Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1441 This is retribution

As Tang Peng said, the Dekra incident has caused a great sensation in public opinion.

There was almost one-sided condemnation from the international community, demanding that China hand over the murderer.

But when the videos and photos of Dekra's underground laboratory were leaked one after another, the group of people who had scolded him the most before instantly shut their mouths!

Public opinion also began to turn against the wind. More and more inhumane inside stories about Dekra were constantly being revealed, and the identity of the deceased was gradually exposed.

Public opinion quickly pointed from Decela to Paralei, the largest biological company in the Eagle Flag Country, because Bulin is one of Paralei's three major research doctors!

The group of people who had previously demanded that the murderer be handed over were now scrambling to cover up the facts and make excuses.

Paralei immediately terminated all cooperation with Bulin, claiming that she was also a victim and had no knowledge of it.

Anyway, Bulin is dead, and whatever he says now is just dead without any proof.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows what's going on, and the voices calling for severe punishment of the murderer have completely subsided.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the punishment they wanted to give Chen Xin'an was over.

After all, this matter has little to do with the Montenegrin tiger.

Public opinion has already revealed that this is a secret operation organized by the leadership of Guanbei University, and the cooperating operation is the Chinese mysterious organization Long Shield.

It has nothing to do with their Montenegrin tigers.

But to these special operations team members on the training ground, the chief instructor's image is taller and his strength is even more invincible!

Li Qi, who originally wanted to have a fight with Chen Xin'an, decided not to do so.

Even though everyone booed him, he simply gave in.

You should not be afraid of death.

But knowing that you can't beat him, you still want to put your face in for a beating. Isn't that a fool?

When the time comes, it will be him who hurts, not anyone else!

The most important thing is that the energy that supported him in the battle is gone.

The instructor is neither a coward nor a coward.

Instead, she did something that most men would only think about, but would not dare to implement, nor have the ability to implement perfectly!

Traveling thousands of miles, he killed every bastard who bullied his woman.

By the way, the people behind the scenes were also killed!

How domineering this is!

I already knew that the instructor was crazy.

But it wasn't until now that everyone truly understood how arrogant he, the instructor, was!

Foreign killer?

Foreign experts?

No matter who you are, as long as you bully my woman, I will kill you without mercy!

Anyone who offends my relatives and friends will be punished no matter how far away they are!

What an honor and pride it is to have the honor of working with such an instructor!

Two months of training went by in a blink of an eye.

There will be a dinner in the cafeteria tonight, and early tomorrow morning, these princes will leave Montenegro Tiger and go home.

At the same time, the members of each special team also had to go home.

Of course, there is also Chen Xin'an's departure, which is also the most helpless and reluctant thing for the Black Mountain Tiger!

Today is a day off and there is no training. Chen Xin'an went to Lao Lin early.

Sitting on the root of a big tree, Chen Xin'an said to Er Zhanzi beside him: "I'm leaving tomorrow. Are you going to Kyoto with me? Or are you going to stay here?

What I mean is that you might as well stay here, after all, the conditions here are good.

Once you go to Kyoto, in the steel jungle, it’s hard to find a tree...

Don't hold me back, I'm not abandoning you, I'm just discussing it with you.

Of course it's okay to come with me, but the key is that you have so many wives, are you willing to let her go? "

In this regard, ten Chen Xin'an are not as good as one two-pole!

This guy has a bunch of wives and concubines...

"Why are you crying!" Chen Xin'an looked at Er Zhanzi with a puzzled expression.

This guy seemed to be a little excited. He spread his legs and stretched out his belly, making an indecent gesture of peeing at him.

Chen Xin'an wanted to scold it, but suddenly found that this guy's lower body was injured!

It looked like scratches from teeth and fingernails.

Then Er Zhuozhi hugged Chen Xin'an's arm, looking distressed.

Chen Xin'an understands!

Laughed out loud!

"Retribution! Erzhangzi, this is purely retribution for you! You deserve it! You scumbag, you start chaos and end up giving up, I despise you!"

Chen Xin'an laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Obviously, this guy is living a very unhappy life now, because the girl he finally picked up is a jealous one!

The days when there were groups of wives and concubines were gone after the arrival of the little sweet girl.

As long as there are other female monkeys approaching the second pole, the little sweet girl will explode directly.

First, he would drive away the people behind the scenes who seduced the man, and then clean them up without any courtesy.

This injury has proved what a dark and miserable life Erzhangzi has been living!

So it had to leave this monkey hell with Chen Xin'an no matter what, even sneaking away by itself without the little sweet girl.

In the past few days, the little sweet girl has been possessed by a demon, treating this area as her own territory and not allowing other female monkeys to come in.

Apart from staying with Erzhizi every day, it is not ashamed to patrol its own territory.

Once an intruder is discovered, it will rush up and bite it without even saying a word, until the intruder is driven away and runs away in confusion.

It has to be said that the fierce little sweet girl is very powerful.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it was once an experimental product.

Ordinary monkeys, whether female or male, are no match for it.

Now the little sweet girl is touring the border again.

Anyway, it was Chen Xin'an who was with Er Pole.

For humans, especially men, it is relatively at ease and will not rob its male monkey.

Erzhanzi, who was crying about his miserable life, suddenly straightened up and his ears perked up.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, stroked its head and said, "Don't pay attention, you are here to find me!"

The two poles immediately jumped to the tree next to them, and climbed up to the high branches in two or two.

Chen Xin'an laughed and cursed: "Damn, I'm so unloyal!"

At this moment, a big net fell from the sky!

As if Chen Xin'an had expected it, she retreated suddenly, her back pressed against the tree trunk.

The big net fell from in front of me, and someone on the tree pulled the rope and moved quickly to the side.

In this way, a big net on the ground was erected and wrapped around the tree he was leaning on!

Chen Xin'an moved her feet with her back against the big tree, and her body quickly rotated around the tree.

But just after turning half a circle, two hemp ropes came up and down in front of me!

Chen Xin'an left the tree and passed through the gap between the two hemp ropes!

But at this moment, four hands suddenly stretched out from the pile of leaves under his feet and hugged his legs!

At the same time, the two long hemp ropes swung back, going up and down, trying to wrap around Chen Xin'an's upper body and legs!

Chen Xin'an fell back straight, avoiding the binding of the two ropes, stretched out his hands, and grabbed a hemp rope below!

After falling to the ground, the hemp rope suddenly tightened. The people holding the rope on both sides were overjoyed. Someone shouted: "Success! Wrap around!"

As the people on both sides turned around quickly, the hemp ropes in their hands continued to wrap around the tied people!

At the same time, the big net bypassed the trees and spread down this way!

But a figure quickly climbed up the tree trunk!

Someone shouted loudly: "No, I didn't succeed!"

There was a person hanging upside down from the tree, his ankle was grabbed by a hand, and he was so frightened that he screamed:

"Instructor, have mercy! Don't let go! I am Han Lei!"

Fang Cunshi also appeared from the tree and said dejectedly:

"Failed again!

Ten people were fully prepared but could not trap the instructor.

All these three months of training have been in vain!

I applied for another three months of intensive training! "

Chen Xin'an lifted Han Lei up, laughed and scolded: "Get the hell out of you!"


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