Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1449 I won’t give you a chance to stand up

"One code equals one code! I will definitely reward you for this."

Chen Xin'an said to Xiao Cuihua seriously: "I see that your mobile phone is very old, and the same is true for Mo Ling's phone.

Let me help you, mother and daughter, get a new mobile phone so that we can communicate more easily. "

Xiao Cuihua still wanted to refuse, but Chen Xin'an said to her: "Aunt Xiao, I still have something to trouble you with.

I brought back some seeds of Moshan Vine from Moshan. Can you see if you can feed them?

As for the place, I'll go talk to the property management and see if I can plant it in the green space! "

The boss brought it back all the way, so of course it was a very precious medicinal herb.

Xiao Cuihua nodded and said, "Okay, boss, just give me the seeds, and I'll take care of the rest!"

She looked at Chen Xin'an and hesitated to speak.

Ning Xiruo came over and said to her: "Aunt Xiao, I heard from Sister Qin that Lingling wants to be discharged from the hospital?"

This is what Xiao Cuihua wants to say.

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Why do you want to be discharged from the hospital? Isn't the money enough?"

"No, no!" Xiao Cuihua waved her hands quickly and said, "The one million advanced by the boss has not been spent yet!

The main thing is that the surgery has been completed and it was very successful.

The only thing left is recuperation. There is no need to waste money in the hospital, which costs a lot every day.

And it’s very inconvenient for me to take care of.

I found a house nearby and wanted to rent it to live with my daughter.

It is also convenient to take care of.

It will affect the working hours here.

But don’t worry, boss and madam, I won’t miss a minute of my fixed working hours every day! "

"Rent a house?" Ning Xiruo said strangely: "There are so many empty houses in our house that no one lives in, why do you want to rent a house outside?

Building C opposite is also vacant. You and Lingling can just move there. The furniture is all ready-made, wouldn't it be more convenient? "

"That won't work!" Xiao Cuihua waved her hands quickly and said, "The houses the boss and his wife live in are all new, and they are so luxuriously decorated. How can we, the two of us, live there casually?

If it doesn't work, just let Lingling come back and live in the same room with me, but we can't occupy the whole building! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Aunt Xiao, you don't have to be polite. Once the house is decorated, it is for people to live in, and you are not an outsider.

If you two live in the same room here, it will be awkward for us and it will be inconvenient for you too.

Mo Ling is a big girl now, she must have her own privacy!

Okay, you guys can move to Building C!

It just so happens that I also want to plant some seeds brought back from Moshan there. Aunt Xiao, please take care of them for me. "

Hearing that Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo were insisting, Xiao Cuihua no longer refused and agreed with red eyes.

Xiao Cuihua brought Mo Ling back in the evening.

After settling into the couple's new residence, the girls worked together to prepare a sumptuous dinner for Chen Xin'an and Mo Ling to enjoy together.

Three of the four evils in Kyoto now live downstairs from Chen Xin'an.

All on the thirty-fifth floor.

Needless to say, when Luo Xiaoman bought a house, Chen Xinan knew it.

Xiao Zhang sold the courtyard to Mr. Luo, paid the down payment here, and mortgaged the rest.

What Chen Xin'an didn't expect was that junior brother Luo Qianhe also secretly bought a three-bedroom apartment with two living rooms on the 35th floor, and even decorated it!

It seems that my junior brother has made a lot of money in Kyoto over the years!

Only Dao Lei didn't buy a house here.

He went back and pestered Mr. Dao several times and was beaten all over his head. He never dared to mention it again.

But not buying a house doesn't mean that he doesn't live here. He spends all day with Luo Xiaoman, and from time to time they go out together to help Zhongyi Hall with accounts, even if they make extra money.

Anyway, Luo Qianxue was brought home by Luo Qingqing, leaving Luo Xiaoman alone and longing for someone to keep him company.

He and Luo Qianxue's wedding is already being prepared. It will be held at the end of this month when Chen Xin'an returns from Qingxi.

At that time, there will be another couple, Xiao Zhang and Wu Yan, who can be regarded as reunited.

The wedding of the two was held together at the Sovereign Hotel.

Everyone is preparing during this time.

After dinner, everyone rested in the big living room.

There was lightning and thunder outside, it had been gloomy all day, and finally it rained heavily!

"Haha!" Luo Xiaoman grinned and gloated: "The family upstairs can take a bath tonight!"

Ning Xiruo said to Chen Xin'an worriedly: "Husband, is it too much?

As a result, their house will no longer be inhabitable!

Even if the roof is repaired, it will be difficult to step out again!

And if one house gets flooded, the whole building will be affected! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Even if it rains for a week, it won't affect other people's homes, it will be discharged through the windows and drainage pipes!

I just made it impossible for him to live there and drove him away.

Otherwise, I'm really afraid that one day I won't be able to bear it anymore and I'll slap him to death! "

Konoha frowned and said, "Chen Xin'an, that's not the case, is it? Weren't you so narrow-minded before?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at her and said, "He is a remnant of the Zhong family in Lane Thirteen!

Just go back to Longdun and check the information about what the Zhong family in Alley Thirteen has done.

Of course, the most important thing is not this.

I killed Dekra that night and found an old enemy.

He told me something.

The people who killed my parents back then were one named Lu Zhensheng and the other named Zhong Hongyi.

This Zhong Hongyi is Zhong Jingwen’s second uncle!

I just want to see if I can lure that Zhong Hongyi to Kyoto! "

Everyone suddenly realized.

It wasn't that Chen Xin'an was being petty, or that he just felt sorry for that couple.

In fact, it was a coincidence that the nephews of their enemies dared to show up at their door, provoking Chen Xin'an.

With Chen Xin'an's temperament, of course he would not give up this good opportunity for revenge!

Konoha frowned and asked, "But what if his second uncle doesn't come?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "I'll call Mr. Hua later to arrange a time.

I will go to the Military General Hospital tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to check him out.

After he was almost nursed back to health, I started to operate on him.

After this is done, we will go to Qingxi for business and tourism.

Zhong Hongyi is in Qingxi now. If he doesn't come, I will go find him.

This person must be killed! "

Everyone fell silent. Chen Xin'an had already made a plan, so there was no need for anyone to say anything.

Xiaojiu shrugged his shoulders and curled his lips and said, "It's really not worth it. It's a coincidence or bad luck that I sent someone right in front of the young master!"

Guan Qing chuckled, shook her head and said: "This is not the most coincidental, what's even more coincidental is that this guy has been doing things that harm us!

I just remembered that the curry shop opposite Hongyun Building is the world's gourmet industry.

I have been investigating the whereabouts of those people who hurt the young lady in Kyoto.

I found this curry shop.

The owner is an Inca.

Those Inca killers were the hiding places arranged by him.

He also slandered our Hongyun Building as unhygienic many times in public and made guests eat dead rat meat.

Now the business impact of Hongyun Building is huge! "

When everyone heard this, they were all filled with indignation.

Luo Xiaoman stood up suddenly and cursed: "I'm going to kill that bald guy now!"

"Sit down!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to Luo Xiaoman, "He is just a little person.

If you kill him, someone will pop up to take his place.

It seems that the Zhong family wants to stand up and rise.

Haha, it's a pity that I won't give them this chance!

If we want to fight, let’s fight big snakes. Small earthworms like these are boring!

He wants to compete maliciously with our Hongyun Building, right?

Then let him fulfill it!

Sister, could you please help me with this matter? "

Wang Yi waved his hand and said, "No problem! We happen to be short of materials during this period, so this matter is eligible for proposal! I'll do it! Yunyan, can you help me?"

Du Yunyan smiled and nodded.


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