Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1364 Why do you want to harm me like this?

Zhang Hongxuan turned around, picked up a box from the desk, and turned to face Chen Xin'an with a serious expression.

At the same time, Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun also returned to Zhang Hongxuan, standing on the left and right.

At the door of the office, Tang Qianqian, Bian Hu, Zhu Shanluo, and Lu Huan stood solemnly.

At this time, there is no room for anyone to laugh.

Only Zhang Jinlin covered his ears and shrank away, with a somewhat baffled look in his eyes.

Dad is going to take it out on me?

Zhang Hongxuan's sonorous and powerful voice could be heard throughout the office:

"Comrade Chen Xin'an was awarded first-class merit for his bravery and outstanding achievements in the army!

He was also awarded the position of chief instructor of the Chinese army and the rank of major general!

Chen Xin'an, here are your certificates and medals, as well as your military rank and arm badge.

I hope you can continue your efforts and create greater glories in your future work! "

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun were both a little dumbfounded.

They had thought of this first-class military merit.

After all, based on what Chen Xin'an did, it would be unreasonable if he didn't get first-class merit.

But the rank of major general really exceeded their expectations!

This is equivalent to being on an equal footing with them!

In fact, it doesn't matter. The key point is that Chen Xin'an's title is completely against the rules!

If Chief Zhang hadn't come in person, both of them would have suspected that this was a fake and just child's play!

You know, how long does it take for a green-clad soldier to go from a soldier to a general?

Even in war years, becoming a general is not an easy task, and it takes many lives to build it up.

This is what is called one general's success and ten thousand bones withered!

Chen Xin'an destroyed the three wolf kings, annihilated all the invading jungle wolf enemies, and other things, so his achievements were indeed considerable.

But to be awarded the title of major general just because of this is not enough!

At the very least, your military experience is not enough!

The guys outside the door didn't think about that.

After they were shocked, they were in uncontrollable ecstasy!

The boss has become a general!

Oh my God, this should be the youngest general in China, right?

Not yet twenty-six years old!

Not only did the Montenegrin Tigers have a chief instructor of the entire army, he was also a young general!

How big a card is this?

What a glorious team history is this?

What they want to do most now is to tell everyone in the base this good news!

Zhang Jinlin was so horrified that his jaw almost dropped!

He is not a member of the army, but he grew up in a military compound, so of course he understands these things in the army.

He thought that his father would help him vent his anger, but as soon as he heard about the appointment, he immediately knew that there was no chance!

He is a general!

Not to mention beating him up, as long as he is not beaten to death, dad will not care anything about it!

I forgot to read the almanac when I went out today. Why did I encounter such a evil star?

The beating was in vain. I have never been so angry in my whole life!

You can’t even take revenge!

Are you angry?

Zhang Hongxuan put the box back on his desk and said to Chen Xin'an: "I can't award it to you yet, but I'm just letting you know in advance so that you can be mentally prepared.

There will be a celebration and recognition meeting in the afternoon, and it’s not just for you.

I will issue medals and awards to you at that time.

Chen Xin'an, do you have anything to say? "

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at him and asked, "Can I not want it?"

Inside and outside the office, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop clearly!

After a long time, Tang Peng slapped Chen Xin'an on the neck and cursed at him: "What nonsense are you talking about here! You have a fever, right?"

Meng Jianjun also scolded him with a straight face: "Chen Xin'an, don't talk nonsense! Do you think this is just playing house?"

The group of people outside the door were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out. They were all extremely anxious, but they did not dare to call him loudly. They shouted at the top of their voices: "Boss! Hush, hush, don't be impulsive!"

Zhang Jinlin almost laughed out loud.

Is this guy a fool?

This guy doesn't care about the honor that no one else can ask for in their entire life. Doesn't he want it?

Were you kicked in the head by a donkey when you were a kid?

Zhang Hongxuan looked at Chen Xin'an with a serious face and said:

"Chen Xin'an, this is an award and an order!

Do you think it's just a joke?

If you want it, you can take it, but if you don’t want it, you don’t have to take it? "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Tang Peng and said, "Old man, I want to make a call!"

Is this guy calling at this time?

Tang Peng cursed angrily: "What are you doing, kid? You made trouble for me at the critical moment..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a gloomy face and said, "Old man, are you going to call me? I won't even attend the celebration party. Do you believe it?"

Tang Peng almost fainted!

This bastard can definitely do it!

If there is no protagonist in the celebration party, then what merits are there to celebrate!

He had no choice but to ask Meng Jianjun to take Chen Xin'an's mobile phone.

Zhang Jinlin pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "What is this? I won't call you, but he calls himself and no one cares?"

Tang Qianqian snorted and said: "Instructor Chen's mobile phone has been modified and encrypted. It is safer than a satellite phone! It will not be tracked, of course you can make calls!"

Tang Peng, who was full of anger and had nowhere to vent his anger, scolded the group of people outside the door with a dark face: "You have nothing to do this afternoon? What are you doing here? Get out of here!"

Everyone quickly dispersed and left the office building.

Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. When the call was connected, he cursed angrily:

"Mr. Lu, you are unjust! We agreed before that I would serve as a combat instructor for the Black Mountain Tigers for three months.

Now you not only made me a chief instructor, but also gave me the title of major general. What do you mean, keep me here forever, right? "

Lu Wenhu's calm voice came from the other side: "You brat, I'm so anxious to give you a promotion. I'm afraid you're the only weird one among the tens of billions of people in the world, right?"

Chen Xin'an snorted and cursed: "Stop talking nonsense here, I only have three months of military membership, why do you give me so many identities?"

Lu Wenhu said slowly and leisurely: "Who told you that you only have three months of military service?

Did I say that?

From the very beginning, you have life-long military status in your file, okay? "

"Hey Lu Wenhu, are you kidding me?" Chen Xin'an jumped up on the spot, slapped the table and cursed:

"Are you playing tricks on me? Believe it or not, I will go back to Kyoto right now and raze your greenhouse to the ground? Clear out your upstairs too?"

"How dare you!" Lu Wenhu also became anxious and scolded him: "If you dare to do this, Mr. Chen, I will have the machine gun squad guard the door of my house. If I see you, I will shoot you without mercy!"

Chen Xin'an scolded: "You try? I'm scared, are you afraid of this? You are unkind and I am unjust! If you dare to trick me, don't blame me for being ruthless! Just wait for me!"

How could Lu Wenhu not know that once this madman gets anxious, he can do anything!

He was really afraid that this guy Chen Xin'an would go crazy. After all, he couldn't really beat this bastard to death.

After clearing his throat, Lu Wenhu quickly explained to Chen Xin'an: "You brat, don't do whatever you want! I didn't give you these orders.

Major General, do you think I have that much power? "

Chen Xin'an held back her anger and asked, "Then who is behind this?"

Lu Wenhu was so angry that he rolled his eyes. Is this a trick?

He suppressed his anger and said to Chen Xin'an: "It should be Mr. Hua and Mr. Li who arranged this!"

Hua Lao? Chief?

Their idea?

Chen Xin'an was a little confused and muttered: "I have no grievances with Mr. Hua and the chief, right?

Why do they want to hurt me like this? "


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