Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1336 Desert Mountain Bear Attacks

Not a single invading enemy was left behind, and all were annihilated.

The hostages have been rescued and went down the mountain smoothly.

The snow-cutting operation was successfully concluded, and it was time for Chen Xin'an to go down the mountain.

But the second pole was missing.

Chen Xin'an searched around and finally found it on the branch of a big tree.

This guy was lying on a female monkey and kept raising himself up on the ground. The scene was very indescribable.

Chen Xin'an's sudden appearance frightened both of them.

The female monkey became angry on the spot and jumped up to tear Chen Xin'an's face off.

Not only did Erpolezi not stop him, he even helped the female monkey beat Chen Xin'an together.

Chen Xin'an was so frightened that he ran away in panic. He ran for more than half an hour at a stretch and finally escaped the pursuit of the female monkey.

After more than ten minutes, the two poles caught up and the female monkey was nowhere to be found.

Chen Xin'an took out a few wild fruits picked in the woods from his pocket and handed them to it as if to please.

Er Zhanzi remained unmoved, grinning and cursing at him.

It wasn't until Chen Xin'an took out the roasted pheasant leg specially reserved for it that it finally calmed down its anger and stopped scolding it.

Chen Xin'an said to him helplessly: "Er-pole, you can't do this! You've done four or five things along the way, right?

I know it's the courtship period for female monkeys, but you can't just fall in love with anyone you see!

You are sowing seeds everywhere, just pick up your pants and leave...

Sorry, you don’t have any pants at all!

Anyway, your behavior is an out-and-out scumbag.

I am saving your reputation in the desert mountains and forests..."

Seeing Er Zhanzi biting the chicken leg and looking at him with a look of disgust, Chen Xin'an also knew that talking to a monkey about whether he was a scumbag or not was really worse than him.

Sighing, Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "That brother of yours is just Luo Erzhang from Kyoto!

Just like you!

I don't think about anything else all day long, and I will mate whenever I get the chance.

But if they only find one girl, they won't get into her if she's naked and lying next to her.

Unlike you, I'm not picky about food either. As long as it's a female, you'll do it.

It doesn’t matter whether it looks good or not.

Look at those horses of yours. They are all as long as monkeys. How dare you keep your mouth shut?

Okay, okay, don't scratch!

Why are you so anxious? Can't you just be like me and be more reasonable and less hands-on?

...Fuck you, uncle!

The scratching is endless, right?

Do you really think I am a clay Bodhisattva with no temper?

Hey, you don’t expose someone’s shortcomings when you scold them, and you don’t slap people in the face when you hit them!

I was wrong, brother, I rely on my face to make a living, please show mercy..."

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the distance!

One person and one monkey suddenly stopped, and they all looked straight ahead.

The second pole immediately jumped onto Chen Xin'an's shoulders.

Chen Xin'an ran quickly in the direction of the gunshot. Almost twenty minutes later, he stopped.

There were fallen trees and broken branches all around, and there were bloodstains everywhere. It was obvious that a tragic fight had taken place.

It's just that Chen Xin'an didn't remember that this was a battlefield!

Could it be that Zhu Shanluo and the others encountered the enemy again when they were going down the mountain?

But looking at the traces at the scene, it doesn't look like they were left behind by a fight.

At least one of them was not human, because breaking such a thick tree was beyond human power.

Unless there is another master of inner strength like him in the woods, or someone like Tugreev who has been injected with drugs to transform into a beast.

And the traces were very new. The blood stains on the ground showed that the fighting took no more than half an hour!

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to Erpole.

Even if the two poles are out of tune, they will always look for female monkeys to fool around.

But doing things is still relatively straightforward.

He is also extremely smart, and has no problem communicating with Chen Xinan. They cooperated tacitly from the first contact, and now they are almost on the same page.

The second pole quickly climbed up the tree, looked around, and then squeaked twice.

Chen Xin'an quickly ran in its direction and soon saw a bloody scene.

A blind bear, probably more than two meters tall and weighing three to four hundred pounds, was sitting on the ground eating and drinking, his mouth full of blood.

I couldn't see if it was eating people, because it was blocked by tree roots and weeds.

Chen Xin'an swallowed and stood still.

The Moshan Bear has a very hot temper and is definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Once you provoke it, it will fight you to the death over no matter the matter!

And this guy can swim and climb trees.

He can do anything in heaven or on earth, and he can run up to sixty miles.

Catching up with two-legged people is like playing!

The key is that his claws are sharp and he is very powerful.

A slap over here can knock someone away!

And during takeoff, the flesh on his face was torn off!

Chen Xin'an didn't want to start a fight with such a brute, so he coughed twice and said:

"Well, we were just passing by and disturbed your meal, I'm sorry!

We'll leave right now, you continue!

No need to get up to see you off, just stay!

Stay here, it’s your uncle’s fault! "

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran away. The Moshan Bear behind him had already stood up.

Chen Xin'an looked back and her legs felt weak.

The good guy is more than two heads taller than him!

Those arms are thicker than his thighs!

The Moshan Bear let out a roar, lay down on all fours, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an didn't dare to race with it on the ground. He spotted a big tree, took out his tiger-tooth knife, jumped in the air, stabbed the knife into the tree trunk, and used the strength to climb up quickly!

The desert mountain bear swooped over, and the two poles screamed loudly as they watched.

From this angle, we could see that the Moshan Bear landed right on Chen Xin'an's back!

But when I really wanted to make contact, I realized that it was still a bit shorter.

The desert mountain bear's claws were half a meter away from Chen Xin'an's feet, leaving three deep scratches.

Chen Xin'an also kicked it on the head and quickly climbed up a branch.

The Desert Mountain Bear slid down the tree trunk and sat down on the ground with a bang, breaking a solid buttock.

Maybe the fall was quite heavy. The big guy sat on the ground hugging the tree trunk and didn't move for a long time.

After a while, he got up, stood upright, hugged the trunk of the tree with his limbs and began to climb up.

Chen Xin'an wielded the tiger-toothed knife and chopped the tree trunk in front of him as thick as an arm!

The Moshan Bear was less than two meters away from Chen Xin'an, and Chen Xin'an finally cut off the tree trunk.

I quickly cut off the excess branches with a knife and made a wooden stick over two meters long!

"I'll fight!" As Chen Xin'an shouted, the wooden stick was smashed on Moshan Xiongzhao's head!

With a click, the wooden stick hit the Moshan Bear's head firmly and broke into two pieces.

The Desert Mountain Bear once again slid down the tree trunk like a slide, and sat down on the ground again with a thud!

This time the fall was even harder than before, and the big guy couldn't stand up after howling for a long time.

After a while, it finally got up and roared fiercely at Chen Xin'an on the tree.

Who is that?

No one dares to mess with this area, wolves will tuck their tails when they see it, and wild boars will take a detour when they see it.

When have you ever been bullied like this and felt such grievance?

Of course this is intolerable!

The Desert Mountain Bear got up, took a few steps back, then suddenly rushed over and hit the tree hard!


There was a loud noise, and Chen Xin'an really almost fell from the tree!

He quickly grabbed the tree trunk to steady his body. The desert mountain bear below seemed to be going crazy and slammed into the big tree.

Fortunately, the tree was hugged by three people and was thick and big enough. Although it was hit as hard as an earthquake, it still stood firm.

Seeing that this trick didn't work, the Desert Bear started to use the old method again, climbing the tree!

I guess its butt doesn't hurt anymore by now.

This IQ is not even a little bit worse than that of a second person.

A typical scar heals and forgets the pain!

Chen Xin'an was not polite, holding the half of the stick in both hands.

When I lowered my head, I saw that the second pole had slipped down at some point.

It picked up the broken half of the stick and stood it under the tree.

Cut the stubble upward!


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