Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1330 Children are not allowed to watch

Blood spurted out from his chest, spurting out one after another with his heartbeat.

Lu Binhan covered his chest with his hands, trying to block his wounds, but it was no use.

He knew he was finished!

With such a wound, he only had less than three minutes to live, and even God couldn't save him.

Because the opponent pierced the heart, but he retracted the knife very quickly, so the wound was not blocked.

He could feel the intense pain, and the god of death was getting closer, but he was unable to stop it.

"The bear wolf will, will avenge me! Ahem!" After Lu Binhan said this, a lot of blood poured out of his mouth.

He slumped to the ground and leaned against the big tree behind him, looking helplessly at the enemy in front of him.

This was the first time he saw this person head-on, and he finally saw his face clearly.

What surprised him was that this elusive Desert Mountain ghost turned out to be just a young man in his twenties!

In the Timberwolf mercenary group, the youngest members must be over thirty years old.

Because you need to have enough battlefield experience to join the jungle wolves.

So when they deal with the so-called special warfare elites from various countries, they are like veterans bullying new recruits or adults bullying children!

People who are too young do not have enough war acumen and danger perception, and they do not have enough strength to complete tasks that ordinary people think are impossible!

But this kid in front of me is only in his mid-twenties, but he is terrifyingly powerful!

How did he do that?

What's even more terrifying is that he didn't have any gunshot wounds!

He had obviously shot him!

Seemingly seeing the surprise on his face, Chen Xin'an grinned, pinched the fingers of his right hand, and pinched out a yellow bullet!


This is impossible!

This man is simply a devil!

He actually caught the bullet with his hand!

Lu Binhan's face was filled with disbelief, and more blood spurted out of his mouth!

He really didn't understand what kind of opponent he was fighting!

In fact, none of this matters anymore. The most important thing is that he is dying now.

When Tugreev, Migolun, and the mercenary named Dean came to him, Chen Xin'an and the little monkey had disappeared.

Lu Binhan was on his deathbed and could no longer even spit out the blood in his mouth.

He felt that his breathing was becoming more and more labored, but he still mustered up his last strength and said to his companions: "Let's go! Leave..."

Before he finished speaking, he died of anger.

He persists until now just to warn his opponents not to look for any more rough stones!

Leave China quickly, that Desert Mountain ghost is not something you can deal with.

If you don't leave, the three of you will die here!

If someone is not afraid of bullets, what else can hurt him?

Unfortunately, Lu Binhan's last words were ignored by several companions.

Seeing that another comrade had died, Tugreev stabbed his knife into the tree next to him, gritted his teeth and cursed:

“Damn Chinese!

Whether he is a ghost or a devil, I will kill him! "

Migoren frowned and said to him: "Tugrev, at this time, aren't you still considering my suggestion?

Our task is not to deal with this person!

But to get the rough stone as soon as possible!

We should ignore the entanglement of this ghost, get rid of him as soon as possible, catch up with the captured Chinese people, and ask for the whereabouts of the original stone! "

Dean swallowed and said to the two wolf kings: "But... Lord Greedy Wolf just told us not to go any further. We should leave here as soon as possible..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tugreev kicked him up and threw him to the ground!

Tugrev looked at him with disdain and cursed: "If you are afraid, then leave with the white wolf, I will not back down!

Bear Wolf Tugreev will never be a coward who runs away without a fight!

The coyote is proud of me and I will not be a disgrace to it!

I must kill that damn Chinese!

I want to take his head back to the Gasso Jungle and hang it on the jungle wolf's battle tower! "

He spat on the ground, pulled out the wolf-leg knife from the tree, and strode forward!

"Xionglang, calm down and listen to me!" Migolun knew that there were only three of them left and they must not be separated again, so he quickly chased after them.

Dean looked at the dead Greedy Wolf Rubin with sad eyes, his heart filled with sadness and fear.

He remembered that the last time they fought against the Incas, a team of ten of them wiped out a hundred-man Inca combat company at the cost of one death and one injury.

If Rubin Han hadn't pushed him down in that battle, the cost might have been two deaths and one injury!

Now that he saw Lu Binhan's body exposed in the forest, he felt a little unbearable and said sadly: "It's a great kindness to Greedy Wolf. I will bury you here. I hope you can..."

He passed his hand from Lu Binhan's armpit, trying to pick him up, but there was a soft choking sound in his ear, as if some switch had been turned on!

"Oh, Shet!" Dean's face instantly turned gray, and he let go of Rubin's body with his hands.

But Lu Binhan's hands were hung on his body, making him unable to break free for a while.

At this time, he finally understood that Lu Binhan asked them to leave before he died, not to leave China, but to stay away from him!

A loud bang sounded behind Lu Binhan, and the two of them were blown away instantly!

Not far away, Tugrev and Migoron were still talking, and explosions were coming from behind!

Immediately afterwards, a wave of air mixed with flesh and blood corpses rushed over, blowing the two of them away!

When everything calmed down, the surroundings had turned into Shura Hell.

Broken branches and debris were everywhere, and there were several more wounds on the two of them, making them unable to stand up for a while!

Dean's body fell not far from Tugreev, his lower body had been blown away, and he stared at him with wide eyes.

Tugrev stood up with his hands on the ground, wiped off the broken meat and sawdust on his body, kicked Dean's body, and cursed:

"Damn idiot!

I have told you more than once that your companion's body cannot be moved casually!

Even if he is dead, he can still be set into a trap by the enemy!

What we are facing is a veteran with at least ten years of combat experience!

All possible dangers must be considered.

Why don't you listen? "

Migolun also got up, grabbed Tugreev, looked at him with horrified eyes and shouted:

"Let's go! Let's leave this place, let's go after those prisoners!"

Tugrev waved his hand, glared at him and cursed: "White Wolf, are you scared?"

Migoron ignored him, just took his arm and shouted: "Let's go find the rough stones, that's the purpose of our coming here!

Let's not provoke that ghost, he will kill us all! "

"White Wolf!" Tugrev roared angrily and grabbed him.

When his face turned around, Tugreev discovered that black blood was already flowing out of his ears.

The explosion just now shocked his eardrums and he could no longer hear!

Tugrev sighed, looked at Migorun and said: "Do you think that even if we don't look for him, the ghost won't come to us?

White Wolf, we have to fight him eventually! "

But Migolun could no longer hear these words. He just stubbornly held Tugreev's arm and led him away from the Shura battlefield.

Not long after they left, one person and one monkey came back here again.

"Tsk, tsk!" Chen Xin'an pinched her nose, walked around in a circle, and walked to Lu Binhan's body.

He took off his backpack and took out the contents, but it turned out to be something in the shape of a hat made of unknown herbs.

Chen Xin'an took out the tiger-tooth knife and said to the little monkey standing aside:

"Second pole, turn around! The next scene is too bloody, children cannot watch it!"


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