Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1192 You are qualified to drink my wine if you live here

The squad leader was carrying a woman in her fifties, with blood still dripping from the corner of her mouth. She had spit out a mouthful of blood just now.

The squad leader didn't dare to neglect and quickly put the woman in the back seat of Long Ye's car.

Chen Xin'an squatted next to the woman and was about to stretch out his hand to check. The squad leader stopped him and asked:

"Didn't you drive people to the Military General Hospital?"

Chen Xin'an pushed him away and said, "Not now, let me check first to see what's going on!"

The squad leader became anxious and scolded him: "How can you, a flower thief, know how to see a doctor!

Don't waste time and send Auntie to the Military General Hospital as soon as possible.

If something happens too late, you can't afford it! "

Flower thief?

Why don't you say I'm a flower picker?

I'm sick, so why don't I look for a young one? I'm looking for an old flower like this to pick!

Chen Xin'an scolded him angrily: "Get off! Don't delay my work!"

This squad leader has a bad temper.

Maybe it was because I had learned a lesson from being scolded by Palm last time, so I didn’t dare to be fooled by this guy again, so I just took Chen Xin’an’s arm and shouted to him:

“Don’t delay my aunt’s delivery to the hospital for treatment!

Auntie is not in good health. If you still torment her like this, something will happen!

You all come over here and control him while I carry Auntie to the hospital! "

"Yes!" A group of green outfits responded and all rushed over.

Chen Xin'an has one head and two heads.

These guys didn't believe in his medical skills!

But he couldn't do anything to these people.

He really couldn't take action against a bunch of little warriors.

At this moment, Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing rushed over and stopped everyone.

"Monarch leaders, listen to me!

My husband is a descendant of ancient medicine and has superb medical skills.

The last time we came here, we received an invitation from the chief to treat a big leader!

If you don't believe it, I have a mobile phone here. You can call Dean Shi at the Military General Hospital and ask. "

Ning Xiruo took out her cell phone and handed it to the monitor.

Guan Qing also snorted and said: "If my uncle can't do anything after seeing it, it will be useless even if you send him to the Military General Hospital!"

After hearing what the two said, the squad leader and others were also doubtful.

At this moment, the woman lying in the back seat coughed and said weakly: "Xiao Mao, let him see, it's okay!"

The aunt had already spoken, and the squad leader and the green-suited gang no longer blocked her, and all took a step back.

The woman turned her head and covered her mouth, but blood still flowed from her fingers and dripped on the seat.

Chen Xin'an wiped the woman's mouth with a tissue.

The woman took it, covered her mouth, and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'm sorry, young man, for dirtying your car!"

Chen Xin'an took out a cloth bag, took out a few silver needles, and quickly inserted needles under the woman's neck and heart, and whispered to her: "Stop talking, slow down your breathing, and give me your right hand."

The woman glanced at him, smiled slightly, and stretched out her right hand.

Chen Xin'an injected the needle with his right hand, and squeezed the woman's right hand with his left hand, sometimes gently, sometimes hard.

After a while, the woman's face gradually returned to color, and her breathing was no longer as rapid as before.

The squad leader and a group of green-dressed people saw this scene and realized that this person not only stole flowers, but also saw a doctor.

After a while, Chen Xin'an used the needle and asked the woman to sit up.

"How is Auntie?" The squad leader stood outside and asked with a concerned look on his face.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said nothing.

The squad leader and a group of green-dressed men looked at each other with impatient expressions.

"What's going on? Can you see? If not, I'll send aunt to the hospital right away!"

"I think his level is limited! How many injections can he make my aunt fine? He doesn't have any equipment here, so it's weird that he can see the disease!"

"Let's not hold out any hope and hurry up and send aunt to the hospital! We can't count on him!"

Chen Xin'an ignored everyone's words. Instead, she nodded and said, "It's better to go to the hospital for a major check-up. Let your relatives accompany you, preferably your children."

"Did you see it?" The woman smiled slightly and said to him: "I told you that ancient medicine is still very powerful!

My own body knows it.

It's okay, live as long as you can! "

Chen Xin'an said to her: "Wait a moment first!"

He got out of the car, opened the trunk and took out a bottle of wine.

He took out a disposable cup, poured out about one tael, held it in front of the woman and said:

“This is the medicinal wine I brewed myself, it’s good for your body.

Don't move, just sit and I'll feed you.

Because you can’t drink it all in one go, I have to look at your heartbeat to determine how much you drink each time! "

"Drink?" When the squad leader heard this, he became anxious and shouted at him: "You are just messing around!

Auntie must not drink alcohol, not even drinks.

Throw the wine away! "

He rushed over desperately, grabbed the bottle of wine Chen Xin'an placed beside him, and was about to throw it away!

Guan Qing shouted to him: "You dare to throw it?"

The squad leader froze and said with a look of disdain: "I can't let you do this! Auntie's health is very poor and she can't drink alcohol!"

Juan pointed to the bottle in his hand and said, "That's Liangmao original liquid.

You can go to the computer room of your unit and have someone check for you how valuable this thing is.

The bottle in your hand is worth about five to six million yuan! "

The monitor's hands trembled and he almost dropped the bottle!

Are you kidding me?

Even if it was filled with gold, I'm afraid it wouldn't be worth so much money!

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to the squad leader: "Don't be afraid. Since my husband lets Auntie drink, it has already been considered.

And our medicinal wine is different from ordinary medicinal wine.

Let's put it this way, others are outstanding, it is the wine that has the medicinal flavor.

What stands out to us is that the medicine smells like alcohol!

So this is not just wine, it’s medicine! "

Chen Xin'an didn't care whether others were stopping or objecting. She held the cup and said to the woman, "Take your time and tell me if you feel uncomfortable!"

The woman looked at Chen Xin'an, smiled slightly, and nodded.

He drank a glass of wine in small sips, Chen Xin'an's left hand always held the woman's right hand, feeling the beating of her pulse.

After finishing the glass, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "I thought I was going to vomit, but I didn't expect that I could hold it back.

I have never drunk alcohol before, and I am not used to the smell of herbs. I didn't expect that after drinking your medicinal wine, I wouldn't be too repulsed by it. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's good, you can take this bottle back.

I drink like this every day, and it takes about five minutes to finish one or two.

It's best to drink it before going to bed and then take a good nap.

You can continue to take the medicines prescribed to you in the hospital without delay. "

The woman smiled and said: "Is it useful? I'm waiting to die!"

"It works!" Chen Xin'an said to her: "You drink this wine, and I will instruct others to mix some medicine for you and drink it.

Instead of waiting to die, people can always live actively.

I can’t cure you, but I can fight with God for a few years, no problem! "

"Young man, do you know who I am?" The woman looked at Chen Xin'an with a smile and said:

“Otherwise, such a precious medicinal wine, worth millions, would you just give it to me casually?

I don’t have the money to buy your wine! "

"Do you know who you are?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, glanced at the woman, shook his head and said:

“I’m sorry I don’t remember seeing you!

As for the wine, I don't need to charge you for it.

I'm not a wine seller, I'm just here to visit a friend.

You don't have to feel embarrassed, as long as you are here, you are qualified to drink my medicinal wine! "

"Why?" The woman was a little confused by his words.

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Because you or your family are wearing that green clothes.

I can't live a comfortable life without the help of you people who protect our country.

I should thank you! "


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