Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1297 If my uncle knows about it, he will help

The news was quickly fed back to Chen Xinan, who answered the phone and nodded continuously.

Someone was knocking on the door.

Everyone immediately dispersed around and prepared for the battle.

Chen Xinan gestured to Cui Wancheng.

Cui Wancheng quickly moved to the door and whispered, "Who is it?"

The person outside called out, "Son-in-law!"

It's one of us!

Cui Wancheng opened the door, and Guan Lei walked in with three young men.

Each of them was holding a bulging bag filled with various herbs.

One of them even brought a few mortars.

Putting down the things, Guan Lei said to Chen Xinan: "Son-in-law, let's go down first!

Someone has already gone into the water on the Wuxuan River!"

"Okay!" Chen Xinan nodded and said to him: "Be careful!"

After the four of them left, Zhu Shanluo pointed at the herbs on the ground with a strange look on his face and asked Chen Xinan: "What are you doing?"

Chen Xinan grinned at him and said, "Come, I'll teach you what to do! Xiong Fangdong, Xiongtou, Ma Jinglun, all of you come here!

Follow me, put these herbs into the mortar according to the proportion, and pound them into slag for me.

The rest of you, collect the slag and put it in these small bags.

Be quick, get it all done within half an hour!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is this for?

But the team leader gave the order, and everyone had to listen.

A group of people moved according to Chen Xinan's instructions.

For a while, the room was full of jingling and clanging like a market, and it was very lively.

Chen Xinan immediately raised his hand and said to everyone: "Stop! Pick up the medicine mortar and try not to make any noise!"

Xiong Fangdong picked up the medicine mortar and smashed it. There was a loud bang, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Team leader, this won't work! I can't use force to pick it up, and it will break if I use too much force! This is impossible!"

Dai Wugang said angrily: "Team leader, you can't finish it until dark.

No one can do it, it's impossible to smash it!

This is nonsense!"

Chen Xinan stretched out his hand, took the medicine mortar from Xiong Fangdong, held the bottom with his left hand, held the medicine hammer with his right hand, and began to smash it down quickly and hard.

Everyone only saw that his right hand had become an afterimage, and the medicine hammer smashed the herbs and splashed the juice.

But it was just a slight sound in the ears, which could be ignored!

Dai Wugang licked his lips, swallowed his saliva, and closed his mouth.

He couldn't practice this trick for three years!

Zhu Shanluo praised sincerely: "The team leader's hand skills... are really amazing!

This hand speed, if you are not single for 30 years, you can't practice it!

It's really too fast, the force is moderate, and it is free to send and receive. I admire it!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and burst out laughing.

Chen Xinan didn't understand at first, but when he looked down and saw the movement of his right hand, he understood it in seconds.

Turning his head to Zhu Shanluo, he laughed and scolded: "Get lost! I'm still far from 30!"

Everyone laughed, but the relationship became closer in the laughter.

With Chen Xinan's demonstration, everyone followed his method.

The room was indeed much quieter.

There were not many herbs, and they soon turned into dregs, which were divided into three small bags.

Chen Xinan said to everyone: "Someone go take a bath in the river, and sprinkle these things in the river.

Remember, you must grasp the time, start at five o'clock, no earlier and no later!

Who is going?"

Kou Shanhu stood up and said: "I'll go!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "I'll ask the brothers below to send two people to follow you.

Be careful to avoid the eyes, don't let anyone see you!"

Chen Xinan called Guan Lei, and soon two young men came up, each carrying a small bag, and left with Kou Shanhu.

Bian Hu turned his head and asked Chen Xinan: "Boss, what are we doing now?"

Chen Xinan glanced at the time and said in a deep voice: "Wait!"

Half an hour later, Kou Shanhu came back, and there was no small bag in his hand.

A Guan family member followed him, carrying a medicine box on his back.

He walked up to Chen Xinan and said respectfully: "Son-in-law, Brother Lei asked me to give you everything, it's all in here!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

The young man looked at Chen Xinan and shook his head and said: "Son-in-law has done a great favor to the Guan family. No matter what we do, it's our duty!"

Chen Xinan didn't say anything, just nodded to him.

After he left, Chen Xinan opened the box and took a look, then closed it again and sat on a chair by the window.

From this position, you can see a memorial archway about six or seven hundred meters away, where is the Wuxuan Racecourse.

Twenty minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

Cui Wancheng went over and asked, it was Guan Lei.

After opening the door, Guan Lei and a brother came in with two large lunch boxes, which was dinner for everyone.

"Son-in-law, Brother Qi wanted to welcome you tonight, but I knew it was inconvenient for you, so I prepared these side dishes."

Everyone was drooling!

I was too busy to eat at noon, and it was almost six o'clock in the evening, and I was hungry!

Chen Xinan nodded and smiled: "Okay, go back and tell Brother Qi that this wine will be saved for now, and I'll make it up when I have time!"

Guan Lei wanted to say something, but the phone in his trouser pocket rang.

Bian Hu next to him quickly took the thing from his hand.

Guan Lei took out his cell phone and responded: "Brother Qi, I'm delivering food to my uncle. It just arrived..."

What did you say?

Let me take a look first! "

He didn't hang up the phone, he quickly ran to the window and looked outside.

"Guan Li! Come and see what the last number of that car's license plate is?" Guan Lei stood by the window and shouted.

The young man who came with him ran to him and looked out the window. A black car stopped at the entrance of Wuxuan Racecourse.

Guan Li looked at it for a long time, his eyes were almost crushed and he couldn't see clearly.

Hawkeye on the side said: "The tail number is 759!"

Guan Lei's expression changed, he nodded to Hawkeye, then picked up his phone and said softly: "Brother Qi, it's him! Okay, then I don't care!"

After hanging up the phone, Guan Lei looked gloomy.

Guan Li said angrily from the side: "Brother Lei, is that kid Guan Xinran? He cheated us for five million and almost had Brother Seventh killed! After hiding for so long, he finally showed up?"

Guan Lei said with a gloomy face: "Seventh brother said that we don't need to worry about this matter. We can help my uncle wholeheartedly! He will handle it himself!"

Guan Li said anxiously: "But this kid has already spread the word that he will kill Brother Seventh! If we let him run away this time, Brother Seventh will..."

"Shut up!" Guan Lei shouted angrily, interrupted him, and cursed in a deep voice: "Do whatever Brother Seventh tells you to do, and don't cause trouble here! Let's go!"

He turned around and said to Chen Xin'an and others who were eating: "Uncle, dear friends, please use it slowly!

When I have time, my Guan family will make up for this meal and have a few drinks with you! "

Everyone stood up, thanked them, and sent the two of them off.

After leaving the room and walking to the elevator, Guan Lei slapped Guan Li on the head with a straight face and cursed:

"How many times have I told you, don't be so rash.

If you mention these things in front of your uncle, wouldn't it cause trouble for you if he interrogates you? Do you think people can help you? "

Guan Li shrank his neck and said aggrievedly: "I wasn't anxious at that time!

Guan Xinran, this shrunken turtle, finally came out after hiding for so long. How can we let him go so easily?

My uncle has his own things to do, so why should he worry about us?

After all, he is an outsider, so even if he hears it, he will not care! "

Guan Lei shook his head, sighed and said, "You don't understand this person.

If he already knew, he would definitely help! "


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