Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1369 I promise to make them completely transformed in two months

Now Yin Xiangming is riding a tiger and is unable to get off.

Even if he was the only one left, he still had to go out!

Fortunately, the two people behind are friends who often play with me outside.

One of them said angrily: "Brother Ming, those guys are all cowards!

The thunder was loud and the rain was light, so I didn’t dare to leave! "

The other person also looked back hesitantly and said with a worried look:

"No, Brother Ming, the instructor also said that I want to walk down the mountain for at least two or three days!

We don’t have anything with us, so we have nothing to eat or drink for these two or three days! "

Yin Xiangming snorted and cursed: "They are cowardly, but we are not cowardly!

Shao Yang, Pu Xincheng, don’t worry, I will definitely have this ability when I take you out!

There is everything in the woods. If you want to eat game, I will hunt it for you. If you want to eat fruits, I will pick them for you!

Isn’t it just two or three days? It’s gone in the blink of an eye! "

The two younger brothers were slightly relieved when they heard how relaxed he said it.

What's more, now that we've come this far, no matter what lies ahead, we have to keep going.

Otherwise, they would be giving in to the other party. With their status, they would naturally not do such a shameless thing!

The three of them didn't know where the gate was, so they were just wandering around like headless flies.

Fortunately, they met a patrolling sentry. After asking around, the three of them finally found out the way out.

When they reached the gate, the sentry did not stop them and let them leave.

Yin Xiangming shouted excitedly: "I'm finally out!

become free!

Brothers, no one can take care of us.

Let's go, buddy, take you out of here!

Let me live a comfortable life and let me come here to suffer and be trained?

There are no doors!

Let's go! Let's go out and go home! "

On the training ground, Fang Kai looked at Chen Xin'an with a worried look and asked in a low voice: "Brother An..."

Lei Ming scolded with a straight face: "Don't get too close! Either call me the instructor or call me the boss!"

"Boss!" Fang Kai changed his words simply.

He is a little afraid of thunder now.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I used to dislike this kid.

But since returning from Xinxun, this kid seems to have a different temperament than before.

Fang Kai couldn't tell what it was, but this kid's glare could make him nervous.

Fang Kai whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, do you really not care about those three guys?

There are many dangers in this old forest! "

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "I know it well, don't worry about it!"

Now that the boss has spoken like this, Fang Kai shut his mouth.

This is not a problem he can worry about.

Chen Xin'an looked at those people and said, "Since you have chosen to stay, let's start training.

Don't worry, there is no training content this afternoon.

Lei Ming, take them to the new training building first, assign rooms, and get quilts.

Thirty minutes later, meet in the conference room! "

"Yes!" Lei Ming saluted Chen Xin'an, turned around and said to the princes:

"Everyone has it, take Huayoulin as the benchmark, and keep up with it!"

"Don't do this!" Hua Youlin said with a gloomy face: "Just because we stay doesn't mean we have to train with you!

We just know that we can’t walk out of the desert mountain with our legs!

I don’t want to train, no one can force me!

I'll make a call later and ask my family to pick me up.

I can't stay here for long! "

Chen Xin'an ignored them, just turned to Lei Ming and Fang Kai and asked, "Where are the things I asked you to prepare?"

Lei Ming and Fang Kai looked at each other, then lifted up the hem of his camouflage uniform, revealing a circle of vine branches around his waist.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Hua Youlin said with a sarcastic face: "Are you Black Mountain Tigers so poor that you use this thing as a belt?

Just tell me, I’ll give you ten or eight Montblancs, no problem! "

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but took the newly untied vine branch from Lei Ming's hand and shook it with his hand.

Then he raised his arm and hit Hua Shao with a slap!

Mr. Hua himself was confused.

He lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body, which had been torn apart.

Inside, you can see a long whip mark with fine blood spots on it!

At first it was just a burning sensation, but soon the unbearable pain was like a fire, sweeping through the whole body in an instant!

"Ah! How dare you slap me?

My surname is Hua!

My name is Hua Youlin!

Do you know who I am?

The loss of a hair on my head can make you lose your head!

How dare you hit me with this thing! "

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to what he was shouting, turned around and said to Lei Ming and Fang Kai:

“I leave these people in your charge, so just let me go and take care of them.

If you are disobedient, I will take care of you.

I don't know if you were whipped when you were new recruits.

But if these boys don't obey me, you'll beat me to death!

Don't be soft-hearted, I will personally bury the dead person in the back of the mountain, and then send a death notice to their home.

By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at the princes expressionlessly and said:

“When your family sent you here, they signed an accidental recognition agreement.

In other words, even if you were exhausted from training, fell, drowned, or were beaten to death in the past two months, it is all normal.

We will send the ashes directly to your home! "

A group of princes instantly turned pale.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "So you'd better not have any more luck, let alone tell me what your last name is.

It was just a name and posed no threat to me.

Instead, there is one more reason for me to deal with you!

In the next two months, you are just a group of newcomers coming for training.

Just a bunch of Muggles crawling around!

There is no sense of superiority at all.

The only thing that makes you proud is to pray that you can successfully pass my final training assessment.

Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to go home intact, and in the worst case scenario, your legs will be broken by me!

Don't think I'm trying to scare you.

In the future you will know that I am a very honest person and will never tell lies! "

Chen Xin'an threw the vine branch to Lei Ming.

Taking the vine branch, Lei Ming loudly said to everyone: "Everyone has it, take Huayoulin as the benchmark, and work towards the same goal!"

This time no one dares not to listen!

Although everyone was a little reluctant, they still came over to stand in line.

Lei Ming raised his arm and slapped Li Nianbei, who was slowly walking over, and scolded him:

"Move quickly! Listen to me clearly from now on! All orders must be completed by running!"

Li Nianbei screamed and ran towards Hua Youlin.

Fang Kai stood in the queue and lined up everyone according to their height.

Lei Ming said to everyone: "Remember your front, back, left, and right. From now on, whether we are doing exercises or eating, we will always be this kind of team!

Now they are all unified, turn right, target new training building, run, walk! "

Sixteen people ran away in disorderly steps. Fang Kai walked to Chen Xin'an and said with a smile:

"Boss, you are really afraid that they will be frightened! I thought it was true if you accidentally agreed to the agreement!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "Why, do you think it's fake?"

This time Fang Kai was also confused.

Seeing what the boss meant, did he really sign it?

how could it be possible!

These are all real princes and the darlings of the family. Are their parents really so forgiving?

Chen Xin'an pouted.

Leave your children to me and let me help you educate them, right?

Okay, I'll take this job!

But don't worry about how to work.

I promise that after two months, they will be completely transformed!


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