chen once made some noise in Longshan County, Wuling City, but more than a year has passed Except for some

Outside the witnesses that day, they have long been forgotten.

Zhu Haoyan's top-grade **** pill was taken away by Lin Chen, and he was not willing to leave. He suspected that Lin Chen might be hiding in Baili's house.

Although he left Baili's house, he was hiding somewhere outside Baili's house, staring at the gate of Baili's palace at all times, looking forward to discovering that Lin Chen had escaped from the inside, and then snatching back the top grade Shendan.

After observing for about a year, he finally gave up and went back to Dongyang God Territory.

Over the past year, the world has been changing, and the fourth floor of the Shenhe Tower has passed for nearly 130 years. It is not a wave, only Lin Chen is like a dead tree, practicing cross-legged.

There was a sound like flooding in his body, hot and with a breath of dead air, surging around him, he gave people the feeling that it seemed that there was an independent world in his body.

One person, one world, the mysterious and mysterious feeling is difficult to make clear with words.

Lin Chen didn't know the name of the top-grade divine pill obtained from Zhu Haoyan, but now it can be judged that this is a divine pill used purely to promote the realm and has no other effect.

Therefore, it has a greater role in promoting the realm.

In the 43rd year after Lin Chen took the Elixir of Medicine, he was desolate and stepped into the middle of immortality.

He continued to transform the power of the stars into the power of the world with the help of the power erupted by the top grade Divine Pill. Now he even feels that he may be able to break through to the late period of immortality in one fell swoop.

At this moment, his body has transformed the power of 20 stars into the power of the world. The breath of his body is becoming stronger and heavier, as if his body has the weight of a world.

As long as it is a step closer, the power of the stars of the 21st star will also be transformed into the power of the world, which means that it will enter the late stage of immortality!

The harvest this time is really huge. Zhu Haoyan paid countless prices, first obtained the unfinished top grade Shendan, and then ran thousands of miles to Tianyan God City, paid the price, and let the family of Baili take the final step of the top grade Shendan, but Lin Chen did not pay anything generation

Price, just pick the fruit!

If Zhu Haoyan had a strong soul and was replaced by an ordinary monk, he would be so angry that he would be crazy, and it would not be impossible.

On this day, Lin Chen finally opened his eyes.

"Don't break through to the end of the immortal realm?" Ling'er flapped her transparent wings beside her face, saying so.

Lin Chen's breath did not change again, so although it was an inquiry, she already knew the result in her heart.

Lin Chen frowned: "It is much harder to transform the power of the 21st star into the power of the world than to convert the power of the 20th star into the power of the world. It is a little worse! "Ling'er took it for granted:" This is of course. Every breakthrough of the state will be blocked by a barrier at the last step. It is naturally difficult to take that step. Many monks in the middle of the immortal state are all Stuck at the end


You didn't realize the difficulty of breaking from the beginning of the immortal realm to the middle of the immortal realm before, but it was because of the destructive power that broke out from the beginning of the top grade elixir. "

Linger saw that there was nothing lost on Lin Chen's face, and understood that he didn't need his own comfort at all.

In fact, Zhu Haoyan should be comforted. This top-grade **** pill, Lin Chen came without any effort. The realm of Taoism, directly from the early stage of the immortal realm, only converted the power of 5 stars into the power of the world. Only one step away

It's really huge! "In the God Prison Tower, nearly 130 years have passed, and the outside world has passed more than a year. The Baili Palace should no longer be martial. They estimate that I have left. Waiting for the next three moments of "Mo Yan Nine Instants" After mastering, you can

left. "

Lin Chen's heart was full of war, and he wished to play another game with that Zhu Haoyan. Now he has a huge leap in strength. After all the means are confident, it is enough to easily defeat the late period of ordinary immortality. Even if Zhu Haoyan seems to be one step away from the peak of immortality, Lin Chen also has absolute confidence with him. One

war. "When I fully master "Nine Moments of Mo Yan", the combat power that I can explode should reach the peak level of immortality. After that, if I want to continue to improve my strength, I have some difficulties. Maybe, I can Trying to make swallowing dragon

Gobble up the Divine Fire, after all, the power of "Nine Moments of Mo Yan" and "Flaming Spirit Demon Body" will be affected by the power of Tian Tian Long Yan! "

Although it is only one step away from the late stage of Immortal Realm, unless there is another adventure, it is not so easy to take this step.

As for martial arts, soul skills, etc., Lin Chen wanted to get more powerful than "Yan Tian Xiuluo Shou" and "Shan Hai Zhen Ling Yin", which is basically impossible in a short time.

The ascension of the soul state is not an overnight matter.

It's swallowing the dragon, it hasn't even entered the Shenhuo list, and has huge room for growth.

Listening to Lin Chen's words, Linger murmured in his heart: "I don't know which unlucky guys who control Shenhuo will run to provoke him."

The outside world, in a blink of an eye, has passed nearly half a month.

A servant's residential area, dressed in luxurious clothes, looks like a man in his 30s, and is dragging a pretty, soft-looking maid into the room.

"Master Jingsheng! Please, forgive me? Please, forgive me. Please, if my wife knows about this, I will be killed alive!"

The maid was panic-stricken, crying and begging the other to let him go. Baili Jingsheng smiled and said: "What does it mean to spare you? You have to understand that I want to spoil you, but that is your blessing. This is a great thing for you. As for the shrew, you just have to be good When my lover, she didn't know our

Relationship, how come to trouble you? Why, don't you want to be my woman? "

The maid still begged him to let himself go, apparently he did not want to be his lover.

Baili Jingsheng's face was cold, and he slapped it on the face of the maid. With a loud pop, the maid flew out.

"What are you, I want to spoil you, that is your blessing! Shame your face! Today you are willing to be willing, and you must be willing to be unwilling!"

While taking off his clothes, Baili Jingsheng walked toward the maid without even noticing. A slap-sized dark tower fell out of the maid's arms and rolled to the side. In other words, I noticed it but didn't take it seriously.

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