Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1317 Duel like a man

The Black Mountain Tigers looked straight at Zhu Shanluo.

That's our boss, do you have the nerve to call me that?

In terms of level, you are the same as Zhang Jian, higher than Instructor Chen. How can you be called the boss?


Dai Wugang also shook his head and said to Zhu Shanluo: "Cui Wancheng took my place and escorted them down the mountain.

I'll go with you to pick up the boss and bring him back unharmed! "

Another shameless person!

The Black Mountain Tiger looked at the two people in front of him, but there was a knowing smile on his face.

Zhu Shanluo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I have always wronged Instructor Chen!

Moreover, she always opposed him and looked displeased with him.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized how superficial and ridiculous I was.

Instructor Chen is a man of great ability!

I feel inferior to myself!

He considers all of us at every turn, but he doesn't bother to explain and allows others to misunderstand.

I apologize to him for my stupidity and recklessness, and I want to apologize to him face to face!

Brothers, prepare to fight, let's go pick up the boss! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

For the first time, the members of the two special forces teams worked together, and there was no longer any barrier in their hearts.


Chen Xin'an stabbed a mercenary in the heart and kicked the body away.

He only wore a camouflage vest on his upper body, and his whole body was stained red with blood.

And all around, the corpses of mercenaries and gunmen fell in pieces.

Under his secret attack, he killed three mercenaries and six gunmen!

Before the gunshots rang out around him, he had already hidden behind the big tree again!

"Kill him! Don't let him escape again! You idiots, can't you defeat him with so many people?"

Qu Tianfeng angrily cursed at the people around him, but his body was hidden behind a tree and protected by at least four people.

If he hadn't been pushed away by a gunman just now, he would have died under the knife of that ghost!

Desert Mountain Ghost.

This is the nickname those mercenaries gave this enemy!

He is really elusive and his whereabouts are so erratic that not even bullets can catch up with him!

Qu Tianfeng was very afraid of death.

He knew very well that if this ghost did not die, he would die!

Because he is the boss of this gang of gunmen, he is the main target!

Holden glanced at Jonahkin with crazy eyes.

Met a terrible opponent!

The two of them fought in countless battles.

But I have never thought that I have been so nervous before!

The enemy is just too scary.

He should be the legendary Chinese Kung Fu master!

This kind of person is very powerful and very troublesome.

Because their bodies are so agile, it's hard for you to tell where they are lurking next to you!

"Jonakin, if I die, remember to pass this thing to my son!" Holden took out a cross made of bullets from his pocket and handed it to Jonagin!

Jonagin's expression changed and he called to him: "Holden, what do you want to do?"

Holden shook his head, put the cross into Jonagin's hand, and said to him:

"If this continues, both of us will die!

The other party is too scary!

We have to lure him out! "

Jonahkin cursed in a deep voice: “Horton, don’t do anything stupid!

You saw it just now, that ghost can dodge bullets!

His movements are faster than the speed of bullets!

Even if you lure him out, we may not be able to hit him! "

Holden smiled slightly, with a decisive look on his face, and said to him:

“So, I’ll hold him!

When the time comes, you must shoot without hesitation!

As long as you shoot, the gunmen will also shoot, and the ghost will not be able to escape!

But you must remember not to kill him on the spot.

We no longer have any hostages, he is the hostage!

He is so powerful, he must be a person with a high status in the Chinese military!

Maybe he alone is worth the four before!

So I will hold on to him no matter what.

You must shoot right away! "

Jonagin was stunned. He shook his head vigorously and said to Holden with tears in his eyes:

“No, Holden, I can’t do it!”

“Listen!” Holden grabbed his collar and cursed angrily: “Do you want to die in this damn place?

Don’t you want to see the wheat fields in your hometown anymore?

Jonagin, only one of us can get out of here alive!

As long as we can meet up with the Wolf King, we can leave this hellish place!

You only get one chance, you must seize it! "

He pushed Jonagin away and said loudly: "Hi, Chinese master!

I know you're nearby, I know you can see me and hear me.

Let's be a pair of real warriors!

Stop hiding, stand up like a man and fight me!

Could it be that you Chinese masters are just like you, just shy?

Do you only deserve to hide and carry out sneak attacks?

come out!

Let me experience your Chinese Kung Fu! "

As he spoke, he had thrown away the rifle in his hand and the pistol hidden on his body, and took off his coat.

Only in his right hand, he held a wolf leg knife!

He waved his left hand behind to signal the gunmen to retreat.

Behind the big tree about ten meters in front, Chen Xin'an stood up.

He lowered his head, as if he hadn't seen him, and just stared at his feet.

But Holden knew that every move he made was under the eyes of the other party!

The reason for using this posture is to prevent the enemy from suddenly hitting the strong light.

On the battlefield, a moment's loss of concentration can be extremely dangerous and fatal.

The moment of dazzling caused by the strong light is enough to cause a torrential rain of bullets all around you to pour on you!

So this guy keeps facing everyone with this posture, without giving everyone any chance!

He looked at Holden sideways, with a sneer on his lips, and asked in a deep voice: "You want to duel with me?"

Holden held the Wolf Leg Knife tightly, flipped his wrist, and made several knife-raising movements. It looked really neat and fierce.

"What's wrong? Don't you dare?

Fight like a man, face to face.

Just use this knife.

The one who wins can escape unscathed, and the one who dies is also a hero.

Don't hide like a coward! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, pointed at the gunmen behind him, and said with disdain: "Are you worthy of saying such a thing?"

Holden snorted and said to him: “So I’ll give you a fair chance to fight!

I can guarantee that they will not interfere while we are fighting!

do you dare? "

Chen Xin'an grinned and raised her fingers at him: "Come on!"

Holden lowered his left hand and put it behind his back. He made a hidden gesture to Jonagin with Chen Xin'an behind his back.

When you see me hugging him later, you will seize the opportunity to shoot!

Jonagin's eyes were red, he wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and stared at Chen Xin'an.

At this moment, Holden had already moved!

He raised his wolf-leg knife and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an also moved when Holden rushed forward!

But instead of running forward, he ran backward.

And while retreating, he pulled back his right hand and pulled out a branch behind his back.

Behind Chen Xin'an are five branches that are 60 to 70 centimeters long, each one as thick as a little finger.

The bark had been peeled off and was very smooth and straight.

One end was sharpened, and if it was equipped with feathers, it would hold five arrows.

But this arrow is not shot, but thrown!

Holden never dreamed that the other party would not fight with him or give him a chance to hug him!

Use a wooden arrow to shoot directly through his head!

He looked at Holden who was standing upright. Although his head was shot through by an arrow, he was not dead immediately.

Chen Xin'an chuckled and said with a sneer: "That's it? You still want to have a fair fight with me? Is it fair enough?"


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