Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1219 He is the one who can really break the situation

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to such little thoughts.

Anyway, there is a microphone for talking and a demonstration platform for everyone to see when doing actions. It doesn’t matter whether there is an assistant or not.

Looking at Song Yong in front of him, Chen Xin'an also recognized that this was the boy he rescued on the cliff last night, and nodded to him.

Song Yong scratched his head and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, I have a request..."

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at him curiously.

Song Yong looked around embarrassedly, and then said to him: "When you don't want to talk to everyone, turn off the microphone.

Otherwise everyone can hear what is coming out of your mouth. "

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened instantly.

Song Yong came over, pressed the communicator on his waist, and said to him:

“This is the switch that controls the microphone at your mouth.

Just now you have been muttering, ‘They are all wood! They are all wood! ’

Everyone was very embarrassed after hearing this..."

Chen Xin'an: "..."

Peat, you didn't tell me earlier!

Everyone is embarrassed, but I am embarrassed, okay?

What a social death scene, in front of more than 2,000 people...

Chen Xin'an wished she could cover her face and escape from this planet now!

Zhang Jian, who was standing on the side of the high platform, sneered coldly and said to Chen Xin'an with disdain:

"At first glance, he looks like a bumpkin who has never seen much of the world!

I have never been watched by so many people in my life!

For this kind of person, it would take several days just to adapt to this scene.

Not to mention that the movements he made would be deformed, and even if he spoke, he would not dare to open his mouth.

Another two hours will be lost this afternoon.

If you have this skill, you might as well let everyone train physically!

All fancy fighting skills are useless if there is no physical foundation! "

Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao beside him nodded, feeling the same.

They have already encountered more than one instructor with this kind of stage fright!

Chen Xin'an seemed to have heard Zhang Jian's words, turned around, glanced at him, and was happy.

Zhang Jian suddenly felt wary.

Why is this bastard smiling so evilly?

Why do I have such a strong foreboding feeling?

"Hi!" Chen Xin'an waved to Zhang Jian and said to him:

"Instructor Zhang, your little brother is injured, but you still insist on training. How respectable!"

Zhang Jian’s face turned dark!

Your uncle's!

are you crazy?

Say this in front of so many people.

And this bastard deliberately turned on the microphone so that everyone in the playground could hear it!

In fact, everyone has heard about what happened in Building 8 last night.

Instructor Zhang was injured, and everyone knew it.

However, this kind of embarrassing incident is related to the face of the instructor team.

So leaders banned discussions.

Now that Chen Xin'an took the initiative to speak out, everyone was holding back their laughter and felt embarrassed for Zhang Jian.

Chen Xin'an still looked concerned and said to Zhang Ji'an: "Didn't you go to the team doctor to check?

By the way, I brought some scratch medicine. Can you apply it on it? "

Zhang Jian's face turned red, he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Shut up! I don't need you to care!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Instructor Zhang is too unreasonable! We are colleagues, and I should care about you!

Don’t be careless about this part!

Once it affects normal use, it will be troublesome! "

Zhang Jian was about to faint from anger, pointing at Chen Xin'an, trembling and speechless.

Cai Yinfo snorted and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Are you sick?

How can it affect the use of just a scratched skin?

I went to the toilet with the team leader just now and had a great time peeing! "


Someone below couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed out loud.

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said with a bad smile: "Instructor Cai is not married at first glance!

Is instructor Zhang married?

If you don’t take the injury here seriously now, it will affect your couple’s life in the future! "

Cai Yinfo's expression changed, and he turned to Zhang Jian and said, "Team leader, if the consequences are so serious, then let him help you apply some medicine?

I saw you were still swollen this morning..."

"Hahaha!" The whole playground burst into laughter.

Zhang Jian wanted to find a hole in the ground and cursed at Cai Info: "Shut up! You idiot!"

Then he crossed his legs, walked down from the high platform, and left the playground as if he was running away.

Seeing the exaggerated way he walked, everyone burst into laughter.

Cai Yinfo looked aggrieved, pouted and muttered: "Why are you scolding me? It's not me who hurt you!

I care about you and still get scolded by you, am I your son?

What a bully! "

Chen Xin'an looked refreshed.

Suddenly I discovered a little life hack.

What's the best way to eliminate embarrassment?

Just embarrassing others.

In this way, everyone's attention will be diverted, and I will not be embarrassed.

As for whether Zhang Jian will be embarrassed, is it my business?

Beside the playground, a middle-aged man with his hands behind his back had a livid face and cursed:

“What nonsense!

This Chen Xin'an is just messing around!

I'll give him a punishment now! "

Tang Peng, who was standing next to him, chuckled and said, "Lao Meng, the idea of ​​letting Chen Xin'an come to Montenegro Tiger was your idea, right?

Going back on your word so soon? "

Tang Qianqian on the side also pouted and snorted and said: "Political Commissar Meng, you also heard the report about what happened in Building 8 last night.

It was Zhang Ji'an who provoked Chen Xin'an first, and then the relationship was established.

Chen Xin'an fought back, but it was natural! "

Political Commissar Meng snorted and said to Tang Peng: "I agreed to have a new instructor, but I didn't say it must be Chen Xin'an.

Now the Black Mountain Tiger's instructor group has become a mountain top and a faction.

Eliminating dissidents and acting arbitrarily has formed a very bad atmosphere.

So I need outsiders to clear this trend and break this situation.

You don't invite people to follow you around and make the situation more chaotic!

This Chen Xin'an is too presumptuous in doing things and leaves no room for anything, which will cause big trouble! "

"I don't think so!" Tang Peng curled his lips and said to Political Commissar Meng:

"I think Chen Xin'an is the most suitable person to complete this task!

Lao Meng, think about it, how many times have we tried to change this phenomenon among the instructors?

But what about the final result?

Either be assimilated or be squeezed out!

But has something like Chen Xin'an made the entire instructor team frustrated before?

I think this kid is the nemesis of Zhang Ji'an's gang!

He can bring us a more satisfactory result.

Just don't play your cards according to common sense.

People who behave themselves cannot break the rules. "

Tang Qianqian also snorted and said, "I can't stand Zhang Jian's gang!

You are afraid of pulling out the carrot and leaving a hole in it, and you dare not serve it in one pot.

He also said that they had made great contributions to the Montenegrin tiger and had no major faults, so it was not easy to break up with them.

Now that someone is here to help you, you still think that others are doing things that are nonsense and have no bottom line.

Is it possible that you want a good gentleman to come over and reason with Zhang Ji'an and his gang?

Are you too difficult to maintain? "

Political Commissar Meng had no way to deal with Tang Qianqian's unrestrained talk.

It's not because this girl is the daughter of an old partner.

It's even more because this girl didn't join the Montenegro Tigers as a team doctor just because of her connections.

People really stay here by relying on their own abilities.

She doesn't even know how many times she has been on the battlefield with everyone.

Once during a mission together, they achieved the feat of rescuing eight wounded by one person!

Therefore, everyone from top to bottom of the Black Mountain Tiger respects her.

This is the well-deserved baby bump of the Montenegrin tiger!

Political Commissar Meng personally slapped the table on the people who wanted people from the Military General Hospital and forced them to stay.

As a result, the reception cadre went back in disgrace, and the matter was dismissed.

Montenegrin tigers have no waste.

Up and down, men and women, they are the best of the best.

They are all worthy of this green outfit!


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