Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1300 This package is mine

Cui Wancheng had a quarrel with a man named Guan?

Chen Xin'an and Xiang Sifan both looked at each other.

The two turned around and ran in the direction of the man's finger.

From a distance, I saw Cui Wancheng surrounded by several people.

Chen Xin'an recognized one of them at a glance.

Guan Xinran is a member of the Guan family.

He held a large package in his hand.

And Cui Wancheng's right hand was tightly grasping the package!

Guan Xinran's right hand almost pointed at Cui Wancheng's nose, and he cursed at him:

"I'm going to say it again, let me go!

What you see is yours?

This is what I put here!

I don’t know where a country bumpkin jumped out of nowhere, and he actually dared to grab my head!

You don’t even want to ask me, who am I? "

Several people nearby also pushed and cursed Cui Wancheng.

But Cui Wancheng held on to the package tightly, letting them scold and beat him, but refused to let go!

"Damn you seeking death!" Guan Xinran cursed through gritted teeth, and shouted to the three companions around him: "Hit me! I don't have time to follow him here!"

The companion next to him rolled up his sleeves and was about to take action, when suddenly a thunderous cry came from his ears:

"What are you doing! Dare you try it? Get out of here! Are you looking for death?"

Even Guan Xinran was startled. He saw two people in white coats walking over and standing in front of them, and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

The three companions were also trembling with fright. They didn't know where such a coward appeared from.

I don't know anything else, but this voice is quite scary.

Chen Xin'an grabbed the package and brought it up to him.

This time his expression changed.

The package is quite heavy and the contents inside are very hard.

He turned to Cui Wancheng and said, "What's going on?"

Cui Wancheng glanced at him and said quickly: "I picked up a bag in the hay house here..."

Guan Xinran cursed angrily: "I put that there..."

"Shut up! Don't talk until I ask you!" Chen Xin'an shouted sharply at Guan Xinran.

Guan Xinran was so frightened that he trembled and Yangyang closed his mouth.

Wang Guangchen hurried over and asked Guan Xinran, "Hey, Brother Ran, what are you doing?"

Guan Xinran frowned and cursed: "Manager Wang, I have an agreement with your boss, you know that, right?

He has already sold these things to me, and I have given him the exchange items.

Why are you still asking people to cut off your hair now?

Is this something you guys have agreed upon to trick me?

Who are they? "

Wang Guangchen quickly waved his hand and said, "Brother Ran misunderstood! These are the veterinarians I invited.

What you discuss with the big boss has nothing to do with them!

As for now, I think this must be a misunderstanding! "


Guan Xinran and the three companions next to him opened their eyes wide and looked at Chen Xinan and the others in disbelief.

Then their faces all started to turn blue.

"Why the hell, I thought he was a friend on the road, but after working for a long time, he turned out to be treating animals!"

"A few veterinarians came to snatch our things? Who gave you the courage to do this?"

"Brother Ran, are we so hopeless now? Are several veterinarians yelling at us?"

Chen Xin'an yelled at them: "What's wrong with the veterinarian? Did the veterinarian eat your rice?"

Am I proud to be a veterinarian?

Who of you can guarantee that you will never get sick in your life?

Who can guarantee that they will never see a veterinarian?

If you dare to bully a veterinarian, believe it or not, I will prescribe some medicine and kill you right now? "

Guan Xinran and his companions were stunned for a moment after being scolded, and their momentum was completely suppressed.

Guan Xinran pointed to the package with a guilty conscience and said, "But that thing is really mine!"

He was already frightened by Chen Xin'an's loud voice, so he didn't have any confidence or hope when he spoke. He just said something tentatively.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an grabbed the package and threw it to him, saying fiercely: "Take what's yours! No one cares about it!"

"Don't..." Cui Wancheng was anxious and wanted to stop Chen Xin'an, but found that Chen Xin'an and Xiang Sifan were looking at him together and slowly shook their heads.

So, he closed his mouth, took a step back, and stopped talking.

He didn't expect to get the package back so easily. Guan Xinran still couldn't believe it.

He didn't believe it until his companion got the package in his hands.

Then several people looked at each other, looking at Chen Xin'an in confusion, wondering what this guy was up to.

Chen Xin'an ignored him and said to Wang Guangchen: "The poison on the horses will be cleared out later, and they are all standing up now.

We have nothing to do here, let’s go. Goodbye! "

Even these words were shouted out, as if he were fighting for his life to meet his enemies.

Wang Guangchen also looked at the three of them in bewilderment and turned to leave, muttering: "Are you crazy?"

Looking at the backs of Chen Xin'an and the other three, Guan Xinran also figured it out, and cursed with a livid face: "You're trying to fool me!"

The companions nearby also yelled and cursed: "I've also thought about it, how could it be just three veterinarians who scared us by talking and yelling?"

"They threaten us to come to them if we get sick, and prescribe random medicines to kill us? Are they treating us like livestock?"

"Brother Ran, how can you bear this? I will go over and kill them now!"

Guan Xinran stretched out his hand, stopped everyone and said, "Don't worry! Do the business first, the delivery is waiting over there! Let's hand over the things first!

Don’t worry, Manager Wang knows them anyway and is not afraid of them running away!

Let them have a happy night first!

Walk! "

Chen Xin'an took Xiang Sifan and Cui Wancheng into the Honda car.

Just as he closed the car door, Xiang Sifan asked Cui Wancheng, "Old Cui, are you crazy? Why are you trying to snatch that package with those people?"

Cui Wancheng had a gloomy face and said in a deep voice: "Inside the package are our Chuan Yunlong's guns, there are three in total!"

Xiang Sifan was stunned.

The gun is the life of the warrior.

The gun will only leave the body after being captured or dead.

So since Chuan Yunlong's gun appears here, it means that those hostages were once held here!

And now life or death is uncertain!

Xiang Sifan also said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, there was a bus parked outside the stable just now, and it seemed that it took away a few people.

I don’t know where he went, and I didn’t have time to chase him! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It seems that the hostages were once held here.

It’s just that these people were very cunning and transferred the hostages in advance!

They either go to Selangor Pass or enter Moshan.

Let me down after crossing the bridge, and I will go to the foot of the mountain to meet Zhu Shanluo and the others.

You two, go to Xuelan Pass to check. If anyone is there, report to me immediately through the communication system!

If not, you can come back into the mountain in two hours and we will mark the whole way! "

"Yes!" Xiang Sifan and Cui Wancheng responded at the same time as Chen Xin'an.

The Wuxuan River is very wide, but the water flow is not fast. It is precisely because of this characteristic that it is used as an international triathlon venue.

After crossing Wuxuan Bridge and arriving at the north bank, this side is relatively sparsely populated.

There are still more than three hundred meters away from Moshan.

Chen Xin'an can just walk along the river.

From here, go up to Moshan and then go north to meet the Snow Ridge.

The snow ridge extends northward, crossing the northern border and reaching the country of Munda.

Wanlangchao is the apprentice of the Inca experts. They were gathered in the country of Munda, entered the desert mountain from the snow ridge, and then pushed all the way to the deep pool.

This nearly thousand-mile journey was just to create chaos in Huameng Pass and escort the rough stones out of the country!

This shows how crazy these mercenaries are!

Unfortunately, their plan has now been completely ruined!


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