Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1381 Who do you think is weak?

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this guy Chen Xin'an would come to the office early in the morning just for a few monkeys!

Tang Peng was so angry that he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "The training task is so heavy, and you have to take care of those special forces members and these second-generation ancestors.

Your ass is smoking when you are busy, but you are still in the mood to play monkey with me? "

Meng Jianjun on the side drank tea and advised him: "Old Tang, don't be anxious.

Aren’t you still worried about doing things with peace of mind? "

After saying this, Meng Jianjun himself felt a little lack of confidence.

Well, this kid doesn’t seem to make people feel at ease since he came here!

It’s not that he’s unassuming, it’s that his actions are always unexpected!

After coughing twice, Meng Jianjun explained himself: "Okay, although he was a little impulsive in doing things, he was still very thoughtful..."

After thinking for a while, Meng Jianjun continued: "Well, although he sometimes does things without thinking, he has always followed the rules...

Well, although this kid has never followed the rules, he at least knows how to behave, right?

Okay, okay, you don't have to stare, I know this kid never knows how to measure things.

But he is still very disciplined, right?

Forget it, I don’t even believe this myself!

Chen Xin'an, what are you doing here?

It would be unconscionable to come so early in the morning and waste our time! "

Chen Xin'an and Tang Peng were both shocked!

What did I say?

Your self-denial and doubtful life here is none of my business!

I asked you to send people to collect medicine and catch monkeys, so you are completely unscrupulous?

You have too much inner drama, right?

Someone with schizophrenia?

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to talk to them. She slapped the table and cursed: "In a word, send someone or not!"

Tang Peng's eyes widened and he cursed at him: "What, are you scaring me?

Is the chief instructor awesome?

Isn’t the Major General amazing?

If you don’t send it, you bite me? "

Chen Xin'an tapped him and Meng Jianjun in the air with her finger, snorted and said: "Okay, you pull! I'll pull the training class!"

After saying that, he stood up directly, patted his butt and left.

Meng Jianjun said with a worried look: "Old Tang, when this kid insists on doing something, it is usually not a small matter.

Is there really something wrong with these monkeys? "

Tang Peng rolled his eyes and cursed: "How big a problem can a group of monkeys have?

His biggest problem now is that he only has less than two months, and there are thousands of special operators waiting for him to train!

Other than that, there is no bigger problem than this! "

Meng Jianjun opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

After a while, Tang Peng snorted and said, "Send a detachment and follow them secretly!"

Meng Jianjun laughed out loud.

Tang Peng blushed and scolded him: "Why are you laughing!

Do you think I'm worried about this brat?

I'm worried about those princes!

If something happens to one of them, our Montenegrin tigers won’t even be able to eat it! "

Chen Xin'an returned to the training ground angrily.

Last night he went to Laolin, and under the leadership of Er Zhanzi, he saw a few female monkeys running over from Guanbei.

It has to be said that these beasts are more affectionate than humans.

In order to find Ai Lang, they actually ran for almost five days and five nights, coming from hundreds of miles away.

Even Chen Xin'an didn't know, how did they know that the second pole was here?

It's just that they have come all the way to find Ai Lang, but this love-hearted carrot is here hugging each other, happy to forget about Shu, and has long forgotten that they have gone to Java!

Fortunately, this guy is also a master who likes the new and never gets tired of the old. Since he came to see him, of course he would not refuse.

Ever since, this guy has been living a life like a fairy recently.

While hanging out with his old lover, he continues his plan to pick up girls.

He hugs me every day and spreads his words everywhere.

Finally, he was punished by God and was poisoned.

If he hadn't been able to run back, he would have died in the woods this time.

What Chen Xin'an didn't expect was that these poisons were brought by the female monkeys who came to find Erzhanzi.

After Chen Xin'an looked at a few female monkeys last night, she felt that something was a little abnormal.

It's more of an epidemic than a poison.

Because it is highly contagious.

However, it is only transmitted among primates and does not cause much harm to humans.

It is unknown whether it affects other animals.

Chen Xin'an had a premonition that this matter was serious, so she went to the old man for help, hoping to attract attention.

Unexpectedly, the old man refused, which made him very angry.

If you don’t send someone, I’ll send someone to investigate on my own!

The special operations team members have heavy training tasks and it is not easy to distract them, but the intensive training class is suitable!

Just give them some wilderness survival training!

As soon as he arrived at the training ground, Chen Xin'an's stomach almost exploded!

It's true that if you don't fight for three days, you can go to the house and uncover the tiles.

There was no emergency gathering last night, so these princes had a good night's sleep.

This was because I was energetic, so I started arguing with the veterans in the equipment field!

In normal times, they are just a group of ordinary newcomers, and the veterans don't take them seriously.

But now these are all princes, who dares to mess with them?

It was originally a very simple matter, that is, a team was going to do equipment training, and the training class happened to be doing it as well.

After the training class is completed, the first team can start.

Unexpectedly, these princes were so weak in physical strength. They wasted nearly ten minutes each doing twenty simple pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Cun Lei urged him a few words.

He was already very impatient and spoke a bit harshly. The people in the training class were unhappy and started to quarrel with him!

This group of second-generation ancestors were afraid of Chen Xin'an and worried about the two squad leaders, Lei Ming and Fang Kai, but they had no respect for the others.

Even if the old man is standing here, if they say no bird, there will be no bird.

Hearing Cun Lei's urging, these second-generation ancestors felt that they were being laughed at, and they all became angry.

I was sent here inexplicably, and my original heavenly life fell directly into hell!

I was already very angry.

I also met a tough instructor who looked like a devil, and two monitors who were as perverted as raising animals.

Let us princes, who even have to nod and bow when meeting the leaders of Kyoto, have to endure all this every day!

The anger in my heart has been suppressed for a long time!

Now you are still being looked down upon by a bunch of veterans, and you dare to add fuel to the fire?

Do you really think we are the doormats who are allowed to be bullied?

It was just a simple quarrel at first, but suddenly the princes were like a volcano erupting. They were all anxious and started scolding the first team face to face.

After all, Lei Ming and Fang Kai were also newcomers with little experience. They were also facing a group of veterans and could no longer control the situation.

If there is a fight, of course the first team is not afraid. Anyone who stands up can bring down these princes.

But these princes have such high status that no one dares to attack them!

Long Sheng slapped Cun Lei on the face, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"I asked you to say it again, can't you hear me?

Who are you calling a weakling?

You're a cripple with half a finger missing. Didn't you just wear green clothes for a few years?

Who do you look down on?

I'm really surprised. What qualifications do you have to say that I'm a weakling?

Do you think you are awesome if you have better physical strength?

Let me ask you, do you want to stay in Montenegro Tigers for the rest of your life?

You always have to take off this green outfit, right?

When I take off these clothes, I am still a member of the Long family!

Who the hell do you think you are?

I can crush you to death with just one finger outside!

Which one of us is the weakling? "

Lei Ming shouted angrily at Long Sheng: "Long Sheng, what are you doing? Apologize to the veteran immediately!"

"So what if you don't apologize?" Long Sheng gritted his teeth and shouted to Lei Ming: "Here you are the squad leader. When you leave this place, you will kneel down if I ask you to, believe it or not!"

"Don't believe it!" Someone suddenly said next to him, and then Long Sheng was kicked to the ground!


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