Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 4017: It's true that animals are not as good

Chapter 417 is indeed worse than beasts

The rapid panting sound lay down, and each man seemed to become a beast of lust, and the atmosphere was full of colorful colors. At this moment, a person's head rolled down, scaring everyone to be dumbfounded!

The sound of rapid breathing is stagnant!

"Who? Who is it!"

The headed middle-aged man shouted in exasperation.

The rest of the people couldn't care about looking at the beauties lying on the ground. They all looked around in panic. No matter how beautiful the woman was, for them, it was far less important than their own lives!

They soon saw that a young man with a pale face was slowly approaching them.

The eyes of the youth, Lin Qizhi, who fell on the ground, seemed to be too lazy to look at them.

"Who are you! Did you kill my men?"

The middle-aged man pointed at the head on the ground and stared at Lin Chen, looking fierce, but a little uneasy in his heart.

This young man appeared suddenly, so most of his death was related to him.

This man can kill himself when he is unaware, his strength is definitely not simple.

At the moment, he is from him, not aware of the slightest strong breath, and it seems that this young man is very strange.

"Boy! Our boss is talking to you, are you deaf? Stop for Laozi!"

A young man saw Lin Chen as if he hadn't heard the words of the middle-aged man, and still came in silence. He showed a bit of a terrible color and shouted threateningly.

Although the companion's bizarre death and Lin Chen's sudden appearance made them a little uneasy, they still had some confidence in their huge advantage in numbers.

As soon as the young man talked, his head rolled down from his neck, fell to the ground with a thump, his eyes rolled round, and he seemed to have no idea that his head would be cut off suddenly.

The scene was silent.

Everyone is stunned.

Lin Chen walked in front of Lin Qizhi and saw her safe and sound. He was relieved and looked coldly at the middle-aged man headed, saying:

"What did you do to her, and, where is the other girl with her now?"

If we say that the first man died just now, middle-aged people can still comfort themselves because of carelessness, so the other party can kill people without knowing it.

Then another man died, and the self-warning self still did not react, undoubtedly let the middle-aged people understand that this young man's strength is far superior to himself.

I'm afraid that he is going to kill himself, and he can't respond at all!

Hearing Lin Chen's words, he even thought in his heart that the man and the two girls knew each other, knowing that there was another girl.

"Misunderstanding! All this is misunderstanding!"

A friendly smile appeared on the middle-aged man’s face, and he quickly explained, “We and the two girls met by accident. At that time, we almost died in the hands of a monster in the Dao Realm, and the two girls rescued we.

They have a life-saving grace for us, how can we revenge? If Eun avenged his revenge, wouldn't it even beasts! "

Lin Chen glanced at a blushing face and looked extremely beautiful. Lin Qizhi, who was breathing more and more rapidly, then looked at the middle-aged man and asked:

"So what's going on with her?"

Middle-aged people are secretly happy, with a sad face on their faces, "The two girls said they were going to look for the Celestial Clan, and I, although I didn't know the specific location of the Celestial Clan, had heard it by accident, but I knew the approximate direction .

In order to repay the two girls for their life-saving grace, I took them together and rushed towards the place I knew. Halfway through, I met a strange altar.

The two girls were curious and ran to the altar, fainting behind them. One was still on the altar, and this one was dropped from the altar.

A vague figure of a woman appeared on the altar, ran into the body of the **** the altar, and the sound let us go! We knew that we were no match for each other, so we could only flee with this girl.

We don't know why she became this way, but this is definitely related to the altar! It should be the hands and feet of the mysterious figure on the altar! "

The middle-aged men are secretly giving thumbs up to their boss, feel that their boss is simply a genius to lie.

The easiest lies to believe are bound to be mixed with a lot of real information. The words of the middle-aged people can be said to be 7% true and 3% false. If they did not experience everything in person, they might be fooled past.

The middle-aged man was also complacent for his cleverness. As a result, Lin Chen's gaze rang, but Lin Chen's eyes were gloomy as if he were looking at a dying person.

The smile of the middle-aged person becomes a little reluctant, "Do you not believe me? If you have any questions, I will give you a satisfactory answer despite the questions!"

Lin Chen was expressionless and slowly said: "I am a monk and a doctor."

The middle-aged man and his men were covered in fog, and did not understand what Lin Chen meant.

"What is happening to her right now, I will know at a glance. You said that the figure on the altar made her stunned and thrown down the altar, it is not incomprehensible. But you told me why the woman made her stunned Afterwards, did she deliberately ask her to take the aphrodisiac drug? Is it that she is too busy to find something to do?"

Lin Chen's icy voice, like a roaring cold wind, made the middle-aged man and his men feel like falling into the ice cave.

Boom! Boom! Poof-

One by one human heads rolled off his head.

A headless body fell in the snow.

After a while, still standing, except for Lin Chen, who held Lin Qizhi, there was a pale middle-aged man.


Another puff sounded, this time it was not the head that was rolling down, it was the middle-aged who was so scared that he knelt down on his own initiative, begging for mercy:

"Forgive! Forgive adults! Forgive me! I'm wrong, I promise to never lie again, as long as you spare me, I will say everything, I--"

Before he finished, Lin Chen's figure flashed and appeared in front of him.

When his eyes converged with Lin Chen's, he only felt that Lin Chen's eyes were like two black holes devouring everything, and his consciousness fell into total darkness.

"Next, I asked you what, and you answered honestly."

"Yes." The middle-aged man looked dull and nodded like a robot.

It didn't take long for Lin Chen to ask what he wanted to know from the middle-aged population. He stared at the middle-aged man and said, "En Eng Qiu Qiu, you are indeed beasts!"

He slapped it on the middle-aged man's head, and the middle-aged man's head, with a "bang" sound, shattered like a rotten watermelon!

The violent explosion finally made Lin Qizhi wake up.

Full of lust, with a bit of blank eyes, fell on Lin Chen's face!

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