Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1351 All this is because we have a new instructor

There are four people standing on the grass. They are the top four selected by fighting.

The dragon piercing the clouds has a square inch of stone, the snow mountain leopard Mou Wenfeng, the Getan wolf Gong Jun, the black mountain tiger Hu Bing.

Draw lots to choose your opponents, Fang Cunshi and Hu Bing will be in a team, Mou Wenfeng and Gong Jun will be in a team.

The entire audience was in an uproar.

Not because of anything else, just because three years ago, Hu Bing was defeated by Fang Cunshi and didn't even make it to the quarterfinals!

“It’s over, the Montenegrin Tigers can’t even win the third place this time.

This Hu Bing is the weakest among the top four, right?

Encountering the strongest Fang Cunshi, there is no chance of winning even one point! "

"If Li Qi from our Patrol Eagle hadn't been injured while climbing, Hu Bing wouldn't have had anything to do with the top four fighters. It would have been Li Qi competing with Fang Cunshi for the championship!"

"Don't underestimate people! Mou Wenfeng and Gong Jun are also very strong, and they have the ability to compete for the championship!"

It seems that except for the Black Mountain Tigers, the other special operators are not optimistic about Hu Bing. After all, he was once defeated by Fang Cunshi!

"Why, Montenegro Tiger couldn't find anyone to fight? Did he send you here again? Is this considered surrender?"

Fang Cunshi looked at Hu Bing with a half-smile but said, "Where's Bian Hu? If it doesn't work, let Guan Jingtian and Xiahou Kui come in!"

Although the results are the same, we still lose in the end, at least we lose decently.

What are you doing here?

Making up the numbers? "

Hu Bing looked at Fang Cunshi with a gloomy face and said, "You'll know soon if it's just a matter of making up the numbers! I lost to you before, but I won't necessarily lose to you today!"

After all, they are old rivals. It is impossible for Hu Bing to say that he is not under any psychological pressure.

But after all, we are standing in the ring, so we can only fight with all our strength!

Fang Cunshi seemed to see the timidity in Hu Bing's eyes, raised his chin, looked at Hu Bing sideways and said:

"Surrender, Hu Bing! I broke your arm three years ago, and I don't want you to break it again three years later.

You know, once the fight started, I couldn't control my strength at all.

It's obviously a losing situation, so don't struggle needlessly!

If you admit defeat, at least you can save some dignity for yourself! "

But what it brought to the Black Mountain Tiger was shame!

Hu Bing glared at Fang Cunshi and shouted: "You don't have to be so arrogant!

Whether you win or lose, you won’t know until you play!

Just because you were injured three years ago doesn't mean you still have that strength now!

If everything stays the same, then why compete in martial arts?

Forget it, everyone will be ranked according to the old results!

Besides, in these two days of competition, don’t you know how many events Chuanyunlong can beat us in? "

Fang Cunshi's expression changed and he glared at Hu Bing fiercely.

These words really touched his pain.

I don’t know what happened to the Montenegrin Tiger boys. They all acted as if they had taken medicine. They were so fierce!

Many projects that Chuanyunlong was obviously confident about ended up losing to Montenegro Tiger!

You know, this kind of competition between special forces is not like a folk sports meeting, where there are black whistles and so on.

The referee will never be biased, so if you lose, you lose. There is no need to look for reasons in the rules and penalties!

If we can't go back with better results and honors, the whole special team will be embarrassed!

Fang Cunshi looked at Hu Bing coldly, snorted and said: "Whether it's rock climbing or equipment, in the end it still requires skills.

But there is no such thing as fighting and fighting, what you compare is your true combat power!

I know exactly how much you weigh.

You are no match for me at all, why do you still need to fight me? "

Hu Bing gritted his teeth and shouted: "Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river.

Just because I couldn't beat you before doesn't mean I can never beat you!

The Montenegrin tiger has no soldiers who surrender without a fight!

You are really capable, then try breaking my arm again! "

Fang Cunshi was also irritated. He glared at Hu Bing and nodded and said, "What's so hard about losing again? I'll do it for you!"

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity given to you, since you want to be punished, I will help you!

Hu Bing, please be careful.

This time, I will be more ruthless and ruthless.

If there are any serious consequences, I will not be responsible at all! "

Hu Bing also lowered his face and said to him: "Just come here! I tell you, I won't hold back!"

On the audience stage, several middle-aged men came to sit next to Zhang Jian and looked at him with smiles.

One of them raised his chin and said, "Instructor Zhang, you are a bit unrealistic!"

Zhang Jian glanced at these guys, they were basically old acquaintances.

The instructors or leaders of the major special forces teams are all people who have dealt with them before.

Zhang Jian grinned and said: "Man Xingguo, what you said is a bit of a slap in the face! What's wrong with me?"

Man Xingguo snorted and cursed: "You know it yourself!

Tell me, in the past two years, which international special teams training materials have you read?

What a good method!

Also very effective.

Come on, tell me and share it with everyone! "

Not to mention China's major special forces, even similar forces around the world often compete, learn from each other, and learn from each other's strengths.

An advanced training method or tactic can be quickly popularized throughout the military.

It is even used all over the world, and this kind of thing happens all the time.

Zhang Jian shook his head and said to everyone: "No! I didn't follow any training materials from other special forces teams!"

Man Xingguo glared and cursed: "Who are you fooling! We old foxes, who can you hide from us?

Even if you can hide it today, can you hide it tomorrow? Can you hide it later?

Pei Yuande, Hao Dongliang, Zhou Yanghua, Huo Guangqi, can you believe what this guy says? "

The instructors of the five major special forces teams were all angry, looking at Zhang Jian as if they were going to eat him alive at any time!

"Zhang Jian, what do you mean? You have something good to hide and eat alone, right?"

"Your Montenegrin tiger's one-handed reloading technique is still based on that of our Snow Mountain leopard. What did we say?"

"Old Zhang, as the children's abilities have improved, casualties will be reduced during battle. I don't need to mention the benefits, right? You don't understand this?"

Several Montenegrin Tiger instructors on the side were speechless when they saw their team leader being retorted, so they quickly came to the rescue.

"Boss, you have really wronged our team leader!" Gu Jinchao spread his hands and said to everyone.

Man Xingguo scolded him: "Get out! Do you think we are stupid?

You Montenegrin tigers have never been so strong before.

The fact that he became so powerful this time was obviously due to a targeted training method.

If we can't even see this, are we still qualified to be instructors of a special operations team? "

"Yes!" Everyone nodded together.

Gu Jinchao shook his head and said: "Actually, the transformation of the Black Mountain Tiger mainly depends on one person!"

"Relying on one person? What do you mean? Who has such great ability?" Pei Yuande, the leader of the Snow Mountain Leopard instructor team, asked with a strange look on his face.

Gu Jinchao smiled slightly and said to him: "Yes! In fact, everyone knows that our Black Mountain Tigers have a new instructor!"

Man Xingguo frowned and said, "Are you talking about the Chen Xin'an who followed my bosses on the mission?

I remember hearing the soldiers say that he teaches fighting and fighting, right?

What does it have to do with the improvement of your projects? "

Pei Yuande said with a sneer: "Don't you want to tell us that the overall strength of the Black Mountain Tiger has improved because of the guidance of this instructor Chen?"

Zhang Jian and Gu Jinchao nodded together, looked at everyone and said seriously: "That's it!"

All the instructors burst into laughter.

"Are you kidding? He seems to have only been with you, Montenegro Tigers, for less than a month, right?"

"You mean, Instructor Chen trained you for more than 20 days, and that's why you achieved such results?"

"Instructor Zhang, do you think we are idiots?"

At this moment, everyone heard a banging gong coming from the playground below, and the fighting competition began.


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