Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 4281: Gen Huang Universe

Incarnation as a giant with a tall body, Lin Chen can do the same, and it is easy. The key is that no matter how easy it is, it will consume the strength of the body more or less. Over time, it will be a burden.

For example, walking is easy for any ordinary person, but if you take a long walk, it will be very tiring. If you walk for a few days and nights, it will become a painful thing.

Worry-free City Lord is far stronger than Lin Chen, but the same principle can be applied to him, no matter how powerful the existence, he will not transform into a giant life for no reason.

Coupled with the huge throne, Lin Chen judged in his heart that this majestic body should be the original appearance of City Lord Worry-Free. As a result, he was not an ordinary human race.

In the Xuanhuang Hall, besides the human race, there are also members of other races!

Lin Chen looked at the City Lord of Worry-free, suppressing the panic that was in his heart, neither humble nor overbearing: "Junior Lin Chen, I have seen the senior of City Lord Worry-free.

The gaze of City Lord Worry-Free fell on Lin Chen's face. To be precise, it fell on Lin Chen's eyebrows. There was a smile on his face, and his speech was gentle, giving people an unspeakable feeling of vicissitudes:

"About your situation, I already know. The purpose of your joining'Xuanhuang Temple' is to find Venerable Mengyue, but I don't care about what purpose. I will ask you, how much do you know about'Xuanhuang Temple' , Do you know the origin of the'Xuanhuang Temple'?"

Lin Chen said honestly: "The juniors have limited knowledge of the'Xuanhuang Temple' and don't know the origins of the'Xuanhuang Temple'. Please let me know."

Venerable Heart Sword said to himself, how could this kid know the origin of the "Xuanhuang Temple"? Could it be possible that there are still members of the "Xuanhuang Temple" beside him. This question of Lord Worry-Free City Lord is a bit strange.

City Lord Worry-Free has a low voice: "Then do you know, what is the name of the universe we are in?"

"Junior don't know." Lin Chen shook his head, thinking that the universe is boundless, where is this universe and that universe, is it possible that besides this universe, there can be other universes?

The City Lord of Worry-free smiled and said: "The universe is vast, but it is not without boundaries. It is just extremely remote. With the interference of the origin of chaos, ordinary people cannot reach the boundaries of the universe.

Lin Chen was startled, cold sweat broke out from behind.

The reason for this was not because of what City Master Wuyou said shocked him, but because of the thoughts in his heart that seemed to be clearly seen by the other party!

"Dare to ask Senior, what is the name of the universe we are in?" Lin Chen asked curiously, suppressing the panic in his heart.

"Xuanhuang Universe." City Master Wuyou replied.

Xuan Huang Universe!

This name reminded Lin Chen of "Xuanhuang Temple" for an instant. The name of "Xuanhuang Temple" was directly named after Xuanhuang Universe, which was too domineering.

"It's not that'Xuanhuang Hall' is named after'Xuanhuang Universe', but'Xuanhuang Universe' got its name from'Xuanhuangdian'. The name'Xuanhuang Universe' was given by several old guys in'Xuanhuangdian'. "Worry City Lord said.

Seeing Lin Chen's look in a daze, City Master Wuyou continued to ask: "Do you know what kind of scene is outside the wall membrane at the border of the'Xuanhuang Universe'?"

Lin Chen tentatively asked: "Other universes?" City Lord Worry-Free shook his head, and said, "It is endless darkness. We have found other universes in that darkness, but it is a dilapidated universe without aura and space. Distorted, unable to accommodate ordinary people, and not suitable for monasticism

Although there is still the remains of the universe, it cannot accommodate the existence of living beings, and it is no different from the dark void.

As for a complete universe like Xuanhuang Universe, or a universe that is still ‘alive’, we have never discovered it. "

Lin Chen felt like a child who had read all kinds of strange and strange novels for the first time, shocked and novel.

The universe still "alive"?

Could it be that the universe is also like ordinary creatures, with a process of birth, old age, sickness and death? "The'Xuanhuang Temple' has existed for tens of millions of years. Its appearance was not created by a certain strong man, but forced out. In the darkness outside the Xuanhuang universe and the remains of other universes, there are terrifying creatures. , There is even the Lord among them

Powerful at the slaughter level.

Thousands of years ago, there was a dominating alien who tore the wall of the Xuanhuang universe and broke into the Xuanhuang universe, bringing devastating catastrophe to the Xuanhuang universe.

Later, more and more alien races broke in, and the strong men of the Xuanhuang Universe had to unite to form the "Xuanhuang Palace". It took hundreds of thousands of years to finally kill or expel the alien race.

To this day, alien races still exist in the Xuanhuang Universe, although they are not as rampant as they were at the beginning. The purpose of the "Xuanhuang Temple" is to expel aliens and maintain the normal operation of the Xuanhuang universe. "City Lord Worry-Free's voice is low and peaceful. These peaceful words not only make Lin Chen feel novel, but also feel an invisible **** smell, as if seeing a scene where countless people died in order to expel foreign races. screen

. This universe is called "Xuanhuang Universe". There are powerful alien races outside the "Xuanhuang Universe", and the alien races will break into the "Xuanhuang Universe" for evil. Even after he becomes the supreme, he still knows nothing, let alone this. Ordinary in the universe


There was a feeling of enthusiasm in Lin Chen's heart.

In a family, the carefree childhood life of the child is carried by the parents;

In a country, the people and the peaceful life are carried by the soldiers;

Then the peace of this universe was undoubtedly carried by the "Xuanhuang Temple". Joining such a force is dangerous and proud.

Lin Chen thought of something and asked, "Excuse me, seniors, what's going on with the ‘Great Freedom Cult’? Before, I heard Senior Heart Sword Venerable say that they are traitors?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen found that the eyes of City Lord Worry-Free were a bit cold, obviously he was very disgusted with the "Great Freedom God".

The City Lord of Worry-Free did not answer directly, saying: "Do you know why it was the'Xuanhuang Temple' that won the victory, but the foreign race was killed or fleeing?"

"Because'Xuanhuang Universe' is our base camp, we are stronger and more numerous?" Lin Chen said.

"In that level of battle, the number is meaningless. Among them, there are sovereigns and supreme ones. In terms of overall strength, not only we do not need to be weak, but we can even be said to be stronger than us!" City Master Wuyou shook his head.

The number doesn't work, and the opponent's strength is stronger, but in the end he loses? This situation is really weird. Lin Chen didn't understand why after thinking about it, so he simply said, "The younger generation doesn't understand it. Please ask the seniors to solve their doubts."

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