Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1254 If you have poor foundation, you should start from the most basic level

Even if you give me a box of diapers, I won't be so angry!

I am a great old man, the dignified instructor leader of the Black Mountain Tigers!

Are you going to give me a box of sanitary napkins?

I leaked urine, not sunflower water!

"Chen Xin'an, you and I are sworn in!" Zhang Ji'an's shrill howl sounded throughout Building 8.

Almost everyone was shocked.

Instructor Chen is really Instructor Zhang’s nemesis!

Instructor Chen is the only one in the entire Black Mountain Tigers who can make Instructor Zhang so angry!

Zhang Jian kicked the box away and returned to the dormitory angrily.

I locked the door, sat on the bed, and burst into tears!

Uncle, I have no enmity or enmity with you, why did you cheat me like this?

After a good night's sleep, I feel refreshed.

Chen Xin'an felt that her physical strength had returned.

In the morning, I followed the special operations team members to the playground for training.

I have to say that the training volume of these guys is really heavy.

He can’t keep up with many projects!

For example, he had never done any of the equipment training before. After doing it for two or three times, he couldn't hold it anymore.

But for these special forces members, three to five hundred is considered a starting point, and it can easily reach thousands, which sounds scary.

Chen Xin'an didn't feel ashamed either.

He never felt like an all-rounder.

Be better than others in everything.

Horizontal bar training is just a giant loop for the special operations team members.

After Chen Xin'an got up, he was thrown out hard.

It made everyone laugh.

He also felt embarrassed, but didn't take it seriously.

If you don't know how to do something, just practice it slowly.

As long as it helps physical coordination and physical fitness, he is willing to learn from scratch.

It was rare for Cai Yinfo and Gu Jinchao to see Chen Xin'an so embarrassed and embarrassed that he could not stand upright with laughter.

Seeing Chen Xin'an getting up from the ground in disgrace and trying to get on the bar again, Gu Jinchao came over and said to him: "Instructor Chen, stop for a moment!"

He pulled Chen Xin'an aside and whispered: "Instructor Chen, if you really want to play with this, come back after you finish the exercise. You don't have to play in front of so many people!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to him: "No, I think this thing is really good. It works well after practice!"

What he said was effective was for his fear of heights.

If you know you have a weakness, you should overcome it as soon as possible.

Chen Xin'an didn't want the enemy to get a hold of him.

Seeing that he was about to go over, Gu Jinchao grabbed him and whispered: "It doesn't matter, don't play in front of everyone.

To tell you the truth, your actions now are all irregular and wrong, and they look clumsy.

It is very dangerous to practice like this and you can easily get injured.

This is actually the most basic skill of a warrior.

The moves you make are not as good as those of a newcomer now.

This is very embarrassing.

Instructor Chen, don’t forget that you are an instructor.

If you show off here and let others make fun of you, do you think you still have authority?

Who among these guys will still obey you?

I'm doing it for your own good. Just practice when no one is around. Don't make a fool of yourself here! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Gu Jinchao and said with a smile: "If you don't know how, just practice more. It's normal to fall down. What's so embarrassing about this?"

"But you..." Gu Jinchao still wanted to persuade him, but Cai Yinfo came over and said with a smile:

"Lao Gu, instructor Chen can practice however he wants, so we don't have to worry about it!

Mu Gangyi, come here! "

A member of the team who looked short but sturdy ran out and saluted Cai Info and said, "Here we come!"

Cai Yinfu pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mu Gangyi, I'll give you a task. Within three months, teach Instructor Chen the horizontal bar giant swing!"

Mu Gangyi glanced at Chen Xin'an and said hesitantly: "I just saw Instructor Chen doing moves. He seems to be a novice?"

Chen Xin'an did not deny it, nodded and said: "I have never touched the horizontal bar before."

Mu Gangyi looked a little embarrassed.

This set of actions looks simple, but it tests your courage the most.

Some people can't do it even if they wear green clothes for three years, let alone three months!

Looking at his appearance, Cai Yinfo's face sank and he shouted at him: "What, you don't have confidence?"

Mu Gang was determined, stood at attention and replied: "I promise to complete the mission!"

Cai Yinfo turned his head with satisfaction, looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile: "Instructor Chen, this Mu Gangyi is a veritable king of bars in our Black Mountain Tigers!

No one can beat him on the single and parallel bars equipment!

Since you want to practice, it’s definitely right to let him teach you! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, nodded and said, "Okay, thank you then!"

Cai Yinfo laughed, turned around and walked away with Gu Jinchao, and said:

“Then I won’t delay Instructor Chen’s training!

Mu Gangyi, after teaching Instructor Chen the essentials of the movements, go to the obstacle course! "

"Yes!" Mu Gangyi responded.

Gu Jinchao said to Cai Yinfo calmly: "Old Cai, it's a bit too much!

He is an instructor, and he hasn't officially started class yet. You help him find a master first and let the whole team laugh! "

Cai Yinfo laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "He is willing, what can I do?

Besides, we don’t have time to play with him.

Instead of letting him cause trouble around you, why not find something for him to do!

Zhao Dingshan and Sun Wei were both injured and sent to the Military General Hospital.

Our training tasks are so heavy, how can we have time to deal with him! "

Gu Jinzhao also had nothing to say, and after a while he sighed and said:

"No matter what, he is a colleague of our instructor team.

It’s embarrassing for him and it’s also embarrassing for our instructor team!

And he is not someone who can make us laugh.

Be careful of his revenge!

Don’t forget that the team leader doesn’t dare to trouble him now! "

Cai Yinfo shrugged his shoulders and said: "I didn't punish him, I just followed him, do I still want to be retaliated by him?

In fact, I just couldn't stand his arrogant and domineering look all day long, so I just asked him to calm down a little.

He's obviously a newcomer, but he doesn't respect us at all!

Let him be embarrassed and know that the Black Mountain Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

Just don’t always act like I’m the best in the world and don’t accept anyone else!

I don’t have any grudges, I can’t afford to spend all day asking for trouble!”

Gu Jinchao nodded and said nothing more.

In the sandpit, Mu Gangyi finished explaining the essentials of the horizontal bar giant loop and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor Chen, it won't take three to five months to practice this.

And no one can do giant loops from the beginning, they all need to use protective gear.

You don't have to worry, first learn to hold your abdomen in and out. This is the secret to controlling your speed.

But now, what you have to overcome is that you must not have the mentality of not daring to get on the bar after falling once!

You have a poor foundation and have never practiced before, so you have to learn everything from scratch.

So take your time, don't be impatient, and don't be afraid, I will be there to protect you! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I want to know if I turn up, how can I control my strength and get back on the bar?

The centrifugal force is too great. How can I control the force to achieve accurate landing? "

Mu Gangyi looked confused, as if he didn't understand. He looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What do you mean?"

"That's it..." Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "How do you catch it after you let go of your hand after circling the bar?"

Mu Gangyi had a dark face and was furious, and shouted to Chen Xin'an:

"You don't know how to walk yet, so you're thinking about how to run away? Are you thinking about how to fly?

I'm telling you, don't be impatient, just take it step by step!

You start with the first step of lifting the bar!

Just grab the bar with both hands and hold on without moving for half an hour. Do you understand? "

After I finished speaking, I realized that this was not a recruit, but an instructor!

He quickly said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Instructor Chen, I'm a little anxious!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile: "It's okay! I'll go up to the bar first and show you one turn?"

After saying that, he jumped on the horizontal bar, stretched his legs forward, and let his body swing.

Then he grabbed the bar with both hands and turned his body in a circle!


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