Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1446 Can you run a train with the gap between your teeth?

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Guan Qing kicked the couple one after another!

The man named Zhong Jingwen snorted coldly and stood in front of the woman in pajamas. He used his hands and feet to block Guan Qing's attack.

I didn't realize that this guy's kung fu was not weak, and he could even tie with Guan Qing.

But this is also the reason why Guan Qing has not completely let go.

After all, we are all neighbors, we can see each other even if we look up or down, so we don’t want to make the relationship too tight.

But at this moment, Zhong Jingwen's nightgown suddenly opened.

Unexpectedly, this pervert was naked inside, with nothing on!

The girls screamed and turned around, covering their eyes!

Even Guan Qing is the same.

But taking this opportunity, Zhong Jingwen suddenly kicked Guan Qing in the waist.

Guan Qing staggered two steps to the side, but was supported by Ning Xiruo and Konoye Zhen at the same time, preventing her from falling.

He turned around and wanted to do it again, but he couldn't take a breath and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Sister Qing, how are you?" Ning Xiruo asked with concern.

Guan Qing shook her head, breathed carefully, and said to her: "I'm fine, I just lost my breath, just take a rest!"

The woman in the nightgown walked forward with a proud look on her face, pointed at the girls and cursed: "I'll let you bitches drink as a penalty if you don't eat the toast!

It’s time to fight!

Do you really think I am easy to bully?

Still want to take action against me?

Try moving another one!

Let me tell you again, this rooftop belongs to my house. Come up here to have barbecue and drink beer if you have nothing to do.

All you can do is just watch, and don’t wander up there if you have nothing to do!


Get out of here right now! "

Ning Xiruo pointed to the barbecue stall next to her and asked, "Then these things belong to you too?"

"Are you deaf? You couldn't hear what I just said?" The woman in the nightgown looked at Ning Xiruo with contempt and cursed.

Ning Xiruo glared at her and said, "Then was Aunt Xiao beaten by you just now?"

The woman in the nightgown cursed: “That old woman is so stupid!

I can’t explain it no matter what, I have the same virtue as you!

It’s okay if I didn’t kill her! "

Ning Xiruo nodded, looked at the woman in pajamas coldly and said, "Okay, as long as it's your family!

Let me tell you now, I want to clean up this rooftop right away.

Because after a while, my husband will come back and use the tarmac here..."

"What? Wait a minute!" The woman in the nightgown laughed and said, "You mean, your husband will take a plane and land on the roof of my house later?

Or are you saying that your husband can fly by himself and wants to land here?

What are you bragging to me here?

In our entire building, I have never heard of anyone having an airplane!

I laughed so hard that I came to my mother to show off. Do you know what I do?

The rich people I have seen have more rice than you have ever eaten!

I’ve never seen anyone with your number before!

Come on, don’t be pretentious here!

Don't think that just because you are with a fake rich man, you dare to show off your power in front of me!

I’ve seen too much! "

Ning Xiruo ignored her and continued: "I've warned you, but you didn't listen, so don't blame me!"

She turned her head and looked at Wang Yuehu, who had just caught up in a hurry, and said, "Manager Wang, will your property management handle this matter? If not, I will handle it myself!"

Wang Yuehu walked over awkwardly and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mrs. Chen, this Miss Cen Jiamei is the business department manager of Jingfa Bank.

It is also the largest lender in our Four Seasons Flower City!

You can actually sit down on this matter..."

Ning Xiruo waved her hand and said, "Okay! I understand what you mean! I'll handle it myself!"

"Mrs. Chen..." Wang Yuehu's expression changed.

Ning Xiruo took out her mobile phone and said in a deep voice: "Brother Man, we are on the rooftop.

The helipad has been usurped by an owner and will not allow others to come up.

Aunt Xiao and Sister Qing were both beaten.

Peace of mind should be coming soon...

OK, I'll wait for you up there! "

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo looked at Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei and said:

“You can call people now!

You must call more, it won't work if there are few people.

Also, notify the ambulance and contact the hospital yourself, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it in time! "

"Bitch, who are you scaring? I'm afraid of you?" Cen Jiamei pointed at Ning Xiruo and cursed:

"Believe it or not, I will scratch your face right now?

Do you want to play gangster tricks with me?

Don't even ask me what my man did before! "

Ning Xiruo looked at her with squinted eyes and said coldly: "Don't touch me, otherwise, you will die!"

She didn't mean to say harsh words, but the chill contained in these words made Cen Jiamei shudder!

Zhong Jingwen on the side turned his neck and made a clicking sound.

He said with a ferocious smile: "Shake people, right? No, no, no!"

I don't need help to deal with you little ants!

It would be a pity if my clumsy brothers accidentally hurt a group of delicate little beauties..."

In less than five minutes, Luo Xiaoman appeared at the door.

Glancing at him, Zhong Jingwen laughed dumbly, turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "Sister, you just shook someone else?

What can this do?

It’s not even enough to fill the gap between your teeth! "

Ning Xiruo remained silent.

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei and asked, "Brothers and sisters, it's just them, right?"

Ning Xiruo nodded.

Zhong Jingwen came over, held Luo Xiaoman's shoulders and said, "Brother, I'm warning you, don't help others casually!

If you provoke someone you can't afford to offend, you will regret it for the rest of your life!



Luo Xiaoman turned around and kicked Zhong Jingwen in the stomach.

This guy's body weighing more than 180 kilograms flew straight away and fell three meters away!

That's it?

Cen Jiamei was dumbfounded. She turned her head and looked at her man, then at Luo Xiaoman. She screamed and ran over, stretching out her hands to scratch Luo Xiaoman's face!

"I'll fight you! If you dare to hit my man, I'll scratch your face..."

Luo Xiaoman grabbed her hands, twisted them down, and with two clicks, he broke off both of her wrists!

Before she could scream, Luo Xiaoman raised his arm, rolled it over her face and slapped her six times!

Broken her mouth full of teeth!

Even his face was gouged by broken teeth!

With a pop, Cen Jiamei fell to the ground, vomiting blood and twitching non-stop.

Luo Xiaoman stepped over her, strode up to Zhong Jingwen, grabbed his ears, and dragged him to Ning Xiruo's side.

Then he punched him in the face and chest one after another!

Zhong Jingwen didn't even have the ability to fight back. Luo Xiaoman's kick almost shattered his waist, making him unable to exert any strength in an instant!

In fact, even if he maintains his fighting strength, he is still no match for Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman beat Zhong Jingwen violently and cursed: "You have so much strength, but you can't say it's enough for you to fill the gap between your teeth?

You can run a train between your teeth, right?

Do you know who I am?

I am Luo Xiaoman, the genius of the Luo family! "

Ning Xiruo said to the stunned property management staff: "Hurry and pack up, my husband is coming back!

I hope you can make it clear to Mr. Wang about what happened today.

Otherwise, my husband will not let you go! "

Wang Yuehu shivered and quickly ordered his men to clean up quickly.

Just after picking up the things, there was a roar above my head.

A helicopter approached from far away, quickly reached the top of everyone's heads, and then landed slowly.

Chen Xin'an jumped out of the helicopter, and Ning Xiruo jumped on him and shouted: "Husband!"

Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei were stunned after being beaten.

What that woman said was actually true!

Her husband really came back by helicopter!

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