Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1361 I always dream of being as strong as you

Now in driving training, if someone makes a mistake, Zhang Ji'an will kick him!

Then he pointed at the person’s nose and humiliated him: “You are worse than a second-rate person!” Even a monkey can drive faster than you!

One can imagine how smart the second pole is?

It has learned how to drive.

Of course, this is just Zhang Ji'an getting angry and cursing people.

The two poles can indeed drive the car away, and it can be driven without any obstacles on the training ground.

It definitely won't work if you hit the road.

Monkeys are monkeys, no matter how smart they are, they can't compare to humans.

When it comes to handling emergencies, they are always inferior to others.

But even so, a monkey driving a car is already amazing, right?

This guy stole Chen Xin'an's car keys a few days ago, but Chen Xin'an found out and punished him severely.

Now that I am honest, I can drive, but I must get Chen Xin'an's permission.

There is one thing about the second pole that is better than what humans can do.

Remember to eat and fight.

If something crossed the line and was dealt with by Chen Xin'an, then he wouldn't do it again next time!

Just like a child, although he is naughty, he has a bottom line and rules.

As long as you tell him he can't do this, he won't be stubborn and will be obedient.

This is why everyone likes it more and more.

With Chen Xin'an's permission, Erzhanzi squeaked excitedly, wagging his tail, and called his harem to get in the car together.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and sighed, in this world now, everyone knows how to drive and take his horse for a ride!

Look at those love rivals, besides squatting in the sun and scratching your woman's lice, what else will you do?

If I were a female monkey, I wouldn't like you stupid pokes and throw myself into the arms of the second pole, right?

Chen Xin'an also admires the second pole.

How does this guy manage to go out with a harem and keep them from getting jealous and living in harmony?

This Neptune's path is quite high!

Can't compare, can't compare!

Skillfully start the ignition, put it into gear, add fuel, and start...

Amidst the excited shouts of a group of female monkeys, Long Qi let out a roar like a cow and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

"Your uncle!" Chen Xin'an's hair stood on end. Without thinking, he took a breath and sank his head into the pit of medicine.

The dragon flag roared past his head, and amidst the chirping of a group of female monkeys, it turned and ran into the woods.

A group of green-headed male monkeys in the distance were originally looking at Erzhanzi with angry and hostile eyes, discussing how to find an opportunity to retaliate against him.

When they saw this scene, everyone was dumbfounded!

This guy has evolved to drive like a human, and he's still here trying to figure out how to grab its bananas?

Are you tired of living?


Chen Xin'an emerged from the medicine pit and cursed at the butt of the car: "Be careful! Don't run too far..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a bang and then the screams of a group of monkeys.

No need to ask, I hit a tree!

It was expected, so Chen Xin'an didn't find it strange.

The second pole can drive the car very fast on the training ground, and then it starts to drift.

I feel like I am a professional racing driver and my skills are invincible.

Little do you know that your level is no different from that of a student who just learned to drive.

Chen Xin'an wanted it to crash a car in the woods to tell it what the consequences would be if it stole the car keys!

From the sound, you can tell that the collision was not serious, and the car was still hitting the accelerator!

It seems that it can’t be poured out, so we still have to take action on our own!

This idiot!

Chen Xin'an stood up helplessly from the medicine pit and prepared to climb out, but then she was dumbfounded.

Where are my clothes?

Damn, the clothes are still in the car!

What to do?

Do I have to walk there naked?

Chen Xin'an looked around. It was at most three hundred meters away from the base gate, but no one would come out of the base during lunch break.

Procurement will not return to camp at this time. The patrol post should be further away now, so there will be no one nearby.

There is no other way. It is impossible to expect the car to be driven back with two strokes.

You can't sit in a pit all day, right?

Chen Xin'an was worried, walked out of the medicine pit with a splash, and walked naked towards the place where the car made the sound.

The car was still refueling and making a roar. Chen Xin'an cursed loudly, "You idiot, you idiot! Stop refueling! I'll do it..."

He suddenly stood on the spot, staring in front of him dumbfounded.

Not far away, his Longqi was still there, with the front of the car stuck between two big trees.

Behind Long Qi's butt, there is a jeep, which is pushing its head against Long Qi's butt, pushing hard!

The driver was Bian Hu, and there were two people standing next to him, one was Tang Qianqian and the other was Zhu Shanluo!

Now they both heard Chen Xin'an's voice, turned their heads together, and then opened their mouths wide, as if someone had tapped their acupoints!

"Ah!" A shrill cry came from Tang Qianqian's mouth, and she hurriedly covered her eyes with both hands!

The red glow spread from her face at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even took over behind her ears and neck in an instant.

Chen Xin'an felt like the sky was falling!

Shame, grief and anger, fear, pain...

He wanted to hide but had nowhere to hide, so he could only cover his important parts and squat on the ground!

Bian Hu also stopped to refuel, turned around and saw Chen Xin'an, who could almost fit a durian into his mouth!

Even though Tang Qianqian had covered her eyes, Chen Xin'an still felt a thorn in her back when being stared at by two men like this, and she screamed: "What are you looking at, you bastard!"

Only then did Bian Hu and Zhu Shanluo react and dare to move their eyes away.

Zhu Shanluo muttered: "Boss, you run around the mountain with your butt naked, and you still call us hooligans..."

Tang Qianqian covered her eyes and was about to cry, and shouted tremblingly: "Have you put on any clothes?"

I'm so crazy about wearing a der!

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "The clothes are in the car! Bian Hu, help me get them!"

Bian Hu responded, ran to the Longqi car, looked around, and ran over with Chen Xin'an's clothes.

"Okay, just stand there and don't move. Throw your clothes over here! You all turn around!" Chen Xin'an shouted when Bian Hu was ten steps away from him.

Bian Hu threw the clothes over helplessly and muttered: "They are all big men. It's not like I haven't seen them in the bathroom before. They use them like this!"

There is cold water in the dormitory, and there is a special boiler room for bathing.

In winter, there are two days a week for collective bathing.

Once a month in summer.

Chen Xinan cursed.

How can this be the same?

No one finds it strange that women wear swimsuits in the swimming pool, but you let them try wearing swimsuits on the street?

When Chen Xin'an got dressed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the three of them turned around, Zhu Shanluo refused to open any pot and asked Chen Xin'an with a smile:

"Boss, what are you doing?

Park the car here and go streaking in the woods by yourself?

Could it be that this is your secret training method? "

Tang Qianqian's face was bleeding, she didn't dare to look at Chen Xin'an, she lowered her head and didn't dare to raise it.

Thinking of the embarrassment just now, Chen Xin'an is the one who wants to escape from the earth!

It’s so damn social!

Listening to Zhu Shanluo's teasing, Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You want to know? Come on, what's the benefit of me telling you!"

As soon as he saw Chen Xin'an squinting his eyes and raising the corners of his mouth, Bian Hu knew something was wrong and quickly closed his mouth.

But Zhu Shanluo still ran over stupidly, approached Chen Xin'an and asked, "What's the benefit, boss?"

Chen Xin'an patted Zhu Shanluo's shoulder, rubbed his back a few times with her hands, and said with a smile: "Relaxing the muscles and activating blood, strengthening the body and strengthening the body, the benefits are huge!"

Zhu Shanluo hugged Chen Xin'an's shoulders in surprise and said, "Is it true, boss? How does it work? Boss, please teach me! I dream of being as strong as you!"


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