Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1175 People nowadays are all cheating

Now Luo Qianxue has a firm foothold in the winery.

I have regained my confidence in my current appearance.

Not that she's fully recovered now.

It will take at least two or three months to completely stop taking medicine.

Now Ning Xiruo made a mask for her to wear.

It turned out to be a middle-aged and elderly woman in her forties, but she didn't want it.

She had no choice but to make a young one, and combine Ning Xiruo's and her own original appearance to form a combination.

The strange thing is that when the two of them are separated, whether it is Ning Xiruo or Luo Qianxue, they are both beautiful women who make men stunned and fascinated by them at a glance.

But forming a combination is not outstanding.

Of course it wouldn't be called ugly, I can only say that she is a very ordinary beauty.

Far from being a heart-stopping beauty.

But for Luo Qianxue, she liked it very much.

Wearing it will not make yourself so noticeable, nor will you feel inferior.

When the appearance is restored, the change will not be too big.

Without these worries, Luo Qianxue became more energetic when doing things!

After all, he is the Phoenix of the Luo family.

After spending a lot of effort to cultivate, whether it is brains or knowledge, it will actually be the best choice.

In the past, I didn’t do things because I didn’t need them.

The Luo family regarded her as a vase, just putting it there without her having to do anything.

But once she gets serious, her flexible mind and what she has learned will make her superior to others, allowing her to easily grasp the essence, which saves a lot of time compared to ordinary people.

I had just returned from the factory area and was about to return to the office when the doorman turned on the phone.

Someone wanted to find the person in charge of the site and said there was a problem with the sewage discharge.

Ning Xiruo has explained this before and cannot be careless.

Those who open wineries are afraid of pollution.

Whether it is contaminated by others or contaminates others, it is a major matter related to the survival of the brand.

Luo Qianxue hurried to the guard room, where two young men in ordinary clothes stood outside the door.

The two men stared at her for a while before telling her their purpose.

It turns out that sewage flowed out from the west wall and spread to their shop. Let the person in charge go and take a look with them.

Luo Qianxue did not doubt his presence and followed him with a security guard.

Unexpectedly, half an hour passed and the two of them still didn't come back!

The security guard in the guard room was a little strange. He called the office and sent two more security guards.

But they found that the security guard who followed Director Luo out was unconscious under the west wall.

Factory Director Luo has disappeared!

The security guard realized something had happened and immediately informed the office. Mi Xiaomi immediately called Ning Xiruo and reported the situation.

Three cars arrived at the door of the winery.

Luo Xiaoman jumped off the Haval and shouted to the security guard on duty: "Take me to see where she got lost!"

Ning Xiruo nodded to the security guard.

The security guard on duty quickly led everyone along the west wall, stopped near the intersection, and said to everyone:

"Li Haoran was lying here before and was knocked unconscious by someone using ether.

I think Factory Manager Luo was taken away here! "

Luo Xiaoman stared at him and cursed: "Why the hell did you just follow someone here?

Have you met those two people before?

I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t question you?

Are you guys used to being the boss after working in the duty room for so long? "

"Aman!" Chen Xin'an grabbed Luo Xiaoman and said to him: "If you want to be angry, get angry at me.

I shouldn't have let Miss Luo do things here! "

"Actually, I was the one who encouraged her to come. Brother Man should blame me!" Ning Xiruo lowered her head and said guiltily.

Luo Xiaoman sighed, shook his head and said, "I don't want to blame anyone!

I just...just blame myself!

Anyway, you have nothing to do, so why not come with her? "

Gongsun Feiyang waved his hand and said: "It's useless to talk about this now, find the person first!"

This is true.

Everyone cheered up and looked around.

The vicinity happens to be a surveillance blind spot. The factory surveillance cannot see here, and there is no surveillance perspective nearby that can reach here.

There were no signs of struggle or blood at the scene.

According to the recollection of the security guard who had fainted on the ground after he woke up, someone suddenly covered his and Director Luo's mouths and noses from behind with a handkerchief.

When he woke up, he was carried to the duty room, but Director Luo had disappeared.

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and said: "It must be Xueer's former suitor!

After seeing Xueer following me wholeheartedly, I became jealous and kidnapped him!

If I knew who did this and dared to hurt Xueer, I would skin him alive! "

Chen Xin'an pulled him, tapped his forehead and said, "Can you use your brain?

If it were his former suitor, he would have given up on Miss Luo long ago when she lost her appearance.

Now that she has not fully recovered, is she going to do this? "

Luo Xiaoman asked angrily: "Then why did you kidnap Xue'er?"

Gongsun Feiyang frowned and said: "Kidnappings mostly have two purposes.

extorting property and taking hostages.

No matter which one it is, the other party will eventually contact the kidnapped person's family and state their conditions.

Therefore, the most important thing for us now is to do only one thing.

wait! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, Feiyang is right. It's useless for us to be anxious now. We can only wait for the other party to contact us."

"Are we just going to wait?" Luo Xiaoman asked with eyes wide open.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her: "I will call Yuan Zhenhai and Yang Zhilin from the Department of Transportation and ask them to help.

But this group of people are so sophisticated and well-planned that it may not be of much use if the police department and the traffic bureau intervene! "

In the southern suburbs of Kyoto, in an abandoned building that is about to be demolished.

Luo Qianhe woke up leisurely with a cowhide bag on his head, covering his entire head.

It was pitch black before my eyes and I couldn't see anything.

She struggled and found that she was tied behind her arms and unable to move.

There was something stuck in her mouth and she couldn't make a sound.

The ground was extremely rough and it was very uncomfortable to lie down on it.

Just as he was about to struggle to sit up, he heard the voice of the man next to him.

"Lao Sha, why don't I look like you? Could it be that you kidnapped the wrong person?"

"Why don't they look alike! Old Tao, you have to look carefully! Today's women are all cheating by taking photos. They didn't look good at first, but after taking the photos, they looked as beautiful as gods!"

"That's true! But Lao Sha, I still feel something is wrong. Chen Xin'an's woman is said to be the goddess of Dongshan! Can she also be called a goddess with this look?"

"No makeup! Nowadays, women are two different people before and after makeup! Oh, Lao Tao, don't worry, this is the person! Yes, no, no, do you understand?"

"I understand! Lao Sha, you still have a way!"

Lao Tao held his hands, looked at Luo Qianxue, showed an evil smile on his lips, and said:

"Don't tell me, this girl looks good too.

Especially this figure, with the bulging front and back, is really the best!

Lao Sha, isn’t this worse than Mansonburg’s top card of 3,800? "

The man named Lao Sha simply squatted down, touched Luo Qianxue's body with his hands, and said with a smile:

“Can those women with clearly marked prices compare to this?

Do you think Chen Xin'an's woman will be bad?

Anyway, the gang hasn’t arrived yet, let’s play with her first? "

Lao Tao was already rude and squatted beside Luo Qianxue, raising and lowering his hands.

Luo Qianxue was frightened and her body was struggling hard.

But she was tied up now, with something stuffed in her mouth. She couldn't struggle at all, or even scream!


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