Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1216 I am not your subordinate

The sound of smashing things came from the dormitory, which seemed extremely out of place in Building 8, where the lights were turned off.

Everyone knows that this is the sound from Room 8 on the third floor, instructor Zhang Jian's room.

Then a high-pitched voice echoed throughout the building!

"Who is it? You stay up until midnight and disturb the people here! You want to play games again, right?"

This is the voice of the new instructor.

Then the whole building immediately fell silent, and everyone became honest.

In Room 308, Zhang Jian was lying naked on the bed, his face was ashen and his face was ferocious.

Gu Jinchao absent-mindedly lifted up the bedside table that had been kicked down by Zhang Jian.

Put the fallen debris back into the cabinet.

Cai Yinfo took a small bottle filled with white medicine, poured medicine into the abrasions on Zhang Jian's lower body, and said softly: "Team leader, you have to be patient, there are still two abrasions here that have not been treated with medicine."

Gu Jinchao snorted and said to him: "Do you think the team leader can't bear the pain?

He is angry!

We were obviously prepared, but we still let Chen Xin'an steal the spotlight!

It also caused almost everyone among the three of us to be injured. It was really evil! "

Cai Yinfo also sat beside the bed, put down the medicine bottle in his hand, and said solemnly:

"Through my observations tonight, I discovered a big secret about this guy!"

Gu Jinchao immediately stopped what he was doing, looked at him and asked, "What secret?"

Zhang Jian also looked at him with a gloomy face.

Cai Yinfo lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "I discovered that this Chen Xin'an is not a human at all!

He is an intelligent robot just developed by China!

It's the type of T-2000 model shown in the movie.

So he is not afraid of getting tired or dying at all.

He is a specially built war machine! "

Gu Jinchao walked over, hit him on the head with a bang, and cursed at him: "Don't you watch more of those foreign idiotic movies in the future!"

Cai Yinfo saved his head with an ouch, and said to Zhang Jian with an aggrieved look:

"Team leader, do you think what I said is wrong?

Normal people, no matter how powerful they are, are not as outrageous as this guy!

He is really not human!

Team leader, do you also think what I said makes sense?

Thinking about tonight? "

Zhang Jian endured the pain, raised his foot and kicked him to the ground, scolding him: "I want to kick you two bastards to death right now!

Just talk, and at least put a blanket over me.

Just leave me here to dry.

Listen to you guys blowing nonsense here!

Don’t you think I’ve lost face enough? "

Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything, but they were cursing in their hearts.

You exhibitionist!

Your brother was bruised, and his arm wasn't injured. You thought it was embarrassing and you couldn't cover it yourself?

Why the hell do you want me to serve you?

I am your servant?

Zhang Jian pulled the blanket over himself and said to the two of them:

"I don't care if he is a human or a ghost, a body or a machine!

Let him get away with it tonight, I want him to look good tomorrow night!

If you want to stay in Montenegro comfortably, there is no way..."

Gu Jinchao frowned and said to him: "Team leader, you are injured now, can you still deal with him tomorrow night?"

Zhang Jian snorted and said: "Do I need to do it myself every time? Then what use do I need you? There are twenty-three instructors in the group, but you can't deal with Chen Xin'an?"

Gu Jinchao and Cai Yinfo looked at each other without saying anything.

Feeling that something was wrong in the atmosphere, Zhang Jian turned his head, looked at the two of them and said coldly: "What, are you scared?"

Gu Jinchao took a deep breath, looked at Zhang Jian and asked, "Team leader, why do you have to fight with this person?"

"Yes, team leader, I'm surprised too!" Cai Yinfo tilted his head and looked at him and asked, "He will be his fighting instructor, and we will do our old job.

If you don't like it, just don't watch it. It's fine if everyone doesn't offend, so why do we have to take action against him? "

Zhang Jian narrowed his eyes, looked at the two of them coldly and asked: "Why, are you two afraid of him?

Forgot what I told you?

Are you trying to betray me? "

Gu Jinchao curled his lips, shook his head and said, "Team leader, I think you've gone too far.

Let me talk about the two of us first. We are indeed members of the instructor team.

You are the team leader, and we have a superior-subordinate relationship.

But we are the people of the Montenegrin Tiger, so we can’t be counted as yours, right?

Where did the betrayal come from?

Furthermore, those promises you made before were nothing but empty promises.

We haven’t changed jobs yet, so we can’t enjoy it, so we don’t know whether it’s true or not.

If you rely on this thing and let us work for you, are you looking down on our intelligence?

Team leader, don’t forget, we have no grudges against Chen Xinan.

Just because we have been with you for a long time and you want to deal with others, we help you emotionally.

This is a friendship between friends.

But now, you regard us as your subordinates who help you do things. Isn't it a bit disrespectful?

Our food, clothing, and supplies were all given to us by the Montenegrin tigers. It’s not you, so why should you order us to do things?

Also, you are the instructor of the Black Mountain Tiger, and you have no contact with Chen Xin'an, let alone any resentment.

It was only after hearing the instigation from your Zhang family that you found trouble with Chen Xin'an, but treated us all as weapons.

Team leader, isn't this a bit unethical? "

Zhang Jian's face turned green and white, and he said to Gu Jinchao and Cai Yinfo with a ferocious smile:

"Okay! So that's what you two thought!

Do you think I, Zhang Jian, regard you two as gunmen?

Okay, then let’s go!

Let’s just think that our relationship for so many years is nothing and let’s break up tonight!

I admit what you said.

The Zhang family in Kyoto is my home.

I want to deal with Chen Xin'an because he has offended my Zhang family!

Since my surname is Zhang, I will definitely not sit idly by!

My family did ask me to teach this kid a lesson here.

I can't refuse!

You have helped me a lot, and you have been extremely kind to me!

So you don’t need to help me, let me do the rest! "

Cai Yinfo said with some fear: "Team leader, that's not what we meant..."

"I am!" Gu Jinchao nodded and said, "I don't want to do such meaningless things anymore!

Song Yong was almost thrown to death tonight!

He was below me, and I watched him take the risk to stop Chen Xin'an.

But his climbing rope became unhooked and he almost fell!

It was Chen Xin'an who saved him!

I didn't think about it that much at the time, but I kept thinking about it just now.

If he had fallen, even if he had not died, but had broken his leg, what would have been the outcome?

They went to the battlefield, whether dead or alive, even if they were disabled, they deserved their due.

He is a good soldier and a hero!

But in this situation, what does it mean to be injured, maimed, or dead?

Just because you want to vent your anger on behalf of your family?

Haha, it’s really not worth it!

Sorry, team leader, I will withdraw and no longer participate.

I have helped you tonight, and I am worthy of the care you have taken for me over the years.

I won’t be involved in what happens next! "

Gu Jinchao wrapped himself up and slowly walked towards the door, saying: "Team leader, I also want to advise you.

Let your family handle matters at home!

We are soldiers, and our only enemies are those foreign forces that try to break into our borders and destroy China's peace and unity, not Chen Xin'an!

If you don't agree with him, just make an appointment with him and have an honest fight.

With these dirty tricks, the price is really low! "

After saying that, he walked out without looking back.

There was no anger on Zhang Jian's face, he just looked at Cai Yinfo expressionlessly and said:

"What, you won't go with him?

He's right, you don't owe me anything, so you don't need to help me! "

Cai Yinfo scratched his head, looked at Zhang Jian and asked: "Team leader, can you tell me why you must deal with Chen Xin'an?

You have never been one to obey your family’s orders! "

Zhang Jian stared at the ceiling and said after a while:

“I don’t have to listen to other people’s words.

But this person ordered it, and I will risk my life to complete it.

Without him, I would have died! "


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