Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1302 I just sit here and watch you die

Because there were hostages, the police did not dare to shoot.

Although the opponent's gun was privately made, it was very powerful.

The suppressed police officers couldn't lift their heads and looked for cover one after another.

Ako grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm with one hand and pointed a gun at his head with the other hand, preparing to push him into the back seat of the Jaguar.

As soon as he reached the door, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned away his wrist and grabbed Ako's gun-holding hand with his right hand.


In panic, Akko fired directly, but hit his right leg, causing him to scream in pain!

However, this kid's reaction was not slow, and he was obviously very skilled. When he let go of the gun, he stepped forward with his left hand and caught the gun in mid-air!

Unfortunately, before he could shoot, Chen Xin'an slammed his elbow and hit him hard on the back!

Akko's throat felt sweet, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a loud sound, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The two foreigners who had already walked to the back door of the car raised their daggers and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an grabbed someone's arm and pushed it in front of him!


Guan Xinran fired a shot at Chen Xin'an from the front of the car, but the bullet exploded in the foreigner's back!

The unlucky black man screamed in pain, and Chen Xin'an grabbed his wrist and waved it to the side!

His companion screamed strangely, and a deep blood groove was cut on his face, which almost opened his mouth!

Chen Xinan pulled his arm back, and the foreigner in front of him rushed towards him involuntarily.

But he kicked her in the stomach, causing her whole body to fly up into the air.

Then Chen Xin'an grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground with a bang. He fainted on the spot!

The remaining foreigner looked at this scene in horror, turned around and ran away, but was blocked by the police hiding behind the flower bed!

When Guan Xinran saw that something was not going well, his companion ignored him and immediately opened the door and got in the car.

As soon as I started the car and stepped on the accelerator, the car roared out!

The moment the car started, Chen Xin'an lowered her head and got into the back seat!

"Guan Xinran!" Chen Xin'an shouted with a smile.

Guan Xinran was shocked. He didn't expect that this guy had already gotten in the car!

He grabbed the pistol lying next to him and wanted to shoot at Chen Xin'an, but Chen Xin'an kicked him on the back of the chair!

Guan Xinran almost leaned over the steering wheel!

The gun in his hand also bounced out and fell at his feet.

He turned the steering wheel sharply, avoiding a big tree on the roadside, and asked Chen Xin'an in a trembling voice:

"Who are you? No matter what you want to do, I'll give you money!

You give me a price, how much do you want? "

Now he has seen that the guy behind him is very skilled. Once he takes action, he may not be able to take advantage.

What's more, he is still driving and doesn't dare to stop.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Xin'an!"

Guan Xinran was stunned, glanced at the rearview mirror and asked, "Which Chen Xin'an?"

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "Chen is Chen Xin'an's Chen, heart is Chen Xin'an's heart, and An is Chen Xin'an's An.

This Chen Xin'an is guaranteed to be genuine! "

Guan Xinran shouted in horror: "Aren't you in Kyoto? Why did you come to Guanbei?

Chen Xin'an, this is not your territory, don't be arrogant in Guanbei! "

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him with disdain and said:

"Even if you are arrogant, what can you do?"

Guan Xinran shouted angrily: "Go to hell!"

As soon as he accelerator, the car roared and rushed towards a big tree on the roadside!

I had secretly fastened my seat belt just now, but the guy behind me had no protection at all!

If you give him this for a while, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

But Chen Xin'an just smiled slightly and said to him: "Okay, go to hell!"

He raised his foot and kicked his right arm.

Guan Xinran couldn't control himself and swerved to the left. The car passed a big tree and rushed towards Wuxuan River!

"You lunatic!" Guan Xinran yelled, slamming on the brakes, but Chen Xin'an kicked him in the leg again!

This kick of the brake becomes a kick of the accelerator!

The car roared and crashed through the shore guardrail and fell into the water!

Seeing the river water pouring in, Guan Xinran's face turned pale as paper, and his hands hurriedly went to unbuckle his seat belt.

But Chen Xin'an didn't know when she sat next to him!

Before he could react, two steel needles pierced his shoulders.

He felt severe pain in his arms, which seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and he couldn't exert any strength!

"Chen Xin'an, let me go! I'll give you whatever you want!"

Chen Xin'an sat aside and looked at him leisurely, her eyes full of sarcasm.

At this time, Guan Xinran remembered that the simple gifts Chen Xin'an gave to his old family leader were worth millions!

His little assets are not worth mentioning in front of others!

"Chen Xin'an, I know you want to help Guan Qi! Okay, I'll quit. I'll leave Guanbei tonight and never come back for the rest of my life, is that okay?"

"No!" Chen Xin'an said simply: "I don't believe what you say! And you, as a person, must die!"

Guan Xinran cursed with a cry: "I will definitely quit if I say quit! Why do you have to take my life? Is it because I said I would kill Guan Qi?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at him with a smile and said, "But this is only one of the reasons!

There is another more important reason, it is what is in that package!

You bastard, you dare to buy anything just to get money!

China's standard weapons are all manufactured in secrecy.

You dare to sell it, you are so brave!

I hate traitors the most, so you must die! "

Guan Xinran was so frightened that he cried, and howled at Chen Xin'an: "It's all given to me by that bastard Qu Tianfeng!

I gave him a batch of guns, but he didn't give me any money. Instead, he gave me these standard-issue items and asked me to sell them, claiming that the money was paid off.

I'm just doing business, I don't think too much about it!

Chen Xin'an, I really don't know what's going on here, please let me go! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him sideways and asked, "Guan Xinran, do you think I'm a fool?"

The car has completely sunk into the river, and water rushes in from every gap like a waterfall.

It has already reached their chests and will soon engulf them both.

Guan Xinran cried and cursed: "You're crazy!

We don’t have any deep hatred, why do you insist on my death?

Are you going to die with me?

Chen Xin'an grinned, shook his head and said to Guan Xinran: "You are wrong, I will not die with you.

I just want to watch you die.

If you can still breathe a few more times, hurry up, it will be gone in a moment! "

Guan Xinran opened his mouth to say something else, but Chen Xin'an gave him an elbow and broke the window glass next to him!

The river surged in and swallowed the two of them instantly.

Guan Xinran shouted desperately, and the river water poured into his mouth, choking him and shutting up quickly.

His body was struggling hard, trying to break the seat belt and escape.

But there are steel needles in both arms, so I can't even lift them!

Large amounts of river water poured in from his nostrils and mouth, quickly blocking his windpipe.

Chen Xin'an sat quietly in the passenger seat, resting her right hand on the car window, holding her head in her palm, and looked at him with a smile.

Soon, Guan Xinran was unable to struggle, and a few bubbles came out of his open mouth from time to time.

Slowly, no more bubbles emerged.

Guan Xinran was sitting in the driver's seat, with his eyes half-opened, his mouth open, his arms slightly open, and his body swaying gently with the water flow.

But his breath has been cut off.

Chen Xin'an then easily opened the car door, floated up, and came out of the water with a splash.


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