Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1165: You are helping the tyrants to commit evil and acting as a villain.

In fact, Chen Xin'an himself doesn't even know how strong he is.

Because in real battles, even when facing those foreign professional killers, he has never been able to fight with all his strength.

There are not many times when he can really exert his ultimate strength. There was once in Dongshan.

It was the time I jumped off a thirty-meter viaduct to save my wife.

Now this time too, I feel that my strength has increased a lot compared to that time.

The captain and the group were frightened.

Is this the kind of power that humans can use?

Kicking a shield to pieces can be said to be accidental, it may be that you happened to encounter a damaged one.

But this fucking punch and kick were all in one piece, and the person holding the shield and the person behind him were kicked away, and their arms were all broken!

Is this still a coincidence?

Who dares to contend with such a monster?

"Stop!" A loud shout came from outside, and two more people in police uniforms walked in, but these two people looked like real police officers.

One of the middle-aged men said to Chen Xin'an seriously:

"Are you Chen Xin'an?

I am Mao Lingshan from the Kyoto Public Security Office!

Now that I suspect you of causing trouble and gathering crowds to fight, come with me!

Pony, handcuff him!

If you resist, you are allowed to use firearms! "

"Yes! Leader!" The young policeman beside him responded, took out the handcuffs, and walked up to Chen Xin'an.

But Chen Xin'an didn't move, just looked at him with squinted eyes.

Xiaoma felt a chill in her heart for no reason and didn't dare to take another step forward!

If he was kicked, would it be smashed into pieces like a shield?

He reached for his waist with his right hand and wanted to pull out his gun.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Think about it! Once I draw my gun, I won't hold back on you!"

Xiao Ma looked embarrassed and put his hands on his waist. It was neither a matter of pulling out the gun nor a matter of not pulling it out.

Mao Lingshan shouted angrily: "Chen Xin'an, I have heard of you a long time ago and I have always wanted to check you out!

You still dare to act arrogantly in front of me. Do you know that you are asking for your own death? "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and ignored him. He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a while, the call was connected, and Chen Xin'an asked: "Leader Yuan, there are two people here.

Claiming to be from the Kyoto Public Security Bureau.

One is named Mao Lingshan and the other is named Xiaoma. Do you know them? "

Yuan Zhenhai, who had been sleeping, suddenly sat up from the bed, took his mobile phone and asked:

"Kyoto Public Security Office?

you sure?

Maoling Mountain?

That's the director of the Public Security Office!

Let me tell you, Kyoto is different from other places in that there is no provincial public security department.

A special Public Security Office was established within the ministry.

Although it is just an office, it has more power than the city bureau!

My Uncle Chen, why did you offend them?

That's right, just by the things you did, you have already attracted their attention!

Never confront them, be sure to cooperate.

They are under the dual jurisdiction of the Grand Palace and the Ministry, and have the right to kill first and report later!

If you have any trouble, please bear with it for now. I will help you solve it tomorrow morning. It’s hard to find someone now! "

Chen Xin'an hummed, nodded and said, "Okay, Leader Yuan, I can handle it myself, I won't disturb your rest!"

After hanging up the phone, Mao Lingshan curled his lips and looked at him and said:

"Done the phone call?

Have the reinforcements arrived?

Yuan Zhenhai from the Municipal Bureau?

Is he coming?

Does he dare to come?

How about I wait for him for a while? "

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and said to him: "Leader Mao, let me take you to the fourth floor to take a look? You know what happened here..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mao Lingshan interrupted him impatiently and said:

"I don't care about other things!

I'm here just to catch you!

Chen Xin'an, you have done so many evil things, but you never thought you would be where you are today?

Kill in public!

You really don’t take Chinese law seriously! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I didn't..."

Mao Lingshan interrupted him again and cursed: "Why don't you? The body is here, the evidence is conclusive, do you think I am blind?

Are you afraid now?

If I had known today, why bother?

Don’t think that just because you know a few people in Kyoto, you have a backing!

I, Mao Lingshan, am famous for being selfless and selfless. Even if you know the King of Heaven, it’s useless! "

Turning his head, Mao Lingshan said to Xiao Ma and those in police uniforms:

"Detain them all! If they dare to resist, they will be killed on the spot!"

"Yes!" The captain laughed ferociously, turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, do you have this day too? Give me..."


As soon as he got close to Chen Xin'an, he was kicked away by the opponent!

Xiao Ma's face changed drastically and he shouted: "How dare you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, something suddenly flew in front of his eyes. He was so frightened that he quickly turned around with his head in his hands.

A wine bottle hit the handle of his pistol hard, the glass shattered and the liquid inside spilled all over him!

Dao Lei was holding a backpack in one hand, and took out wine bottles from it with the other hand, and smashed them hard at the people in police uniforms!

As the glass bottles shattered one by one, the smell of alcohol and gasoline instantly filled the entire box!

"Come on, who of you dares to shoot! Let's see if you die first or us!" Dao Lei looked like he was crazy, holding a wine bottle in one hand and shouted at the group of people.

The frightened group of people in police uniforms all took two steps back.

Mao Lingshan and Xiao Ma also turned pale with fright. They didn't expect Chen Xin'an and his people to be so aggressive and arrest them so brazenly!

"Chen Xin'an, you are so brave! Do you know the consequences of doing this? You are..." Mao Lingshan was so angry that he yelled at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an interrupted him and cursed: "Shut up! I have been bold for more than 20 years!

Do you think I called Yuan Zhenhai to bring in reinforcements?

I am confirming your identity!

Do you think I will surrender after knowing your identities?

I want to slap you! "

As he spoke, he suddenly rushed in front of Mao Lingshan, grabbed him by the collar, raised his arms, and slapped him hard four times!

"Leader Mao!" Xiao Ma screamed and rushed over, not even having time to pick up the pistol that fell on the ground.

Unfortunately, as soon as he arrived, he was kicked to the ground by Chen Xin'an!

"Chen Xin'an! You are so bold!" Mao Lingshan spat out a mouthful of blood and glared at Chen Xin'an with red eyes.

Even if Yuan Zhenhai is here, he must be respectful to him, but now he is slapped in public by a social youth and a hooligan? !

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and cursed: "What's wrong? Do you feel wronged?

Do you think that because you are in the Public Security Bureau, you represent the law and are superior to others?

Can we not distinguish between black and white? "

Pointing to the corpse behind him, Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said:

"Wearing this uniform, can't you tell that he died from poisoning?

And you said I killed him?

I slapped him to death, do I need to use poison?

Are you the only one who has the nerve to flaunt yourself as selfless?

Do you know that private prisons are set up here, illegal detention is carried out, and girls are forced into prostitution?

Do you know that you are aiding the evil deeds and acting as a villain?

The dignified Public Security Office became the watchdog of a bathing center.

If you, the director, shouldn’t be beaten, who should be beaten? "

Mao Lingshan's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Chen Xin'an, don't talk nonsense! Do you have any evidence?"

"The evidence is there, right here!" A voice came from outside the door.

Luo Xiaoman walked in with a guy in police uniform in one hand and threw it to the ground.

Then he stood in front of Mao Lingshan and spat in his face!

Mao Lingshan almost fainted from anger!

How has he ever experienced such shame and humiliation!

Luo Xiaoman sneered and scolded him: "Old guy, you still want to send people up to destroy evidence?

I've been on guard against your move for a long time! "

Mao Lingshan vomited a mouthful of blood and shouted in frustration: "It's not me!"


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