Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1237 Searching for the Wolf King

There is no time to cry and be pretentious.

There are wolves all around, and they will bite people's necks if they are not careful.

So the first thing everyone needs to do now is to save their own lives!

But when the master comes, for Lei Ming, it means he has endless motivation and confidence.

He shouted: "Master!"

A wolf opened its mouth wide, revealing its fangs. After pounced on him, it bit his head hard!

At the critical moment, Lei Ming shouted loudly and stabbed the knife in his right hand directly into the wolf's mouth!

The tiger-toothed knife pierced through the back of the wolf's head with a pop, and the wolf was killed instantly!

Lei Ming quickly retracted his hand, and his arm was cut with two blood grooves by the wolf's teeth, but the tiger-tooth knife was stuck in the wolf's mouth and could not be pulled out for a while!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an shouted: "Go on!"

With a flick of his right hand, a cold light passed between Hu Bing's nose!

Lei Ming reached out with his right hand and grabbed the tiger-tooth knife thrown by Chen Xin'an.

With a backhand knife, he stabbed a wolf in the ear hole, and then slashed hard!

Hu Bing touched his cold nose. The blood on his hand instantly filled his nose, and it smelled like blood.

But inside I couldn't help but curse!

Do both master and disciple like to play such thrilling games?

If it were just a little off, my nose would be cut off!

If Lei Ming had reacted slower, the knife would have killed him without the wolf biting him!

The pack of wolves surged towards them and surrounded everyone, as if they would never be able to finish them off.

Lei Ming took the tiger-tooth knife and rushed to Fang Kai's side, protecting Fang Kai who turned into a bloody man by his side!

Because of the reinforcements, the two people in the tree mustered up the courage to jump down and join the battle group!

The distance is too close and the gun is useless.

Han Lei put his gun behind his back, drew out his tiger-tooth knife, and fought alongside Hu Bing.

Soon, everyone gathered together.

Hu Bing, Han Lei, Lei Ming, Wang Lewen, Li Tiejun.

The five people formed a circle, all facing outside.

Behind him was Fang Kai, who was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Facing the wolf tide, the five of them fought to the death and refused to retreat!

As for Chen Xin'an, she disappeared at this time!

Hu Bing waved his knife and cursed:

"What the hell! Where is Chen Xin'an? At the critical moment, he ran away?

Lei Ming, is this your master?

Everyone was working hard here, and he actually ran away alone!

Even if you are afraid of dying like this bear, do you still deserve to be someone else's master?

He looked like a character before.

I never thought that something would happen to me, so I acted like this. How embarrassing! "

Lei Ming became anxious and cursed at Hu Bing: "Hu, shut up! Don't talk about my master!"

Hu Bing snorted and cursed: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?

Hiding and not showing up at this time, isn't it because you are afraid of death? "

He raised his face, pointed at the dense branches above his head, and cursed loudly:

"Chen, he's a man, why don't you come down here!

Even a group of beasts can scare you so hard that you don't dare to land. What kind of ancient martial arts master are you? "

He always thought that Chen Xin'an was hiding in the tree and being lazy.

Han Lei, Wang Lewen, and Li Tiejun beside him didn't say anything, but they were also full of resentment towards Chen Xin'an in their hearts.

This is the time when people are most needed.

When everyone's strength was exhausted, one person could no longer hold on.

This protective circle that was exchanged for life will collapse in an instant, the wolves will rush into the gap, and everyone will become food in the wolf's mouth.

At such a critical moment, the strongest person disappeared!

This is equivalent to letting these comrades be eaten by wolves regardless of whether everyone lives or lives!

Who can't be angry about this?

Only Lei Ming knew that Master must have done something very important, so he left!

Master will never leave everyone behind and escape alone!

If Master was such a coward, he wouldn't be here!

At this time, Chen Xin'an was squatting on the big tree, looking at the wolves below.

He was far away from Lei Ming and the others, but underneath him, there were still countless dense blue lights!

The wolf tide is really scary, there are too many of them!

Even he, faced with so many wolves, couldn't possibly repel them, let alone kill them all. That was simply wishful thinking!

Therefore, letting them retreat voluntarily is the safest way.

Turning off the headlight, Chen Xin quietly jumped and ran on the branches, like a nimble monkey.

This special tactical flashlight has a battery life of more than 200 hours and is fireproof, waterproof and corrosion-resistant.

Chen Xin'an looks very good. When he goes back, he must buy a batch for his security company.


Do military products not flow to the civilian market?

In front of him, Chen Xin'an, there were no such rules!

If you dare not sell it to him, at worst, you will hire a car from a moving company and go to Beihu to clear out all the flowers and plants on Lu Wenhu’s three-story building!

A sharp wolf howl sounded in my ears, and the pack of wolves responded.

For a while, the howling of wolves continued in the forest.

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked in the direction where the wolf howl came from just now.

Got you!

He stood up from the branch and ran forward along the branch.

Just as he was about to fall off the sharp branch in front of him, he jumped up and grabbed an arm-thick branch.

After his body fell hard, he took a sharp breath and relaxed his body.

The branch suddenly bounced up, sending Chen Xin'an flying high!

From this tree, it bounced to another tree seven or eight meters away!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the branch, like a gymnast, and made a big loop with her body on the branch to relieve the force.

Then jump up gently, stand firmly on the branch, and run forward quickly!

On a high rock, a wolf howled into the air.

Beside it, there was a group of wolves circling around it, looking very excited.

In terms of size, these wolves are smaller than the wolves that besieged Lei Ming before.

But their fangs are longer and their eyes are more ferocious.

There was another wolf lying behind the buttocks of two of them.

From a distance, it looks like two wolves doing something indescribable.

In fact, the thing lying behind the wolf's butt looks like a wolf, but its nose and ears are pointier and longer, and its two front paws are short and weak.

This is the legendary embarrassment.

Suddenly, a bright light shone down from the tree, illuminating the surroundings of the rock clearly.

A embarrassed man was the first to notice the strange movement above his head, and opened his mouth to shout.

The group of wolves quickly moved closer to the rock, protecting the wolf on the rock in the center!

At this moment, with a whoosh, a wooden stick fell from the sky.

With a puff, he penetrated the head of the first alert creature and killed it instantly!

The other one screamed and broke away from the wolf, limping behind the rock.

But after just two steps, a cold light that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye flew over!

The ugly head tilted and hit the rock. He fell to the ground instantly, his body twitched, and then became motionless.

At the same time, Chen Xin'an fell from the sky and fell into the wolf pack!

He held a branch as thick as a forearm and two meters long in his hand, and with a shout, he knocked a wolf flying up into the air and flew away!

The wolf standing on the rock is the wolf king of this group of wolves.

The purpose of his coming here is to kill the Wolf King.

A wolf tide is not a group of wolves, but a large group composed of countless small groups.

Each small group has its own wolf king.

Those who besieged Lei Ming and the others were just part of the wolf tide.

Find the wolf king and kill him, leaving these wolves leaderless and they will retreat!

The tall wolf king looked at this human who dared to break into his group, his eyes full of contempt and viciousness.

In its view, this person simply came to die!

It does not allow anyone to dare to challenge its majesty and dominance!

So when Chen Xin'an rushed over, it also jumped into the air and flew towards Chen Xin'an!

The next second, it was penetrated by the long branch!

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