Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1328 It was the monkey who did it

Although they were frightened, two mercenaries still ran to the stream to collect water with two empty mineral water bottles.

This is what was left from last night, only these two bottles are left.

If they lose even this, they can only stick their mouths into the stream to drink like animals.

The other mercenaries were hiding at the edge of the forest, on alert and ready.

Two bottles of water are not enough for everyone, so we need to make a few more trips.

I changed people to get the water, and when I was about to come back, a monkey suddenly ran out of nowhere.

While the person receiving the water was washing his face, he stole the mineral water bottle!

The angry mercenary fired several shots. Although he missed the monkey, he was so frightened that it dropped the bottle and ran away.

No one took it seriously.

It is very common to encounter this kind of thing in the jungle.

But if you can't help but kill the monkey, don't kill it.

Because this thing is extremely vengeful.

If you kill a monkey, you may provoke a group of monkeys.

As long as you are in the forest, there will be no peace.

They will always pester you to take revenge on you.

In normal times, this group of murderous mercenaries would not be afraid of a group of monkeys!

But the situation is different now.

They also have a terrifying enemy peeping around.

The slightest mistake may be used by the ghost to turn it into a talisman for his own death!

The person who received the water took back the mineral water bottle. Fortunately, not much water was spilled in it. He went directly into the forest and handed it to his companion who had not yet drank water.

The companion took the bottle and drank most of it in one go.

The companion next to him swallowed his saliva and said, "Edward, hurry up. After you finish drinking, hurry up and get the water.

How about I drink the remaining half of the bottle and go get the water? "

Whoever drinks the water is asked to pick up the water and wash his face by the way.

When Edward heard this, he simply raised the mineral water bottle and drank all the water in it. He turned to him and smiled:

"Harold, just wait here and I'll get the water back for you soon!"

He burped and glanced at his companion Strachey who had just finished drinking water.

The two nodded, quickly checked the rifles in their arms, and walked towards the stream with the bottles in hand.

As soon as he reached the stream, Strachey saw Edward staggering suddenly and almost falling down.

He was startled and asked quickly: "Edward, what's wrong with you?"

Edward looked a little dazed, his face was red, and he was breathing heavily.

He shook his head and dropped the mineral water bottle in his hand at his feet.

Strachey looked at the bottle he threw away, and there seemed to be something floating in it, like a mushroom?

At this time, Strachey was too lazy to pay attention to this. He just stared at Edward who was staggering towards the woods and asked, "Where are you going? The water hasn't been picked up yet!"

"I saw him!" Edward murmured.

Strachey frowned, ran over, grabbed Edward's shoulders and said, "Edward, what did you say? Who did you see?"

When Edward turned around, Strachey gasped.

At this time, Edward's face was flushed, as if blood was oozing out, and even his eyes were covered with dense bloodshot eyes.

"You..." Strachey was about to ask him what was going on, but he was shocked to find that Edward suddenly picked up the gun, and the muzzle of the gun was already pressed against his chest!

"No!" As Strachey screamed in terror, Edward's gun sprayed out a ball of fire, and the bullet instantly penetrated Strachey's body!

Edward was yelling, his hand always on the trigger!

"You damn ghost!

I'm not afraid of you!

I am going to kill you! "

Everyone else was stunned. A mercenary ran out of the woods and yelled:

"Edward, damn you, what have you done!"

At this time, Edward heard the sound, turned around, looked at his running companion, and without saying a word, pulled the trigger!

The companion didn't expect that this guy had already disowned him, so he also shot him. He was so frightened that he hurried to the side to hide, but he was still a step slower.

The bullets spattered blood on his body, and he fell to the ground injured.

Seeing Edward pointing the gun at his head, he cried out in despair!


At this moment, Edward raised his head suddenly, and a puff of blood splashed in the air.

When he slowly pulled his head back, there was a bright red blood hole between his eyebrows!

Tugrev held a pistol in his right hand and said expressionlessly: "Damn it!"

No longer caring about the danger, everyone ran out and dragged Edward, Strachey, and the injured companion to the edge of the forest.

Even the bottle of water that Edward had thrown away was picked up.

Edward drank Strachey and was already dead.

The injured companion is still alive.

Ten people have now become seven and a half, but this should not be caused by the ghost. This is what makes everyone feel aggrieved and unworthy.

"Why is this happening?" Lu Binhan's eyes were red, and he was kicking the tree trunk next to him like a trapped animal, biting the bark with his teeth.

He chewed up the bark bit by bit, swallowed it into his stomach, and roared: "Why the hell did Edward become a madman?"

"Because of this thing!" Migoron held the mineral water bottle that Edward had thrown away in his hand and raised it in front of him.

Now everyone has seen some colorful things floating in the bottle.

They were mushrooms the size of bean sprouts, floating in the water like little red umbrellas.

Miguelun said expressionlessly: "This is Xiaobanzhi. You will have hallucinations after eating it by mistake."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Rubingham frowned and asked strangely: "Why is there such a thing in the bottle? Could it be...who gave Edward the bottle just now?"

Everyone pointed to the body on the ground: "It's Strachey..."

"It's not Straci!" Migoron said to everyone with a gloomy face: "It's that monkey!"

Only then did everyone remember that a monkey had stolen the mineral water bottle when Strachey was filling it with water just now.

But they were quickly driven away by gunfire.

But the bottle of water was brought back directly for Edward to drink.

It should start at that time, there are poisonous mushrooms in the bottle!

A monkey can actually poison a group of people?

Who would believe this?

Unless, this monkey is domesticated!

But everyone had been fighting with the Moshan ghost all night, and none of them noticed that he had a monkey beside him!

If it was not domesticated and not under the command of that ghost, why did this little beast poison them?

Everyone gathered around the body, puzzled.

At this moment, there was a sudden creaking sound above his head.

Everyone looked up and saw a monkey squatting on the tree trunk above their heads.

Isn't this the guy who just snatched the mineral water bottle?

"Fake! I'm going to kill you!" Lu Binhan's eyes were red, and he was about to aim at the monkey with his gun.

Unexpectedly, the guy actually raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

At the same time, a round thing fell out of its hand.


A mercenary bent down and looked at the round lump under his feet.

Then the whole person felt as if he was struck by thunder, and his soul was instantly shattered!

A Chinese standard grenade!

Moreover, the tab has been pulled open and is hooked on the little monkey’s raised paw!

"Get down!" Migoron exclaimed.

Lu Binhan kicked the mercenary holding the grenade on the butt, making him lie on top of the grenade!


With a loud noise, the mercenary was blown up one meter high and then hit hard again.

The people around him fell on their backs, blood and flesh splattered everywhere!


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