Urban Life: I Just Want To Work Hard!

Chapter 120: Is Enough? Enough! 【Repair】

Chapter 120: Is it enough? Enough! [Supplement]

Too similar.

Just like the imagined self in my mind!

Yun Lianxing widened her eyes, looking at Xu Shiwen, her thoughts swirling in an instant.

What's wrong?

What happened?

Why did Xu Shiwen have such a look in her eyes?

Is it related to Li Mubai?

It shouldn't be, right?

Xu Shiwen met Li Mubai a few days ago, and there was no indication at that time. They haven't had much interaction these past two days, so it shouldn't be...

But there was still a voice in Yun Lianxing's heart, like a nagging...

Yes, it's Li Mubai. Xu Shiwen doesn't know any other boys besides Li Mubai, who else could it be?

"Shiwen... sister, why are you here so late?"

It was obvious that Xu Shiwen's thoughts were not with Yun Lianxing anymore, and she gave a perfunctory smile. "Hmm, I came to find your sister, there's something..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Shiwen intended to bypass Yun Lianxing and go straight into the room.

It was Xu Shiwen's perfunctory attitude and her disregard for Yun Lianxing's presence that deeply stung Yun Lianxing's heart.


On what basis?

You came to find Yun Wuyue, why not me?

"I also love Li Mubai!!!"

Yun Lianxing's inner anger shouted, instinctively reaching out and grabbing Xu Shiwen's wrist.

This time, Xu Shiwen turned her head, her eyes changed.

There was no more high-spirited fighting spirit, nor the resolute determination without taboos.

Instead... it was a familiar, questioning gaze that one would have when facing the sister of a boss or a friend who was just an acquaintance.

In other words, Xu Shiwen didn't see her as a competitor at all.

"Lianxing... do you have something? It's not that you made another mistake, is it? Let me..."


Yun Lianxing interrupted anxiously!

She opened her mouth, and in an instant, everything became clear to her.

What right did she have?

She had never revealed her feelings from beginning to end, always passively accepting, watching as more and more girls fell in love with Li Mubai and her sister drifted further away from Li Mubai.

What's wrong with Xu Shiwen coming to Yun Wuyue to have a showdown now?

She never said she wanted to be with Li Mubai.

So, isn't it normal for Xu Shiwen not to see her as a competitor?

Unreasonably, Yun Lianxing felt like a failure, even though she had confirmed her feelings after the hospital incident.

But she had always been thinking about progressing her relationship with Li Mubai secretly, under the condition that Yun Wuyue agreed...

Just like the concept of "stealing a home" in a game.

Only after successfully stealing it did she think about having a showdown with Yun Wuyue.

Is it feasible?

Yes, it is!

But thinking about Xu Shiwen's gaze just now, Yun Lianxing felt a thousand grievances!

She also wanted to be open and aboveboard!

Roaring in her heart, Yun Lianxing's eyes gradually became firm.


She only saw Xu Shiwen reach out and rub Yun Lianxing's head. "Then Lianxing, you go play first. Your sister and I have something important to discuss."

Without waiting for Yun Lianxing to respond, Xu Shiwen turned around and continued into the room. Yun Wuyue was not in the living room, so she went straight to the study on the second floor.

Yun Lianxing felt insulted!

Something important to discuss?

Important my ass!

You make it sound so grand, I don't know what twisted ideas you have in your mind!

You're just Mubai's body, you go down the sword!

I'm the one who loves Li Mubai the most!

Drawing countless circles in her mind, cursing Xu Shiwen countless times, Yun Lianxing lowered her head, feeling like a boxer knocked out in the boxing ring.

Everyone's gaze was focused on the person standing in the center of the winning match, while she crouched in the corner, ignored by everyone, no one cared about her joys and sorrows.

She gritted her teeth!

Yun Lianxing slowly turned around, almost mirroring Xu Shiwen's gaze just now. She looked at the study on the second floor, which belonged exclusively to Yun Wuyue, and walked quickly...

"I'm here." Yun Wuyue raised her head, revealing a faint smile. She first pointed to the chair, then pointed to the coffee machine on the table by the door. "Make it yourself, don't expect me to serve you. I'm busy."

"Um, but I don't need coffee. I should be able to sleep well tonight. It would be terrible if I can't fall asleep."

"Can't fall asleep? Don't you usually sleep late at night?"

"Not anymore. I have to get up on time every day to have breakfast!"

Sitting directly across from Yun Wuyue, Xu Shiwen also smiled.

Their relationship has always been like this, not just surface-level best friends.

Others may constantly nod and bow in front of Yun Wuyue, but she never does.

Even though she came to confront Yun Wuyue today, she didn't feel any guilt...

Just like this poem she wrote when Li Mubai left her study, it was as straightforward as this.

"What night is tonight, to see this good person!"

Silently, Xu Shiwen looked at Yun Wuyue's flawless face without a trace of imperfection. She took out this piece of paper from her pocket and carefully placed it on the table, then turned it 180 degrees and pushed it in front of Xu Shiwen.

Yun Wuyue raised his head and glanced at the paper with the corner of his eye, but most of his gaze remained on Xu Shiwen, filled with doubt.

"Mubai moved in with me today!"

Without any explanation, this straightforward statement instantly made Yun Lianxing's pupils contract outside the room.

"I've fallen for him... No, it should be called... love. You know me, I've read hundreds of romance novels, even though you often make fun of me for being a grown woman reading these books.

But it's precisely because of these books that I'm absolutely certain that I've truly fallen for him, that I want to marry him, that I want to spend every day with him, that I want to be together with him for the rest of my life."

A heartfelt confession, but Xu Shiwen said it in the most ordinary tone.

It sounded calm, but Yun Wuyue and Yun Lianxing both made the most direct judgment in their hearts.

This wasn't a drill, nor was it a joke. It was the most candid expression of emotions.

The emotions carried by each sentence were grand and magnificent in this ordinary tone.

The reason they dared to make such a judgment was that they empathized with her.

Or it could be said that Xu Shiwen directly said what they wanted to say deep down.

Yun Wuyue slowly took off the gold-rimmed glasses resting on his nose, gradually removing his smile, furrowing his brows as he stared into Xu Shiwen's eyes.

The narrative and Yun Wuyue locked eyes.

She nodded heavily, indicating that she wasn't joking.

"Wuyue, you don't need to ask anymore. Let me answer all your questions at once."

Xu Shiwen smiled, revealing the same expression as when Yun Wuyue talked about himself and Li Mubai at her place last time.

"It was just an accident. I went to accompany him to take a leave of absence. He was originally going to rent a place and move there for the upcoming competition, but instead, he moved in with me. Then we went to the supermarket together to buy the necessities he wanted. After we came back, he cooked me a meal, and we sat together and ate it cleanly. Then the two of us washed the dishes together, and in the end, we shared my washbasin, the one you and I have used together before. We played a word game and collaborated to compose a new song!"

Yun Wuyue and Yun Lianxing's expressions were extremely ugly.

They would rather let Xu Shiwen say it a hundred times, a thousand times, how much she likes Li Mubai, but they don't want to talk about the time she spent with Li Mubai.

Even though Xu Shiwen's words were concise.

But it was precisely this conciseness that made them insanely jealous!

Because they felt that Xu Shiwen treated the sweet moments she spent with Li Mubai as the most precious secret.

This really made them unhappy.

Xu Shiwen looked at Yun Wuyue's expression and scratched her head awkwardly.

"Sorry, I forgot... Wuyue, you probably haven't tasted the food Li Mubai made, but... let me finish, it's definitely more delicious than any meal I've had in my over twenty years of life."

Maybe you think I'm like... a smug person who has succeeded, but I really think so. Maybe it's because I love everything about him, but... I can be sure that the five-star hotels and Michelin restaurants we've eaten at together don't compare to what Mubai cooks.

"And those on top, they're all written by Mubai. I never thought that such a handsome boy could write such powerful words... But Wuyue, I envy you because... there isn't a single line in these poems that is about me... except maybe the one that was written for Lin Jiayin, the rest are all for you."

Yun Wuyue's fingertips holding the paper turned pale, and she coldly said, "Is this a copy?"

Xu Shiwen smiled and nodded, "Hmm."

"I can't bear to share that with you because I'm afraid you'll take it away."

Xu Shiwen looked at Yun Wuyue and giggled, her expression slowly returning to normal, sighing, "Wuyue, that's about it. Is the reason... enough? (Money King Zhao)?"

Yun Wuyue looked at all the words on the paper, her heart sinking.

When she finally looked at the font of the sentence "Hearing that you have mixed feelings, I came to make a decision," Yun Wuyue felt like her heart was breaking!

It is said that a person's character can be seen through their handwriting, and their heart can be seen through their appearance.

When Li Mubai wrote those words, it was obvious that the pen pressure was heavy, and the strokes were strong...


Yun Wuyue remembered the morning when she went to wash up and saw Li Mubai in the room.

The pain of her heart being torn apart slowly eroded her senses, and Yun Wuyue's breathing became slow and heavy without her realizing it.

For a long time.

Yun Wuyue closed her eyes and coldly responded, "Enough."

The reason is enough!

For the rest of my life, I will rely on my own abilities!

Xu Shiwen nodded, slowly stood up, and was about to leave.

And it was at this moment.

She was suddenly pushed aside.

Yun Lianxing rushed in and loudly said, "Not enough! Sister Shiwen, don't you know the principle of first come, first served?"

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