Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1213: Do you do whatever they ask you to do?

The top of the 100-meter cliff is not as smooth as a knife, but rather rugged.

This is where strength is needed to climb up.

In fact, the Montenegrin tiger has a special mountain climbing training ground, which is not here.

The terrain here is not suitable for novices to climb.

This is a place where experts like Han Lei would come to play.

Because the challenge is high and the danger is high!

Each person has a rope for climbing, with a flying tiger claw tied to the front end, and a carabiner hook in each hand.

Ten people stood on the road, and Chen Xin'an was caught in the middle.

Following the order, everyone threw out the flying tiger claws in their hands, hooked them on the cliff above their heads, and climbed up like apes.

Chen Xin'an was left standing there, motionless as if asleep.

Bian Hu and Lin Lang, who were standing nearby and watching, looked at each other and didn't understand why Chen Xin'an didn't crawl.

"Instructor Chen!" Bian Hu called out in a low voice, reminding him that it had already begun.

Chen Xin'an turned her head and glanced at them, waving her hands to indicate that she was fine.

He raised his head and looked at the group of people above his head, each of them struggling to climb, with a sneer on his lips.

These grandsons have such dark hearts!

When he was about to use it, he discovered that the tool given to him was useless.

The flying tiger claws of the mountain climbing rope are not sharp, and the front end is just a few blunt and round steel bars.

This thing has no grip at all, okay?

The hook cannot catch the rocks and will only slip, which is useless for climbing and is even very dangerous!

How do you climb with this thing?

However, the carabiner hook is normal and can only be said to be usable.

Are you playing this game with me?

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and threw the climbing rope in her hand to the ground.

The people next to him were stunned.

what is this? Have you given up?

You know you can’t climb, so you don’t want to participate?

"Hello!" Several people looked at Chen Xin'an and hissed with disdain.

Even if you can't climb others, you should try your best to complete it.

Only this kind of spirit can be respected in Montenegro Tigers.

When he saw that he was no match, he didn't even have the courage to compete, so he just admitted defeat.

Such a coward is simply a coward!

Still want to be an instructor?

Who gave you the courage?

Bian Hu and Lin Lang were also anxious and wanted to come over and ask Instructor Chen what happened.

Although they have not known Chen Xin'an for a long time, they also know that Chen Xin'an is not someone who gives up and gives up easily!

But before they could get closer, Chen Xin'an had already moved!

He took a few steps back with the carabiner in his hand.

Behind us is a cliff hundreds of meters high.

If you take another step back, you will fall!

Chen Xinan kicked off his right foot and suddenly rushed forward.

Take a run-up and leap high into the air.

The carabiner hook in his hand clicked and hooked on a raised rock!

Almost at the same time, Chen Xin'an used the strength to curl up, raised his left hand, and jumped up.

The carabiner hook has been detached from the rock. Chen Xin'an's toes rested on the raised rock and his body stood upright.

Then he swung his right arm, and the carabiner hook in his hand hooked into a rock gap above his head!

The people below all opened their eyes wide and watched Chen Xin'an's movements without blinking.

All the lights shine on this cliff, illuminating every detail of the person.

Chen Xin'an's every move was exposed to the eyes of the onlookers below.

Everyone held their breath and watched this scene without blinking!

No climbing rope required, just a carabiner hook.

You can walk on this almost vertical cliff as if walking on flat ground!

Is this an action that a human can complete?

Not even apes are so flexible, right?

Previously, I was in a daze below and wasted time. The slowest people above had already climbed ten meters higher.

The fastest climbers like Han Lei were already nearly fifteen meters away from the sky path below!

You must know that in rock climbing, it is difficult to catch up if you fall behind.

Unlike on flat ground, if you run slowly, you can catch up and use all your strength to catch up.

When climbing, after falling behind, the good climbing position has been occupied by others. You can only follow them, and it is difficult to surpass them!

But Chen Xin'an gave everyone a new understanding.

It turns out climbing can be like this!

An assistant coach fixed the body with the help of a carabiner hook.

Then he threw out his flying tiger claw and hooked it on a mountain vine above his head.

After testing the firmness, he was about to climb up when he heard someone above him shouting: "Song Yong!"

He looked up and saw Zhang Jian looking down at him on the rock almost three meters above his head.

Two meters high on the upper right, Gu Jinchao was also looking at him.

Gu Jinchao whispered: "The people below you have come up, you know what to do!"

Song Yong glanced down and his eyes widened.

A black shadow seemed to be running on the cliff, approaching him quickly.

What’s even more shocking is that the other party didn’t use a climbing rope at all!

Song Yong took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

All he has to do is grab points!

Seal the leverage point of the people below in advance and block the opponent's climbing speed.

With the help of the climbing rope, Song Yong swayed to the side and landed on a protruding rock that was not in a straight line for him.

This is the only way for Chen Xin'an to pass.

It was just a bulge on the stone to rest his toes on. If he stepped on it, Chen Xin'an would have nowhere to rely on!

But at this moment, there was a click above the head, and the body was empty!

Song Yong secretly said bad!

That mountain vine is broken!

Now all the weight of his body was on this rock that he could only rest his toes on.

It couldn't support his body at all.

In the crisis, he picked up the carabiner hook and smashed it in front of him. Then as his body tilted, the carabiner hook drew a white mark on the cliff, but he failed to hook anything!

It’s over!

Song Yong's mind went blank at this moment, and he knew he was about to fall!

At a height of nearly twenty meters, even if you don't fall to your death, it won't be uncomfortable.

The most terrifying thing is that there is a heavenly road below!

If you fall down by yourself, you will probably bounce down to a deeper cliff, which will be completely cool!

The moment he slipped off the rock, Chen Xin'an had already rushed up and passed him while he was falling!


Chen Xin'an's carabiner hook was nailed into the crevice of the rock, and his left foot stepped on the rock that Song Yong had just stepped on.

His right foot was empty, his right hand was faster than lightning, and he grabbed it fiercely in front of him!

Song Yong, who was falling, suddenly stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him, then raised his head and looked at the man above him, half of his body hanging in the air.

With only a mountaineering hook and the rock on which his left foot was resting, Chen Xin'an grabbed the climbing rope with her right hand.

The other end of the rope was tied around Song Yong's waist.

"Instructor Chen!" Song Yong's eyes turned red and he said tremblingly.

Chen Xin'an lowered her head and said to him: "I will release the rope and let you go down!"

Song Yong nodded and his body began to slowly descend.

The climbing rope slid evenly in Chen Xin'an's hands.

I wasn't wearing gloves, so the feeling of the hemp rope rubbing against my palms was unpleasant.

Chen Xin'an couldn't care about this now. When the tiger claw was in his hand, he looked down and threw the tiger claw away.

Song Yong had landed safely. Bian Hu, who had just ran over, helped him, then kicked him in the leg and cursed in a low voice:

"Do you just do whatever they ask you to do? If it weren't for Instructor Chen, you would have died a long time ago!"

Song Yong lowered his head in shame.

Chen Xin'an wiped her right hand on herself, glanced at the top, took a deep breath, and continued to climb up.

These guys are honest and polite.

Taking advantage of this opportunity just now, we have already risen to a height of thirty or forty meters!


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