Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1295 I will only explain this time

It seems that his wife has told Guan Qing that he is coming to Guanbei to perform a mission.

Then Guan Qing immediately called Guan Qi.

Guan Qi was thinking that after Chen Xin'an came to Guanbei, she would definitely contact him.

Looking at it now, it is true.

Chen Xin'an said into the phone: "Eleven people, each with two sets of casual clothes.

A large travel bag, the kind that can be carried over the shoulder.

I will send you the sizes of clothes and shoes later.

I also want to open five hotel rooms near Wuxuan Racecourse.

We are here at the Dongjiao Airport in Syracuse, and we will send you the location later.

When you're done, come right over! "

"Okay!" The other person simply hung up the phone.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone about their clothing and shoe sizes and sent them to Guan Qi.

After finishing, he raised his head to face Hong Lei and said, "Platoon Commander Fu, please go back. I'll use the phone first and return it to you tomorrow morning!"

"Ah?" Not to mention Fu Honglei, a group of members of the action team behind him were dumbfounded!

Fu Honglei looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and said, "Leader, don't you go to the mobile company with me?

I have already arranged a room for you at the guest house!

If the chief asks me about this, how should I report it? "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and smiled at him: "Just report it truthfully.

Please leave a contact number later.

If there is anything I need help with, I will take the initiative to call you.

If I didn't call, you shouldn't look for us or contact us!

When you go out later, please help and say something to the gatekeeper.

If anyone comes to me, just put it in! "

Fu Honglei stayed for a moment, and seeing that Chen Xin'an was not joking at all, he nodded vigorously and said, "Yes!"

He saluted Chen Xin'an and the team members again, turned around and left without any nonsense.

Speaking of which, except for Chen Xin'an, all the ten team members present were higher than him. How dare he talk nonsense!

There are very few non-commissioned officers who can join special forces such as the Black Mountain Tigers and Chuanyunlong.

They are all cadres at the grassroots level, with the lowest being a second lieutenant.

The ten members of the action team even started as captains.

Fu Honglei was so nervous that he didn't dare to breathe heavily or ask more questions.

After he drove away, Zhu Shanluo frowned and asked, "Instructor Chen, what are you..."

Bian Hu on the side said with a straight face: "Instructors, instructor Chen is now the leader of our action team!"

Zhu Shanluo glared at him without saying anything, and directly changed his words and said: "Team leader, we are not familiar with the place in Guanbei.

Without the guidance of locals, we would be in trouble!

It will have a big impact on the mission! "

Dai Wugang also nodded and said: "Team leader, don't forget, we only have this afternoon and one night!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said expressionlessly: "I know!"

A Chuan Yunlong team member said angrily to Chen Xin'an:

"Since you knew, you drove them away?

What do you want to do?

Are we wasting time by hanging here?

Don’t you know that our time this time is measured in seconds?

Will you be able to lead a team? "

Bian Hu frowned and shouted: "What are you talking about? Why are you talking to the team leader?"

The man glanced at Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang, and seeing that they did not stop him, he became bolder and snorted coldly:

"What, did I say something wrong?

Do you know that if we delay for one more minute outside, our brothers and comrades will be one step closer to death?

We have acquaintances to lead the team, so we can save a lot of unnecessary time waste!

Now you drive people away, how can we get to Wuxuan Racecourse?

Also, I have been paying attention to our team leader since we boarded the plane.

He seems to be afraid of heights, right?

Every time I said a word from beginning to end, I didn’t dare to look down!

What a joke, the new instructor of Montenegro Tiger is actually a patient with acrophobia!

To put it bluntly, I feel a little nervous about entrusting my life to such a person!

And this person behaved so unprofessionally!

It seems that you have never had any command experience, right?

You don’t even form a team when you come down?

Just let us wait here?

The most important point is that I want to ask our team leader.

How much do you know about our team members?

Do you know what everyone is best at, or even what everyone’s name is?

The information passes in your hand and you put it aside.

I'm afraid you don't know our names until now, right?

Wouldn't such a person lead us to death as a team leader? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said calmly: "Your name is Cui Wancheng, and you are a sniper just like Eagle Eye Xiang Sifan.

Of the two people next to him, one is Xiong Fangdong, who is extremely powerful.

The other is called Ma Jing Lun, a master of firearms, and he does everything well.

Together with Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang, this is the five of you Chuanyunlong.

The Montenegro Tigers are all old acquaintances.

Bian Hu, Xiang Sifan with eagle eyes, Shaogang the bullheaded ox, majestic big shield, and thunderous mountains and lakes.

Everybody, I know your name and I know what you’re good at.

I did just glance at the information.

But it doesn't mean that I didn't take it in, and I didn't remember you people!

I will never fail to take my brother who has been with me through life and death into my heart! "

Cui Wancheng's face turned red and he looked at Chen Xin'an awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Ma Jinglun looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and asked: "But team leader, why did you refuse the help of the local mobile company? I don't understand!"

It was also questioning, but the tone was different.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "Since the Spear Club is a traitor organization, but it has not been eliminated in Guanbei, I suspect that their power here is not small.

Our identities are sensitive, and the Lancers may have been spying on the military.

If our whereabouts are revealed, it will have an impact on the operation! "

So that’s it!

Only then did everyone understand Chen Xin'an's intention to drive away Fu Honglei.

In fact, it’s right to think about it.

Since the enemy has captured a few people dressed in green as hostages, they will definitely think that the people in green will come to rescue their companions.

So the local green clothing department, how could they not monitor it?

I'm afraid that once my group gets close to the mobile company camp, they will be discovered by the spearmen who have been lurking there.

As a result, the hostages will be more alert, making it even more difficult to save them!

Now if the operation is to be completed smoothly, the first thing to do is to turn the light into darkness so that the other party does not know that his group has arrived in Guanbei!

This way we can catch them by surprise and be more confident in rescuing them!

The five Chuan Yunlongs all looked ashamed, and they also knew that they had wrongly blamed Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an didn't take their attitude to heart, and still said expressionlessly:

"This is the first and last time I explain to you.

I won't be nagging anymore.

Whatever I say, you do.

Even if you don’t understand, you still have to hold back and do it!

Don't ask, I won't tell you if I ask!

Whoever is dissatisfied can do so.

Either you think you have the strength and let me convince you.

Either you leave this action group and go it alone.

I definitely don’t want to deal with someone I don’t get along with!

Because it will harm everyone.

When there are casualties, that's not the result I want!

Do you understand? "

The five Montenegro Tigers immediately stood at attention, straightened their backs, and replied loudly: "Understood!"

Although Chuan Yunlong was a little dissatisfied, no one dared to stand up and talk anymore.

Chen Xin'an shouted angrily: "Do you understand? If you don't want to comply, get out now!"

You act on your own, we act here, everyone does his or her own thing! "

That would kill everyone!

Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang were not fools, and they immediately understood the serious consequences of the family separation.

Even if they dared to express any dissatisfaction, they all stood at attention and responded in unison: "Understood!"

At this time, they all felt that this new instructor of Montenegro Tiger really didn't have a good temper!

And everyone can feel that once this guy gets angry, his aura can really scare people!


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