Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1158 I really hate you more and more

Your surname is Lu?

Is that the Lu family?

Lu Zifu, an old man, is keeping a low profile now.

There seems to be no news.

It seems that the more famous Chen Xin'an becomes, the more the Lu family hides their heads and tails.

It's like disappearing from Kyoto.

But Chen Xin'an knew that without Tiandi Liquor, Sainty Group had always been a listed company with good performance in Kyoto City.

The Lu family is still alive and well!

Of course, the person Cui Yucheng went to meet might not have anything to do with the Lu family.

Are we going to return in vain tonight?

Luo Xiaoman was still fighting, and Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei were bleeding on their faces.

It seemed that he was injured, but not seriously.

There were many knocked down coaches on the ground, but the majority were still standing.

Luo Xiaoman and the three of them were still surrounded in the middle.

A sneer appeared on Park Zaichang's lips.

It doesn't matter if I can't beat you Chen Xin'an, my people can beat all your people to the ground!

This is enough!

So he didn't ask his coaches to stop, as if he didn't see it.

How could Chen Xin'an not see this little thought?

There was also a deep sarcasm in his eyes.

As long as Luo Xiaoman is here, everything will be fine.

Passing through a corridor, not far away is the employee lounge.

Next to the lounge, there is an inconspicuous-looking secret door.

If Park Zaichang hadn't opened it himself, Chen Xin'an wouldn't have noticed at a glance that there was a room hidden in this place.

Park Zaichang said to Chen Xin'an: "Cui Yucheng lives here!"

"Go in!" Chen Xin'an raised his chin.

Park Zaichang walked in and turned on the light.

Then he took out his cell phone, which was hidden in the black belt and had a bright screen.

"Hey, I'm not going out tonight, there are guests coming.

Okay, I understand. Just be careful. I have more to say. "

After hanging up the phone, Park Zaichang smiled and explained to Chen Xin'an: "My girlfriend!"

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth and said nothing.

This is actually a floor partition zone with two square columns supporting the ceiling. It was originally used as a small warehouse.

Now it has been tidied up and an extra bed has been added.

Because there are two large windows at the back, the ventilation is quite good.

Chen Xin'an looked around and found nothing of note.

Cui Yucheng is a cautious guy and always carries important things with him.

There is a travel bag placed on a bay window in the back.

Chen Xin'an walked over and opened the bag. There were a few changes of clothes inside.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly tilted his head, and the glass in front of him cracked!

With barely half a second of pause, Chen Xin'an rolled over and hid behind a concrete square pillar.

Park Zaichang raised his pistol and yelled: "Chen Xin'an, get out!

You are lucky enough to be able to dodge my first shot!

You bastard, you dare to come to my place to cause trouble, I will kill you!

I have injured so many people, even if I kill you and the police interrogate you, nothing will happen!

come out! "

He walked around behind the square pillar with his gun in hand and fired twice.

The bullets scattered debris, but Chen Xin'an was no longer there!

"Come out!" Park Jae-chang yelled crazily, holding a gun, and gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Aren't you awesome?

Aren't you very arrogant?

Why have you become a turtle now?

Damn Chinese people, I really hate you more and more!

Greed, cunning, stupidity, selfishness..."

Before he could finish speaking, the top of his head suddenly went dark!

Park Zaichang subconsciously turned around and looked up. Chen Xin'an was hanging upside down on another square pillar like a scorpion!

He clamped his feet on the square pillar, his body hanging down, and his eyes were less than half a meter away from Park Jae Chang's head!

Park Zaichang screamed in fright and was about to raise his gun to shoot, but Chen Xin'an reached out and grabbed his throat!

A sense of powerless suffocation enveloped Park Zaichang. His eyes widened in horror, and he did not dare to move.

Chen Xin'an turned over and jumped down, her eyes full of teasing.

Looking at him was like looking at a dog ready to be slaughtered.

"Are you qualified to say you don't like Chinese people?

Since when did you Dongchao people become popular?

Aren't you more greedy, cunning, stupid and selfish? "


As Chen Xin'an tightened his fingers, Park Zaichang's pistol fell to the ground.

His eyes were full of despair. He didn't expect that even though he got the pistol from Cui Yucheng, he still couldn't kill Chen Xin'an!

The scary thing is that Chen Xin'an's behavior just now was as if he was sure to shoot him, and he could dodge the bullet even if he was carrying him!

How did he do that?

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said with a mocking smile: "Isn't it strange how I knew you would kill me?

Park Jae Chang, you underestimate my hearing!

That phone call was made by Cui Yucheng to you, right?

A man's voice, you said it was your girlfriend?

He speaks to you in Dongchao dialect, and you answer him in Chinese.

He told you the location of the pistol and then asked you to kill me at all costs, right?

Idiot, if I were so easy to kill, he wouldn't be hiding away from me! "

Park Zaichang's eyes showed a look of despair.

This man is really terrible. He is no match for others in a battle of wits and courage!

In front of him, I looked like a pitiful creature.

No matter what kind of resistance he made, he easily resolved it.

His life was always in his hands!

He wanted to beg for mercy, but Chen Xin'an didn't give him a chance. He pinched his throat with one hand and threw him out fiercely!

Like flying in the clouds, Park Jae-chang felt like he was flying.

Then with a crash, he broke the glass and his body suddenly became empty!

It's over!

The mother and daughter jumped off the building at night, and now it's his turn!

Park Jae-chang let out a shrill scream and fell from the fifteenth floor.

He was unlucky and passed through the scaffolding that had not been built yet.

The steel pipes and bamboo were like sharp blades, cutting him into pieces.

When he landed, his limbs were already incomplete and he had been dead for a long time!

Chen Xin'an picked up the mobile phone that Park Jae-chang had dropped on the ground and found the number he had just called.

Then he took out his own mobile phone and dialed it.

After ringing for almost ten times, the other side was connected, but no one spoke.

Chen Xin'an looked at the location display on the phone and raised the corners of his mouth.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, the other party hung up the phone.

Chen Xinan threw away Park Zaichang's phone, took his own phone, and opened the map.

Entered the other party's IP displayed during the call just now, and then located it.

Soon a red dot appeared on the map, Guifei City Leisure Club.

Du Yunyan took Chen Xinan's phone back to Longdun for modification and installed a lot of fun things.

For example, when he called someone, the other party would not display the number.

In addition, when dialing or answering a number, the other party's IP address can be located.

As long as he is still in Kyoto, Chen Xinan knows the other party's number. Once the other party answers after dialing, his location will be exposed.

Throwing Park Zaichang's phone downstairs, Chen Xinan picked up the pistol on the ground and walked out of the room.

There was still fighting outside!

What happened in the dark room was not heard by the people outside.

But it's not surprising. There were curses and screams everywhere. It was so noisy that there was no other sound!

Without saying anything, Chen Xinan joined in and beat the Dongchao coaches!

Not far away, Dao Lei knocked a coach to the ground and sat on his butt.

He hugged the opponent's right leg with both hands, pulled it back, and cursed: "I'll let you kick it again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly twisted the leg in his arms to the side!


The opponent's leg was broken by him!

The coach pounded the ground with both hands and howled like a pig being slaughtered!


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