Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1332 He should die in a fair battle

The two wolf kings were one behind the other, sandwiching Chen Xin'an in the middle.

Erzhuzi squatted on Chen Xin'an's shoulders, grinned at the two people, and kept making faces.

All three were injured, and the original color of the camouflage uniforms they were wearing could hardly be seen.

They are also using their will to suppress the pain on their bodies and prevent themselves from falling.

Tugrev watched Chen Xin'an's every move and said to him: "I have to admit, you are the most powerful opponent I have ever seen!

I also admire your rich combat experience.

I think you have been training in the Chinese army for at least ten years, right?

If I weren't here, I'd even buy you a drink.

Because what I admire most is the strong.

You are truly strong.

But unfortunately, because of my mission, I still have to kill you!

Don't worry, I will give you a happy death.

This knife has cut the necks of 128 people.

They all died painlessly.

Believe me, dying by this knife is the best ending for you!

I hope you stop struggling.

Because of your current situation, it is already difficult to fight anymore.

Even if I don't do it, you will bleed to death yourself.

You can't fight anymore! "

Chen Xin'an was bleeding from his chest and back, and the blood dripped down his hands and fell to the ground.

He was also shaking, as if he was struggling to hold on.

With a flick of Migolun's wrist, the wolf's leg knife changed from an overhand grip to an underhand grip. He also rushed towards Chen Xin'an like a wild beast.

Without firearms, the three wolf kings are also masters of close combat!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Chen Xin'an.

The wolf's leg knife in his hand cut across Chen Xin'an's throat!

Chen Xin'an leaned back and avoided the blade by almost a hair.

The scared monkey screamed, jumped away from his shoulder, and climbed up the big tree next to him.

Migoron ignored it. The main target now is the ghost!

As long as this person is dead, the rest will be easy to solve.

Chen Xin'an avoided the blow, but he also saw his lack of physical strength and slow movement.

Migoron laughed evilly and shouted to Tugrev: "Bear and Wolf, deal with him together! Fight quickly, he is no longer able to survive!"

Tugrev seemed not to have heard anything and just looked at Chen Xin'an with a gloomy expression.

He knew that this guy was very cunning, and even if he was seriously injured, he would definitely have a back-up plan.

He was waiting for the backhand to show up.

Another point is that although he has a hostile relationship with this ghost, he also respects his strength.

Such people should die in a fair battle.

He was willing to give this man a chance.

If he could survive Migoron's knife, it would be a one-on-one duel between him and the opponent.

As long as one person leaves here alive, this is the ending that the strong deserve.

Seeing that Tugrev was indifferent to his orders, Migolun cursed a few times.

Since he couldn't command that guy anyway, Migron stopped wasting his words.

One knife after another, attacking Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an had to admit that this kind of fighting style practiced between life and death on the battlefield was really sharp!

Although there is no internal support, there is no pleasing posture.

But it is very practical.

There are no unnecessary movements, simple and fierce.

Chen Xin'an was in danger, and was forced to retreat continuously by the dense sword light.

Several scars have been added to the body, and more blood is flowing!


His back hit a big tree and there was no way to retreat!

A smug grin appeared on Migron's lips.

See how you can hide?


He twirled the wolf-leg knife in his hand, and the blade flashed with cold light, slicing towards Chen Xin'an's throat.

But at this moment, Tugrev shouted loudly: "White wolf, back off!"


He asked you to join forces and you watched the fun without moving.

Now that I'm about to succeed, you want me to let him go?

If you don’t listen to what I say, then I will just treat your words as nothing!

His knife was about to cut open Chen Xin'an's throat!

This bothered them for a day and a night, and one person killed more than thirty coyote mercenaries.

He even killed a Desert Mountain Ghost of the Wolf King.

He will die now when Migoron falls!

But at this moment, he saw Chen Xin'an's face and the sneer at the corner of his mouth!

How could he still laugh at this time?

And he smiles so treacherously?

Before he could react, his stomach felt like a battering ram, knocking him out!

The tip of his knife barely scratched the opponent's throat, leaving only a shallow trace of blood!


The tree trunk behind him was broken by the impact. Migolan fell to the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He didn't know how many ribs he had broken, but he could feel that his internal organs were stabbed by the broken bones. He couldn't even stand up now!

how so?

Isn't that guy almost dead?

Why does it still have such power?

He kicked half of his life away!

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle and injected it into himself. The seemingly terrifying and bleeding wound stopped instantly.

He looked at Migron, smiled, blinked, and said to him:

"You want to kill me?

You can't do it alone!

My situation is better than you think.

Your vision is far worse than that big man! "

Chen Xin'an pointed at Tugreev.

Migolun finally understood that this guy was just lying to him when he behaved so miserably before!

I foolishly thought that the other party was at the end of his strength and was at his mercy!

"But... you still can't survive!" Migolen raised his head from lying on the ground with a determined grin on his face.

His right hand suddenly took out a grenade.

This is also the last one left on him!

He wants to die together with Chen Xin'an!

Just when he was about to fire the grenade, a black shadow suddenly fell above his head.

Before he could react, there was a sharp pain in his left eye!

The second pole stood on Migoron's head and gouged out his eyes with his hands.

Then he stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it!

The severe pain left Migolen with no intention of setting off the grenade!

He grabbed the back of his head with one hand, trying to pull off the second pole.

Unexpectedly, the second pole jumped down nimbly and bit his right hand!

With a click, a finger was bitten off by the two poles!

Amid Migoren's screams, Erzhanzi snatched away his grenade.

Then he skillfully pulled it down, broke it, and threw it on him!

Migoren lay on the ground unable to move. The grenade bounced twice on his buttocks, rolled down, and stopped between his legs.

"Holy shit!"

Chen Xin'an cursed, rushed over, hugged the second pole, and rolled her body to the side.

With a loud noise, rain of blood splattered, and half of the trunk of the big tree beside him was torn off by shrapnel!

Chen Xin'an hugged the two poles tightly in her arms and withstood this round of impact.

I let go and checked the body of the second pole. I saw that it was not injured, and I was relieved!

At this moment, a cold light flashed before his eyes. Chen Xin'an pushed the two poles and shrank back.

There was a thump in the chest, and a knife was pierced into it!

Tugreev, whose face was covered with blood and had a two-inch long wooden thorn stuck in his left cheek, had already rushed in front of him!

He held the wolf leg knife in his hand and held the handle of the knife with both hands!

As long as he pulls the handle of the knife and slides it down, he can disembowel Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an naturally wouldn't give him this chance and kicked him with both feet!

One kick was on the opponent's stomach, another kick was directly between his legs, and another kick was forward, pushing the opponent back three steps.

The Wolf Leg Knife was pulled out from his chest with a pop, and blood flew out!


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