Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1387 The first brother and the second brother join forces

Lei Ming and others did not expect Chen Xin'an to issue such an order.

Although it was a bit baffling, he still followed closely with everyone.

As Chao Tongguang ran, he said disdainfully to Zhang Jinlin beside him: "I thought the instructor said so much about how passionate and domineering he is!

After working on it for a long time, I still gave up!

It’s just a bunch of monkeys, what’s there to be afraid of?

I was ready to kill everyone, but he took the lead and ran away!

This is speechless..."

Feeling that the pursuers behind him were getting closer and closer, Zhang Jinlin glanced back and was immediately frightened to death!

He ran very fast as if he was suddenly on steroids, and cursed at Chao Tongguang: "You stay and kill everyone, I will cheer you on.

Brother, take the first step and say goodbye! "

"You are also a coward!" Chao Tongguang cursed with disdain, turned his head and took a look, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted:

"Me too! Mom! Why don't you wait for me!"

Not far behind, a group of monkeys were riding on wild boars, charging towards everyone!

These monkeys have become spirits!

A cavalry team was actually formed in a short period of time!

The eldest brother joins forces with the second brother, the combat power has increased exponentially!

Chao Tongguang saw the pursuers getting closer and closer, and cursed Zhang Jinlin in front: "Why are you running so fast? Can you outrun a four-legged wild boar? Let's fight with them!"

Zhang Jinlin's legs moved faster and he shouted without looking back: "I don't have to run faster than the wild boar! I just need to run faster than you!"

"Your uncle!" Upon hearing this, Chao Tongguang cursed angrily.

But the wild boar behind him was chasing him closer and closer, and its long tusks were almost going to stab him in the butt!

"Finished!" Chao Tongguang felt that he really couldn't run away.

He simply stopped and stabbed the wild boar, shouting, "Go to hell!"

Before the knife touched the wild boar, his arm was grabbed by a hand.

Chen Xin'an had already arrived at Chao Tongguang's side and pulled him behind her.

Then he kicked the wild boar hard on the head!

The wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms was kicked hard, and the monkey on its back was also thrown away.

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone: "Look for big trees that are thicker than your waist, use the cover of trees to circle wild boars, and be careful of monkeys.

Never confront a wild boar head-on!

Climb as high into the tree as possible! "

It's just a group of monkeys, so of course he's not afraid.

Even if there is a wild boar to help him, he will definitely not be afraid if he is alone.

But now with twenty princes, how could he not be nervous?

In the mountains, there are one pig, two bears and three tigers.

This thing is the king of the mountains and forests and lives to fight all his life.

Rough skin and thick flesh, invulnerable!

Now the monkeys control a herd of wild boars, about thirteen or four wild boars.

A fan-shaped charge formation was formed, and under the command of Monkey, a charge was launched against the training class.

For the wild boar, Chen Xin'an's kick was nothing more than a tickle, and it did nothing.

It just rolled on the ground twice before standing up again and charging towards Chen Xin'an again!

This time, Chen Xin'an saw that its eyes, like those of the monkeys, had turned blood red, and even the eyes seemed to be glowing with blood!

With a howl, the wild boar jumped up two meters away and slammed into Chen Xin'an's belly with its sharp fangs!

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an shouted sharply, and with a sharp kick from bottom to top, he flew the wild boar away again!

The monkey that was originally standing on its back suddenly came to the top of Chen Xin'an's head, jumped down from the top with its teeth and claws, and grabbed Chen Xin'an's head.

But Chen Xin'an seemed to have eyes on the top of his head, as if he had known it was there for a long time.

He didn't look up at all, but suddenly punched the sky!

The fist passed between the monkey's arms and hit the monkey's head directly.

It was like a hammer hitting a watermelon. With a bang, the monkey's head exploded instantly!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an has already begun to act cruelly!

There is no way, the current situation is much more dangerous than before.

If you are more merciful, the people on your side will be in life crisis!

The wild boar, which lost the command of the monkey, became even more ferocious, staring at Chen Xin'an with its red eyes, howling and rushing over!

Chen Xin'an watched it approach without moving. The moment he was about to hit it, he suddenly jumped up and grabbed a branch lying in the air with both hands!


The wild boar slammed into a big tree thicker than his waist behind Chen Xin'an, its fangs piercing deeply into the trunk.

The leaves above fell down like rain, but at this moment, the second pole suddenly jumped on the wild boar!

Chen Xin'an thought this guy was back to his old habit and wanted to gouge out people's eyes and eat them.

But I didn’t expect that it was like those monkeys, riding on the back of a wild boar and acting as a trainer!

The wild boar was knocked dizzy and it took a long time to pull out the tusks from the trunk.

Just as he was about to stagger and crash into Chen Xin'an, the mane on his neck was caught by two poles.

I don’t know what move Er Zhanzi used. The wild boar roared and rushed towards a companion next to it, knocking him to the ground!


The thigh-thick tree trunk was directly broken by a wild boar.

Hua Youlin, who was hiding behind the tree, looked pale and was trying to avoid the fallen tree trunk, but he could no longer avoid the impact of the wild boar!

Seeing that the sharp fangs were about to pierce his stomach, a man rushed out of the slanting thorns and actually used his own flesh and blood to forcefully collide with the wild boar!


The wild boar was really knocked to the ground, and the man was also knocked out and couldn't get up for a long time.

But it was Fang Kai, the deputy squad leader!

The wild boar that was knocked sideways shook its head and became angry. It immediately changed its target and rushed towards Fang Kai who was sitting on the ground.

At this time, Fang Kai felt that his whole body was falling apart. He wanted to stand up, but his chest felt tight and he sat back weakly.

Looking at the wild boar that had charged towards him, he knew that he could no longer resist or dodge, so he had no choice but to close his eyes in resignation.

Hua Youlin seemed to be stunned, looking at this scene in a daze, at a loss.

At the critical moment, Erzhanzi rushed over on a wild boar, blocked the waist and knocked away the wild boar that was about to hit Fang Kai!

At this time, the second pole is like a general on the battlefield, sitting on its chariot and running rampant!

Chen Xin'an has already seen that this guy is much more skillful at driving wild boars than other monkeys, and his cooperation with wild boars is also more tacit than other monkeys!

The wild boar that was knocked away had two bloody holes on its belly and could no longer stand up.

The monkey on its back also fell unclearly. One of its legs must have been broken and it was limping.

But he still yelled at the second pole with his teeth bared, and wanted to rush over and attack the second pole.

But he was knocked over again by a wild boar that suddenly rushed over.

He was mercilessly trampled by a wild boar weighing two to three hundred kilograms, and he died on the spot!

Two wild boars collided with each other, and it was obvious that the other boar had the upper hand because of its larger size.

The pig under the second pole was hit so hard that its fangs were broken, its skull was cracked, and its body rolled on the ground several times. It lay on the ground unable to get up!

But the moment it fell to the ground, the second pole had already jumped out.

Although the other party has the upper hand, it doesn't feel good either.

One of the fangs was half broken, and his head was a little dizzy, and he kept shaking his head.

The monkey on its back was yelling crazily, as if it wanted to let it continue to charge forward.

Unexpectedly, the second pole suddenly jumped down from above and landed behind it.

He lowered his head and bit it hard on the neck!

The monkey turned its head and body wildly and scratched with its claws, trying to drive away the second pole.

But the two poles bit harder and harder, biting off the opponent's blood vessels and splattering blood until the opponent was motionless!


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