Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1227 Never abandon brothers

As Lei Ming grasped the handle of the dagger with both hands and stirred it fiercely, there was a clicking sound in the Wolf King's body!

As if he was suddenly cramped, the Wolf King fell to the ground with a thud, his tongue sticking out, and he was dying!

Lei Ming was covered in blood. He gritted his teeth and helped Fang Kai up on the ground. He checked the wounds on his shoulders and asked, "How is it? Are there any other injuries?"

Fang Kai felt like he couldn't lift his entire right arm and shook his head.

He held the dagger in his left hand, walked up to the Wolf King, aimed it at its head, and stabbed it hard!

The dagger pierced the Wolf King's eye and inserted into his brain.

As Fang Kai stirred wildly, the Wolf King struggled vigorously and kicked his limbs wildly.

It's just that its spine has been severed, and it doesn't have much strength to struggle.

Lei Ming also rushed over and closed his mouth tightly.

In this way, no matter what, it can't scream, and it can't call other companions!

Finally, the Wolf King remained motionless, not completely dead, but also losing his threat.

Lei Ming and Fang Kai were also exhausted, and they were too tired to move because they were afraid of the Wolf King.

After a while, Lei Ming pulled out the dagger, put it under the wolf's neck, and slashed hard.

There was still some warm wolf blood splashing out. Lei Ming put his mouth up and took a few big sips!

He pulled Fang Kai over and said to him: "Drink a few sips and leave immediately!

Otherwise, the smell of blood will quickly attract the wolves, and we won’t be able to leave even if we want to! "

Fang Kai suppressed his nausea and drank a few mouthfuls of wolf blood. The two of them helped each other stand up and staggered forward.

There is no watch or compass. In this dark forest, there is almost no concept of time and direction. We just keep moving forward.

They met several wolves on the road, and luckily the two of them drank wolf blood.

Not only did it replenish some of his physical strength, it also gave him the smell of a wolf.

Only then did he narrowly escape the siege of the wolves.

After walking for who knows how long, Fang Kai, who was already exhausted, fell to the ground.

Lei Ming helped him up, touched his forehead with his hand, and his heart sank.

Fang Kai has a fever!

I used a dagger to cut open the clothes on his shoulder and checked. Sure enough, the wound was already inflamed!

Lei Ming is anxious. There is no medicine in this place and it cannot reduce inflammation. If it burns like this, it will kill people!

What's even worse is that at this moment, there was a rumble of thunder and heavy rain fell from the sky.

Even though the leaves in the forest cover the sky and the sun, they cannot block the wind and rain.

Within a few minutes, the two of them were completely soaked by the heavy rain!

Fang Kai was drowsy, half asleep and unable to even walk.

Lei Ming carried him on his back, gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

There was no road in sight, and no target direction. Lei Ming didn't even know where he was going, he just kept moving.

Fortunately, the rolling thunder frightened the wolves and they all hid. The two of them did not encounter another wolf along the way.

As he was walking like this, Lei Ming suddenly lost his footing, couldn't hold back, and fell to the ground!

This is a pothole with thick fallen leaves underneath, but there are no injuries.

But not far away, there was a wild boar weighing three hundred kilograms, confronting a group of wolves again!

Fang Kai was dizzy with fever and fell to the ground groaning a few times.

Lei Ming quickly covered his mouth.

If we lure those beasts here again, they will definitely die!

Thunder was rolling in the sky, and the beasts seemed extremely violent, but no one dared to move first.

The wolves are powerful, and the wild boar is not bad either.

In the mountains and forests, wolves would rather provoke tigers than wild boars.

Lei Ming asked Fang Kai to lie on the leaves in the pit, then carefully picked up a few large branches that had fallen to the ground from nearby, and built a simple awning.

But Fang Kai coughed violently because of the rainwater in his mouth.

Lei Ming wanted to cover his mouth, but it was already too late!

The wild boars and wolves that were originally confronting each other turned their heads almost simultaneously and looked in the direction of Lei Ming.

Lei Ming secretly said: "It's over!"

He watched helplessly as those beasts gathered here.

Lei Ming straightened up and clenched the dagger in his hand.

Fang Kai opened his eyes drowsily and saw the beasts around him.

His face was frighteningly pale, and he shouted to Lei Ming: "Lei Ming, let's go!

Leave me alone, I can't survive this time, I can't drag you down! "

"Shut up! Don't talk!" Lei Ming said in a deep voice: "Don't make any noise, I will handle it!"

He stood up and covered Fang Kai with the branches, trying his best to make it look like there was no one here.

Fang Kai knew what he was going to do and scolded with a cry: "Thunder, are you so stupid?

If you run now, you can still survive!

How can you fight so many beasts by yourself?

Even if you are eaten by them, you will not be able to fill their stomachs, they will still eat me!

As long as one of us survives!

As long as you persist until your master comes, you'll be fine.

I am a burden and will only drag you down to die here in vain!

You hurry up and go back to Dongshan when you have the chance to tell my grandpa that his grandson has embarrassed him..."

"Shut up!" Lei Ming put a branch on him, straightened up and faced the wolves that were approaching tentatively, and said through gritted teeth:

"We are brothers! If we want to die together, we will die together, and if we want to live together, we will live together!"

I, Lei Ming, will never abandon my brother! "

In fact, he had already planned to run away when he saw blood!

In this way, the wolves will smell the blood and follow him. As long as Fang Kai can survive this fever, he will have a chance to survive!

A thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Lei Ming held his head high, held the dagger in his mouth, tied a button on his messy coat with both hands, clapped his hands, and shouted to the wolves: "A bunch of beasts, come! Grandpa is here!"

As he screamed, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then a bolt of lightning struck from the sky!

Impartially, this bolt of lightning split the big tree next to it into flames.

A black wolf that was originally standing under the tree didn't even scream. It was hit so hard that its whole body was on fire, its eyes were white, and its limbs were stiff and it fell to the ground.

The wolves were frightened and ran away with their tails between their legs. Even the wild boar ran away without looking back!

Lei Ming was shocked. How dare he stand so straight? He shrunk and squatted on the ground, for fear that God would also strike him!

"What's wrong? Lei Ming, where are you?" Fang Kai, who was pressed under the branch, shouted.

Lei Ming quickly removed the branches from his body and built a canopy again.

Looking at the big tree that was still on fire and the smoking wolf corpse not far away, Fang Kai's eyes almost popped out of his head and he asked in a voice, "What's going on?"

Lei Ming shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I was struck by lightning!

This wolf probably swore a lot, so he was punished by God!

You lie here for a while and I'll come as soon as I can! "

He took the knife and ran under the burning tree.

Although it was pouring with rain, the big tree that was struck by lightning was still on fire.

Heavy rain and fire created a strange scene.

Chen Xin'an took a dagger and cut off some branches. At this time, the heavy rain had stopped.

The rain in the mountains and forests is like this, it comes and goes suddenly.

Lei Ming ignored it, used branches to make a fire underneath, dragged the dead wolf over, raised his knife and disembowelled it.

I don't know how much time passed, but the groggy Fang Kai asked for a scent.

Lei Ming stabbed a piece of roasted meat with a dagger, brought it to his mouth, helped him up and said with a smile: "Taste my craftsmanship!"

Fang Kai opened his mouth, took a bite, and said, "It smells good!"

Then he hugged Lei Ming and started crying!


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