Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1154 Two lives worth 20,000 yuan

Xialong Building is undergoing interior decoration, and a layer of protective net is covered outside.

It is like putting a layer of clothes on the whole building, which looks very mysterious.

However, the business of the companies inside is running normally and is not affected.

The Dragon Slaying Taekwondo Hall is located in Building B on the 15th floor. The venue is not small, about 300 square meters.

This is also the largest Taekwondo Hall in Kyoto. There are more than 30 coaches in Dongchao alone, and the lowest level has the strength of a third-degree black belt!

There are almost 2,000 people in the academy here, and there are 300 to 400 people coming to class every night.

At the entrance of the dojo, a student’s parent had a dispute with the staff of the dojo, and the quarrel was fierce.

A female parent pointed at a staff member angrily and cursed:

"My daughter has studied here for six years.

She paid on time every semester and never defaulted!

You are now saying that I am making trouble for no reason?

Do I need to waste my daughter's six years to slander you?

You know which bastard did this!

He'd better come forward, or I will call the police!"

The staff member should be a Dongchao coach, wearing a white Taekwondo uniform and a black cloth belt around his waist.

He glanced at the woman, the men standing behind her and a little girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, with disdain on his face.

He crossed his arms and said lazily: "Jiang Lili, you said someone called you to the lounge to bully you.

We have checked the surveillance, but there is no one.

We asked you to tell us what the person looks like, but you said you didn't see him clearly.

We called all the staff out and asked you to identify him, but you said no!

Either we don't have that person here, or there is no such thing.

Everything is just your imagination."

"What are you talking about!" The woman was anxious and scolded the coach: "After my daughter went home, her arms and chest were injured. How could it be imagination?

That person is not only seen by my daughter, but also by many students. He is your person!

You hid him, hand him over!

Otherwise, we will call the police now!"

The coach pointed at The woman cursed: "I warn you, you have to provide evidence when you speak, don't talk nonsense!

You said your daughter was injured, come, let her take off her clothes so I can see where she is injured!"

The men next to the girl were angry, pointing at the coach and cursing: "What did you say?

You are a coach like this?

You can't even guarantee the personal safety of the college, right?"

"The tuition is so high every semester, we paid the money without saying a word, but you treat the students like this?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? My sister is a teenage girl, taking off her clothes in public for you to see? I think you are just like that bastard, not a good guy!"

The tall little girl folded her hands on her chest, lowered her head and cried, her body was still shaking slightly, obviously she was quite frightened.

The coach scratched his ears with his hands, looking impatient, and yelled at everyone: "Oh, it's so noisy!

Don't make trouble here, it affects our class!

If you want to call the police, go ahead, we won't stop you!

Get out of here quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!"

The little girl's parents were all angered by his attitude, and surrounded him and accused him:

"Our daughter was bullied here, you are not responsible, and you say we are here to make trouble?

Don't you have a daughter?

Even if you don't have one now, can you guarantee that you won't have one in the future?

When your daughter is bullied, how do you protect her?"

"If calling the police is useful, I We won't come to you!

You are foreigners and you can enjoy the protection privileges of our China, so you are unscrupulous, right? "

"You are still not polite?

Our children are bullied, and as parents, we come to you to ask for justice. Isn't this natural?

We have been restrained enough, what did you do?

We perfunctorily checked the surveillance and found obvious frame skipping, which was obviously cropped. You don't admit it!

Are you still rude to us now?

We don't need to be polite to you!

Return the money! Compensation! Hand over the murderer! "

Facing the excited family members of the college, the coach showed a sarcastic smile on his face and clapped his hands.

A group of black belt coaches rushed out of the gym, rudely pushed the family members of the students back, and kept saying:

"Go away! Get out of here! Call the police to talk to us!"

They are all Taekwondo masters, and they all have kung fu.

Not only was their strength greater than that of an average person, but their hands were also not clean. They seemed to be pushing people, but in fact, they were behind their backs, punching or elbowing the family members!

The family members, who were already angry, could not stand such a vicious move, so they clenched their fists and hit the coaches!

Several coaches seemed to have been hit by several punches, but in fact, most of the force had been removed by their dodging.

But to others, it seemed that these parents were the first to attack.

So a group of coaches "fight back" and punched and kicked these parents!

They are all black belt masters, and there is no suspense at all against a group of ordinary people who are powerless.

In less than three minutes, all the girl's parents were knocked to the ground, including the girl's mother.

They were disheveled, their mouths and faces were covered with blood, and they were seriously injured. They fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

The girl was already frightened, holding her head with both hands, looking at the scene in front of her, screaming loudly, her eyes filled with self-blame.

In her opinion, it was all because of her that her parents, uncles and brothers were beaten like this!

She was already greatly stimulated and could not bear what she was seeing. She ran away crying and screaming!

Soon, a woman's scream came from the public restroom on the floor.

She ran out in panic and shouted in the corridor: "There was a girl who jumped from the window just now!"

"Ah! My daughter!" The woman on the ground struggled to get up and rushed into the bathroom. She didn't know where the strength came from.

Leaning out from the open window and looking down, I collapsed instantly, climbed up the window regardless, and jumped out!

"Another one jumps down!" someone shouted in horror.

The girl's family members cried and screamed together. The girl's father got up from the ground, his face covered with blood without wiping it off, wailing and ran to the stairs, and then ran downstairs crying all the way.

Two lives were lost in the blink of an eye, but a group of coaches curled their lips and smiled at each other.

Not even in the mood to take a look, he turned around and returned to his gym.

The police and 120 have arrived.

I checked the surveillance and did some research on the onlookers at the scene.

Several parties were brought back to record written confessions.

Then he sent those coaches back.

A well-informed person told onlookers that the police have initially determined that there is no necessary connection between the mother and daughter jumping off the building and the Taekwondo gym.

It is wrong to hit someone in a Taekwondo gym, but it is self-defense because the family members of the students struck first.

He should have been detained for fighting, but the other party was willing to pay 20,000 yuan in medical expenses.

Since he had a good attitude towards admitting his mistake, he was exempted from administrative punishment.

My wife and daughter died, and in the end the culprit only paid 20,000 yuan in compensation.

And the 20,000 yuan is not enough to pay the tuition for the semester just paid!

After getting such a result, the girl's father became sluggish on the spot, and his mind was obviously a little abnormal.

But here at the Taekwondo Hall, there are still smiles.

The coaches who beat people are still coaching their students without any influence.

A young man who looked to be 17 or 18 years old was standing where his mother and sister fell to death.

There were two pools of blood not far away from him.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the fifteenth floor, his eyes filled with hatred, and his nails dug into the palms of his hands!


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