Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1163: Choke your own person to death

A group of security guards rushed in with iron bars wrapped in rubber.

Not talking nonsense, Chen Xin'an and the other three were slapped on their heads and faces!

Guifei City has always been rude to people who come to cause trouble.

The security guards are all "battle-hardened" veterans and are very experienced in beating people.

Usually they swarm the person and beat him until he can't move, and then talk to you about compensation and apology.

Only this time, they encountered a group of people who were even more unreasonable than them!

No matter how many people come in, they are all allowed in but not allowed out.

As soon as the door was closed, before he could react, the other party rushed up first!

The iron rod in his hand was taken away, and then he was whipped violently. He was knocked to the ground without even screaming!

There were only three people on the other side, but they showed the momentum of thousands of troops!

That's called being invincible. He can defeat as many as he comes in. No one can escape even the rain and dew!

Tang Lei yelled angrily: "Are you just trying to save Grandpa? Can't you just rush in together?"

The security guard on the ground felt aggrieved.

I really wanted to, but the conditions didn’t allow it!

The box is only such a big place and the door is so narrow. How do you want us to rush in together?

Luo Xiaoman turned his head, looked at Tang Lei and said with a ferocious smile: "You are very free, right? Come on, we haven't finished playing yet, I'll play with you again!"

Tang Lei rushed forward, aimed at Luo Xiaoman's chest, and kicked him.

Luo Xiaoman turned around and swept his legs, knocking away the opponent's attack.

Unexpectedly, the guy retreated as soon as he was touched, and took advantage of the situation to rush towards Dao Lei!

Tang Lei is not stupid. He has already seen that the most powerful of these three people is Chen Xin'an.

The strength is unfathomable!

He had just been kicked by him, and his speed and strength were beyond his ability to compete with.

Even this Third Young Master Luo is stronger than him.

If he really fights hard, he will suffer a big loss within a minute.

On the contrary, the guy who seems to be the tallest and strongest is the weakest.

It has no inner strength, and its speed and strength are limited, so it’s best to deal with it!

"You're such a liar!" Seeing Tang Lei change his target, Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily and rushed towards him!

But at this time, the box door behind him was opened again, and a group of security guards rushed in!

This time there were more people than before, so Luo Xiaoman had to turn around and deal with them first.

"Don't come here!" Cui Yucheng, who was on the ground, suddenly endured the pain, grabbed Chen Duoduo's neck, and threatened Chen Xin'an.

Chen Duoduo's eyes widened in horror, regretting endlessly.

If you could just leave this place immediately after kicking this bastard, why do you have to make up for it a few more times?

In fact, I hate these bastards too much. I also hate Manager Tang and the security guards. They are all a bunch of beasts and have no humanity!

She is only sixteen years old, so force her to do such a thing!

She just wants to work to pay off her parents' debts, not to be a young lady.

So after kicking Cui Yucheng, she kicked the two security guards who had beaten her.

Anyway, after this incident, she won't do it here anymore.

Unexpectedly, Cui Yucheng seized the opportunity and restrained her to threaten those who saved her.

"Let me go! Or I'll strangle her to death!" Cui Yucheng stared at Chen Xin'an and said tremblingly:

"At the worst, I'll give you all the money in the bag and let me leave here.

I will leave China early tomorrow morning and never come back again, is that okay? "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him with a mocking expression and said, "What do you think?

Don’t forget how many people the predators sent to kill me!

To the enemy, just say sorry and you can write it off, and then leave with a big show.

Cui Yucheng, no, Mr. Yu, do you think this is possible? "

Cui Yucheng cursed angrily: "What does it have to do with them dealing with you? I'm just...Mr. Yu? You actually think..."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted in fear: "No!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, but she saw that he immediately covered her throat, as if he was pinching her own neck, and very hard!

Chen Duoduo quickly ran forward and hid behind Chen Xin'an, looking at Cui Yucheng in horror.

Everyone in the room stopped and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Cui Yucheng pinched his neck so hard with both hands that his tongue stuck out, his face turned purple from holding it in, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Chen Xin'an rushed over and wanted to pull Cui Yucheng's hand away. She never thought that this guy was really cruel to her and so powerful. Chen Xin'an pulled it, but he didn't pull it!


Dao Lei bumped into the door in front of Tang Lei who was already dumbfounded!

Tang Lei groaned and turned his head to the sky, his nose bleeding profusely.

Daolei rushed up, hugged him, and threw him heavily to the ground!

Tang Lei was pressed hard by the 180-pound sword and thunder, and he felt as if his whole body was falling apart.

His strength is much higher than that of Dao Lei. It should not be troublesome to deal with this big guy.

It's just that this kid's ability to withstand beatings is much stronger than he imagined!

The few hard blows he received as soon as he came up did not cause much damage to him at all.

He didn't even let the opponent lose resistance. He seized the opportunity and started to fight back!

Daolei raised his fist as big as Shabo, aimed it at his face, and smashed it down hard.

He scolded him: "Hit me, right? I asked you to hit me!"

Tang Lei felt like his brain was going to explode, and a surge of anger surged up instantly.

He bounced his feet to the ground, pushed up with his hands at the same time, and pushed Dao Lei away with a roar.

I just wanted to use my inner strength to break the opponent's Adam's apple and give him a killing move.

I heard Chen Xin'an next to me say in surprise: "Why are you dead?"

Tang Lei was dumbfounded, stood up and turned to look over.

Sure enough, he saw that the guy holding his throat with both hands was motionless.

His face was dark, he was obviously dead!

Someone died in the place, and it was a foreigner, and he died under his nose!

Tang Lei's palms were cold, he knew something big had happened and he needed to report it to the big boss!

He was about to turn around and run out, but when he turned his head, Dao Lei's fist as big as a sand bowl hit him in the face again!

What the hell... The severe pain made Tang Lei twitch all over. He gritted his teeth and glared at Dao Lei, roaring: "I'll kill you!"


A heavy punch hit Dao Lei's heart.

At the same time as he punched, there was a dull sound in the air!

The inner strength of this rage was enough to shatter Dao Lei's heart!

But just at this moment, Luo Xiaoman rushed over and kicked him out!

Tang Lei's body hit the massage table and then fell to the ground.

He got up, held the bed with his hands, took out his mobile phone and pressed a number.

He glared at Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman, and Dao Lei and said:

"You three, wash your necks and wait for death!

You dare to kill people in the Royal Concubine City, you are really impatient! "

He put the phone to his ear and said in a deep voice: "Sir, something happened!"

After hanging up the phone, Tang Lei looked at Chen Xin'an and sneered: "Chen Xin'an, don't think that just because you are famous in Kyoto City, you feel that you are really the boss of Kyoto City!

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this place, and you are just a toad swimming across the river.

If you provoke the wrong people, how long can you continue to be so arrogant? "

Chen Duoduo looked pale and pushed Chen Xin'an with his hand, signaling him to leave quickly.

She knows how powerful the big boss of Imperial Concubine City is.

Although the benefactor who saved her had great kung fu, in the hands of powerful people, no matter how good his kung fu was, it would be useless!

She is the cause of all this trouble, and these good people should not be implicated!

Chen Xin'an looked at her and smiled slightly, and said to her: "Are there people like you here?"

Chen Duoduo was stunned for a moment, glanced at Tang Lei, took a deep breath and nodded.

Chen Xin'an said to her: "Okay, take me over and have a look!"


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