Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 4305: Artificial ripening

Chapter 4305: Artificial ripening

In an instant, Ah Han recognized that this was the treasure that had left with Lin Chen and Venerable Mengyue.

If you are not mistaken, the other two should be still inside the giant tower. At this time, the giant tower flies towards you, and it is the two inside that are doing a ghost.

The question is, how could the giant tower appear here?

There was no extra time for Ahhan to think about it. While he dodged sideways, he blocked his weapon in front of him. However, the speed of the prison tower was too fast, even so, he was still knocked out.


Ahhan flew out, feeling that the internal organs seemed to have shifted, blood raging, and pain all over his body. Before he could make the next reaction, the huge tower swept away and disappeared before him in the blink of an eye .


At this time, the stars behind, heard the sound of collapse.

Ahhan turned his head and saw the huge stars falling apart. Through the huge cracks, he could see the "Daobu Starwood" inside, whether it was rhizomes or vines, withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"'Dao Devouring Starwood' is wilting? Impossible! How can it wither for no reason, unless--"

His body was shaken, unless "Zhudao Xingchenzi" was taken away!

Recalling that the huge black tower had just flown from the direction of this star, Ah Han had been so slow that he had already guessed that "Dao Zhuo Xing Chen Zi" was probably stolen by the two of Meng Yue.

His face changed drastically: "Chasing! Quickly chase me! "Zhudao Xingchenzi" was taken away by them!"

Ahhan looked like a mad beast, chasing it towards the huge tower, the tall and thin middle-aged man and the Flood Dragon Monster Beast reacted and hurriedly pursued it.

However, no matter how angry and unwilling they were, the speed gap was there, and they couldn't stop the **** prison tower. It didn't take long for the **** prison tower to disappear from their sight.

The tall and thin middle-aged man and the Dragon Monster Beast looked at Ah Han who was pale and blue, and they closed their mouths tacitly. They knew that Ah Han was probably already mad, and it would become his punching bag if he was not careful.

The Dragon Monster Beast turned his head and glanced at the collapsing star behind him. The figure of Venerable Skylight had long since disappeared.

‘Now, it’s really nothing at the end, nothing is left. "The dragon and demon beast muttered to himself that the cooked duck was flying, and no one could bear it.

"Venerable Mengyue! And the kid who suddenly appeared, you better not fall into my hands, otherwise, I will definitely make you regret appearing in this world!"

Ahhan gritted his teeth, every syllable contained terrible hatred.


The impact of the God Prison Tower had some impact on Ahhan, but it didn’t really hurt him at all, but Lin Chen didn’t care, because his purpose was to attract the attention of the other three and give Venerable Skylight. Fight for a better escape opportunity.

Seeing the other three disappeared from sight, Lin Chen asked Venerable Mengyue to wait on the first floor of the God Prison Tower, and he came to the fifth floor of the God Prison Tower.

This time, as soon as he appeared, he saw Shang Yan already waiting for him on the ancient altar.

"Senior, you asked me to take away the immature'Dao Zhi Chen Zi' directly. Is it true that even the immature'Dao Zhi Chen Zi' can still be used to fuse with the artifact?"

Lin Chen walked quickly to Shang Yan with a look of expectation. In his opinion, since Senior Shang asked him to take away the immature "Dao Zhixing Chenzi", there was definitely a reason.

The most likely reason is that this thing is useful even if it is immature.

He feels that "Dao Devouring Star Chenzi" is very predestined to him. He can grow by swallowing the power of other ascetics who understand the law of fire, and if Xuanyuan Spear is fused with "Dao Devouring Star Chenzi", it can be done by swallowing other weapons growing up!

In this way, "Zhu Dao Xing Chen Zi" is a perfect match with himself!

"No. The immature'Dao Zhuo Xing Chen Zi' cannot be fused with any weapon." Shang Yan shook his head and replied affirmatively.

"Uh..." Lin Chen was startled and hesitated, "Then even if it can't be integrated with weapons, what other functions should it have? What special use is there?"

Shang Yan shook his head and said faintly: "The immature'Dao Dao Xing Chen Zi' is of no use."

Lin Chen's face twitched, his expression was like saying, are you kidding me?

"Senior, you asked me to take away the'Dao Zhuo Xing Chen Zi'. You just don't want it to mature in the future and fall into the hands of a foreign race?" Lin Chen smiled bitterly, thinking that he understood Shang Yan's intentions.

Shang Yan said, "The immature'Dao-Dao Xingchenzi' is useless. Next, what you have to do is to use external force to make it mature, and then it can still be integrated with your Xuanyuan Spear."

Lin Chen was stunned, his mind could still use external force to make it mature, is it like picking a banana and then artificially ripening it?

He didn't expect this at all before, and Venerable Mengyue obviously didn't know that there was another way.

"Senior Shang has a lot of knowledge, and the juniors really admire it!"

Lin Chen gave a flattering look with excitement, and couldn't wait to say, "Then how can I use external force to mature the'Dao Dao Xing Chen Zi'?"

"There is a chaotic spirit thing called'greenwood chalcedony' that has this effect. You only need to soak it in the'greenwood chalcedony' for a period of time, and it will fully mature.

However, the ‘greenwood chalcedony’ is extremely rare as a chaotic spiritual thing. Even if you can find it, there is a high probability that it is already possessed.

There is one last point, the "Dao Zhuo Xing Chen Zi" is immature. After being taken off, its chances of life are slowly passing by. In ten years at most, the chance of life has completely disappeared. You must find the ‘greenwood chalcedony’ within ten years. "

After Shang Yan finished speaking, seeing Lin Chen with a satisfying smile on his face, he asked: "You can laugh, do you think you will definitely get the'greenwood chalcedony' within ten years?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "Senior Shang, you all said that, "Green Wood Chalcedony" is not so easy to find, I naturally understand. But anyway, the situation is not the worst.

I still have ten years to search for the "Green Wood Chalcedony". If I can't find it in ten years, I can only say that I have no relationship with this "Dao Dao Xing Chen Zi", and no one can blame it. "

Shang Yan didn't say anything, but in his heart he admired Lin Chen's words very much, or what he admired was that Lin Chen was always able to maintain a very optimistic attitude in the face of difficulties.

"I have a way to ensure that you get the'Greenwood Chalcedony' within 10 years, but it will be dangerous."

Shang Yan hesitated, and said that it was not a bad thing to make this kid harder. If he really died in this hardening process, he could only say that everything is fate.

Lin Chen was overjoyed: "What way?"

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