Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1426 The name of the enemy who killed his father

Shaking his head, Luo Xiaoman stood up, looked at Thackeray who was sitting on the ground in a daze in front of him, and grinned.

"Come again! I don't believe it, I can't kill you bastard!

I'm a tough competitor, I've never lost! "

He patted his forehead with all his strength, made a strange cry from his mouth, and ran towards Thackeray again!

Thackeray almost cried!

His head was originally injured. Although it was not serious, he also bled a lot.

This shameless man didn't fight him after he found him, he just hit him with his head!

The first blow opened his wound!

He was also angry. You like banging your head, right?

That will satisfy you!

Anyone who tries to hide will lose!

But after a few minutes, he realized how stupid this decision was!

The opponent is a bison turned into a spirit!

The head was like a lump of cast iron, surprisingly hard.

No tricks needed, just head banging!

And it belongs to the type that kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself eight hundred.

The opponent's head was bruised and bloody, and his own head was bruised and his face was bloody!

It looked like two bloody gourds constantly colliding with each other, and even Doyle next to him was a little frightened.

I'm afraid that in the next second, one of these two blood gourds will explode on the spot with a bang!

He thought that Thackeray's temper was already stupid enough, but now that he met this Chinese warrior, he realized that there was someone even more stupid!

If it weren't for the fact that their looks were so different, Doyle would have really thought that this Chinese fool was Thackeray's biological brother!

He knew very well that this guy was a master of ancient Chinese martial arts.

But the moves used in the fight have nothing to do with Gu Wu.

To deal with Thackeray is to butt heads and compete with others.

It's more direct to deal with him, just bump into him and have full contact with him!

What do you mean?

Coming to my place means you have upgraded from bullfighting to iron bullfighting, right?

It's not enough to see who has an iron head, but also to see who has an iron body?

What harmed Doyle, who was originally a boxing master, was that as soon as he took a boxing stance, the opponent ignored him and bumped into him!

If you ignore him and fight with him, the opponent will knock you out!

As a last resort, Doyle could only use his body to fight against him, resisting the opponent's collision head-on!

After fighting like this for a few rounds, he felt like his whole body was falling apart!

I can't even raise my arms if I want to fight with someone!

At this moment, Jamu suddenly grabbed the silver password box and asked Bolin behind the glass wall: "Mr. Bolin, can these medicines be used?"

"Okay!" Bulin's voice on the other side of the glass wall was obviously amplified, and he said to Jia Mu excitedly:

"Use it as you like! All for you! Two for each person, enough to last you three hours!

You all need to use it to deal with that Chen Xin'an together!

I want to see if he is really a perfect body!

Over the years, I have met a total of two.

Who had the last perfect experience?

By the way, my surname is Chen, maybe Chen Guohao or something..."

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly stabbed the dagger in Agarye's chest.

Then he turned around, his eyes were red, and he stared at Bolin behind the glass wall and said, "Chen Guofu?"

He actually didn't understand the foreign language Bulin and Jamu spoke in.

But when he said Chinese names, Bullin used Chinese.

Chen Xin'an understood and answered tentatively.

Bulin's eyes lit up, he nodded vigorously and said:

"Yes, that's him! Chen Guofu!

Just like you, he is also a perfect experiencer!

It's a pity that he refused to be our experimental subject.

They even blocked our plans.

As a last resort, we had to kill him!

You are also a perfect subject. If you can agree to be our experiment, I will give you everything you want!

The most enviable thing is that you can live longer than anyone else!

And you will stay healthy and youthful for a long time throughout your life, far longer than the average person!

Believe me, as long as you agree, I will give you anything! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him without blinking and asked in a deep voice: "You said you killed Chen Guofu back then? What is a subject?"

He had walked to the glass wall and looked at Bulin opposite through the thick glass.

Seeing that he seemed to be focusing on the old man and not caring about anything else, Luo Xiaoman became a little anxious and shouted to him:

"Old Chen, what are you doing! Why are all those people getting injections?"

Jamu had already opened the lockbox and taken out the medicine inside.

One by one they came over greedily to grab it, then picked up one and pierced themselves.

Then they looked like wild beasts, with red eyes and clenched fists.

All the blood vessels and tendons in his body bulged, as if he was using his greatest strength to roar!

What the hell... Super Saiyan transformation?

Luo Xiaoman was dumbfounded when he saw this scene for the first time.

Glancing at Agarye who was lying on the ground and only breathing out but not taking in, Jamu, with red eyes, grabbed two pills, plopped them, and stabbed them into his heart!

Three seconds later, Agarye took a long breath, the joints of his body made a clicking sound, he stood up with red eyes, and a beast's howl came from his mouth!

He lowered his head, glanced at the dagger stuck in his chest, and pulled it out.

Some blood flowed out, but it soon stopped flowing.

Then his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an behind the glass wall, his red eyes showed hatred, and he rushed over with a roar!

"Old Chen, be careful!" Luo Xiaoman rushed forward desperately and bumped into Agarye's body face to face!


Luo Xiaoman was knocked away and hit the glass wall hard. His throat felt sweet, but he closed his mouth tightly and refused to spit out the blood!

Agarye's left arm was originally injured. The collision just now broke the joint and made the entire arm droop.

The long knife wound looked even more shocking now.

But Agarye seemed to feel no pain. He grabbed his left arm with his right hand and pulled hard, tearing off the entire arm!

Luo Xiaoman's eyes almost popped out of his head. He stared at this scene and cursed: "Damn it! He's really not a human being!"

Agarye grabbed his broken arm with his right hand and rushed towards Chen Xin'an again!

He actually used his broken arm as a weapon and hit Chen Xin'an on the head!

At the same time, the other four people rushed up together, like a pack of wolves attacking!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an was still staring at Bu Lin closely, exposing his back to everyone!

Luo Xiaoman didn't care about anything else, he shouted and rushed forward!

Stand behind Chen Xin'an, one against five!

Across the glass wall, Bolin looked at Chen Xin'an greedily with his eyes, as if he was seeing a treasure, not missing any part from head to toe, and kept saying:

"Perfect! Just perfect!

Who do you think killed Chen Guofu?

Of course not me!

I'm just a participant.

The person who broke the cable car screws seems to be called Lu Zhensheng, right?

Or that Zhong Hongyi?

I forgot!

Anyway, they are all shareholders of Dekra, and they are all your rich Chinese people! "

Chen Xin'an remembered these two names and asked sullenly: "Why did they help you kill Chen Guofu?"

"Immortality!" Bolin said matter-of-factly: "As long as there is a perfect subject, genetic drugs that can make people live forever can be developed!

Of course it is impossible to never die, but to break through the life span of ordinary people.

Living for 140 to 50 years shouldn’t be a problem!

This is a big secret of Hualongsu! "


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