Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1123 I’m afraid your wife will hear

Zhang Xinmin, his wife, subordinates, and Zhu Tong's gang all left in despair.

After learning Chen Xin'an's methods, they will not trouble the mother and son again.

Chen Xin'an has received the surveillance sent to him by Jin Bingqin and passed it directly to Wang Yi.

Ask her to edit it and post it online.

Then spend money to buy a hot search to stir up public opinion.

Since we have to deal with the Zhang family, there is no such thing as showing mercy.

Huo Yudong, Mo Shusheng, and Zhang Jihai were all on his death list.

Now that Mo Shusheng is dead and half of Huo Yudong's head has fallen off, how long can the remaining Zhang Jihai live?

"Don't worry, they have left!" Dao Lei grinned and said to Mo Ling: "As I said, as long as the boss and I are here, no one can hurt you!"

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the shoulder and cursed: "Have you hugged him enough?"

The two of them quickly let go as if they were electrocuted.

Chen Xin'an said to Mo Ling: "Someone has come to check you in the past two days, his name is Luo Qianhe.

That's my junior brother, please cooperate.

From now on, you can recuperate here with peace of mind. I have already asked for special care so that your mother can relax too!

Don’t worry, we use the best medicine and hire the best doctors..."

"No need!" Mo Ling smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I know you are a good person.

But I don’t want to owe you too much anymore!

I know what this disease is and that it cannot be cured.

Don't worry, I'm not bent on death now.

I just don't want to suffer anymore.

I don’t want my mother to feel that she owes you too much!

I will stay here peacefully until I die! "

"Lingling!" Xiao Cuihua and Xiao Qin both hugged her and cried loudly.

Chen Xin'an frowned, but didn't say anything after all.

This kind of disease is actually just waiting to die, no matter how superb the medical skills are.

Even if Chen Xin'an is the apprentice of the medical fairy, he can't change the final outcome.

But being unable to be cured doesn’t mean you can’t live.

The two brothers joined forces, coupled with the cooperation of these advanced medical skills and medicine.

It is still possible to extend her life and delay the disease.

It's just that it's useless to talk about it now, wait until Pigeon comes to see it.

The phone rang, Chen Xin'an took it out and saw that it was Luo Xiaoman calling.

After answering the phone, Chen Xin'an asked, "Have you sent them back to the hotel?"

Luo Xiaoman lowered his voice and said, "No, I'm still in the Four Seasons Flower City. How are things going over there?"

"Getting ready to go back!" Chen Xin'an frowned.

It has been two or three hours. What are Grandma, Xiruo and the others still doing at the new house?

At this time, the workers have already eaten and started to work, right?

Luo Xiaoman whispered: "I'm telling you..."

Chen Xin'an asked: "What's wrong with you? Why are you talking like this? Is your throat uncomfortable? Hemorrhoids?"

Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "Why do you have hemorrhoids in your throat! I'm just being careful that walls have ears, do you understand?"

Chen Xin'an scolded: "I'm afraid that the walls have ears when I talk to you!

Have you done anything shameful?

Just tell me what's going on! "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and continued to speak in a low voice: "There are many cars parked downstairs, sneaky.

I just saw them showing off, maybe the enemy is coming!

I want to go down and take a look, but I’m worried about the top..."

Chen Xin'an was startled and shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Never leave them!

No matter what the situation, don't fall into the enemy's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

You hold them steady first, I'll go back right now!

Are those people upstairs now? "

"No!" Luo Xiaoman whispered: "They were all gathered at the sales office and didn't enter the building."

From Chen Xin'an's new house, we can certainly see the situation at the sales office.

The problem is, you’re on the 26th floor!

He scolded Luo Xiaoman angrily: "What the hell do you think those guys are all good for?

Can I hear you from this far away?

How about I go to Pigeon to get you some hemorrhoid ointment and apply it on your throat? "

Luo Xiaoman cursed: "Idiot! I'm not afraid that they will hear it, I'm afraid that your grandma and wife will hear it!

Holy shit, there was a fight, and those people smashed up the sales office! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to him: "Just stay with them and don't leave. I'm going back now!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "It's a little urgent, I'll go back first.

Daleizi, you and Xiao Qin will go back together later. "

I originally thought that this guy disagreed, but unexpectedly he nodded simply. Chen Xin'an waved to everyone and turned to leave.

As we drove all the way back to the Four Seasons Flower City, we saw a group of people gathered on the roadside from a distance.

The glass door of the Four Seasons Flower City sales department has been smashed, and there are blood stains everywhere at the door.

Several staff members wearing white shirts and black pants fell to the ground.

The gate of the community has been locked, but there is a back door from the sales office that can directly enter the community.

A group of young people armed with machetes and sticks confronted the community security guards in the office.

The security guards guarded the back door to prevent these young people from rushing in!

The gate of the community opened, and a black Mercedes-Benz drove out, preparing to leave.

A bald man standing at the door of the sales office glanced at Mercedes-Benz and shouted to the people inside: "Come out, we saw him!"

As he spoke, he rushed over, holding a machete in both hands, pointed it at the front of the Mercedes-Benz, and slashed at it!

The corners of Chen Xin'an's mouth twitched. Is this bald head filled with paste?

Holding a machete to chop the iron lump?

You also have a bald head, but Gongsun Feiyang is as smart as a monkey. Why are you so showy?

Sure enough, the Mercedes-Benz suddenly roared, increased the accelerator and hit the bald head, knocking him two meters away!

The Mercedes-Benz did not stop, but suddenly accelerated forward, preparing to escape.


A jeep next to Chen Xin'an's sword suddenly started and rushed towards the Mercedes-Benz. With a bang, the car was knocked into the ground!

The people around were so frightened that they screamed and ran away with their heads in their hands!

Chen Xin'an rode the sword onto the sidewalk, parked it, and got out of the car.

I glanced at the people in the Mercedes-Benz and saw that the driver was a young woman.

But sitting behind him was a middle-aged man about fifty years old.

His eyes were sharp, and he showed no fear at all when facing the thugs swarming outside.

"Get out!" A group of young people surrounded the Mercedes-Benz with various tools.

Someone even jumped on the front of the car and pointed a knife at the man in the car.

Several security guards rushed out from the sales office, but they were all injured and had blood stains on their bodies.

They rushed out with brooms and mops, trying to rescue the people in the Mercedes-Benz.

But as soon as the sales office door was opened, these young people knocked it back.

Seeing that the people in the car didn't move and had no intention of coming out, the group of young people also became angry. They raised their weapons one by one and started smashing the car!


The driver's seat glass was smashed, and the female driver covered her head with her arms.

Then he opened the door, jumped out, swept the kid on the front of the car down with his kick, and rolled down from the top!

A group of young people rushed over, shouting and cursing.

The female driver gritted her teeth and cursed: "You beasts from all over the world, you are looking for death!

Hai Ye, I'll hold them back, you go away quickly!

People inside, come out!

Escort Haiye to leave! "

A cosmopolitan person?

Chen Xin'an frowned. She had just packed up a few at the hospital. Is there another group here?

What made Chen Xinan even more curious was the middle-aged man sitting in the car.


Kyoto real estate tycoon Wang Wenhai?


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