Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1464 Just take care of yourself

At this moment, Dirang finally showed his true colors.

Looking at Wang Yi and others is like looking at a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

Dare to cause trouble in Lehman, these Chinese people really don't know how high the sky is.

Don’t you know who the big boss behind Lyman is?

It's just wishful thinking that you, small characters like you, want to make Lyman look bad!

He pulled up a chair, sat down, crossed his arms and kicked Erlang's legs, and said lazily: "Go get the things, no matter what method you use!"

The two chefs nodded and walked towards Wang Yi and Du Yunyan with kitchen knives.

Yang Zimo shouted angrily: "You are not allowed to mess around! What do you want to do? Your behavior is already illegal..."

Before he finished speaking, a chef raised his arm and stabbed him in the head!

Duoduo on the side screamed in fright, and Yang Zimo dodged to avoid the knife.

He grabbed the chef's knife-holding wrist with his backhand, and just as he was about to curl his wrist to grab the knife, he was kicked in the back!

Yang Zimo staggered forward two steps, and the kitchen worker who kicked him had already rushed up and stabbed him in the stomach with the sharp knife in his hand!

Without enough time to dodge, Yang Zimo grabbed the blade with his right hand, then raised his foot and kicked the opponent in the stomach, knocking him to the ground!

However, the boy's hand holding the knife was very tight, and the knife was not taken away.

Instead, two deep wounds were left on Yang Zimo's right hand, and the blood instantly filled the entire palm!

"Zimo!" Duoduo screamed and wanted to rush over.

Yang Zimo shouted: "Don't come over! Protect everyone!"

He took off his coat and wrapped it around his right hand to cover the wound.

The only thing left on his upper body was a black vest with the logo of "Huaxia Public Security University" on it.

The three local waiters looked a little pale, and they were all frightened by this scene.

Di Rang looked at the waiter who helped Wang Yi secretly take photos and said, "You have to pay a price for betraying me!"

The other two waiters said in a panic: "Boss, I didn't betray you. Let me go. This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Yes, boss, I'm just here to work. I don't care about anything else. I haven't seen anything. Can you please let me go?!"

"Shut up!" Di Rang narrowed his eyes and cursed with contempt: "Chinese people who are greedy for life and afraid of death! None of you are good, you all deserve to die!"

Wang Yi looked at Dirang and cursed: "You Inca beasts are not good people, you are not even the most basic human beings!

I am self-righteous all day long and feel that I am very noble, but in fact I am not even as good as a dog!

People who come to China to make money don't do business in a down-to-earth manner, they just want to treat people like fools.

It's unreasonable for people like you to make huge profits in China!

As long as I meet you, I will never let you have any chance to commit crimes!

I'll keep an eye on you! "

"Well said!" Yang Zimo applauded Wang Yi vigorously, but it hit his own wound, and he inhaled in pain.

Wang Yi shouted to him: "Be careful!"

The kitchen worker who stood up from the ground gritted his teeth and charged over again with his knife.

Yang Zimo raised his hand and threw out the coat wrapped around his hand, wrapping around the kitchen worker's wrist holding the knife.

Pulled by Yang Zimo, the kitchen worker ran forward involuntarily.

But at this moment, a chef raised his knife and slashed, and with a bang, the coat was split with the knife and torn into two halves!

Yang Zimo took two steps back, looked at Wang Yi and said, "Sister, be careful behind you!"

Wang Yi didn't even look behind him, he just said to Yang Zimo: "Little brother, don't worry about me, just protect yourself!"

Don't worry about you yet, those three Incas are blocking your back!

Yang Zimo was anxious, but he was blocked by the chef and kitchen workers and couldn't get through.

He could only shout cruelly: "Duoduo!"

Although he was worried about his girlfriend and didn't want her to be in danger.

But at a critical moment, they, the police academy students, the quasi-policemen, must stand in front of the common people!

Duoduo understood what her boyfriend meant, clenched her fists, and wanted to rush over to protect Wang Yi.

Even though she acted so weak just now, she didn't dare to fight back when she was scolded or hit.

That's because she felt that she had done something wrong and had a negative impact on other restaurants, so she should be held accountable first.

But now she knows that the fault lies with the restaurant, and she even refuses to admit her mistake and wants to use force to destroy the evidence.

This made her unbearable!

But before she could rush over, the three Inca waiters were stopped.

The Guan family brothers and sisters were like two hills, blocking Wang Yi and Du Yunyan behind them.

Du Yunyan grabbed Duoduo and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it will be fine soon!"

"You fat pig, get out of here!" An Inca waiter punched Guan Fei in the head!

Guan Fei acted as if he didn't see it, and punched him without even dodging.


The Inca waiter's fist hit Guan Fei hard on the face, but it was like hitting a water bag filled with water.

It just stirred up a ripple of water, leaving no damage.

At the same time, Guan Fei's fist also hit his face.

With a height of 1.8 meters and a body of 160 kilograms, he flew two meters upside down.

It hit the table behind with a crash, then rolled to the ground, motionless!

"Kunal!" Shivani screamed and ran over to turn the person on the ground over.

The tragic situation of his companions shocked him!

Kunal's cheekbone was obviously broken, and his face was sunken into a pit.

Blood flowed from the nostrils, but foam and bubbles were spitting out of the mouth. The person had lost consciousness.

That big fat man who looked like a pig could punch so hard!

Shivani turned to look at his companion who was still standing, and they both swallowed at the same time.

It seems that the other party is more difficult to deal with than they thought!

Siwani set her sights on Guandu.

This fat girl doesn’t have that much power, does she?

He winked at his companion, then grabbed a chair from the side and smashed it at Guan Fei!

But after throwing the chair, he rushed towards Guandu!

His companions had also rushed in front of Guandu, and smashed Guandu's head with the copper pot in his hand!


The copper pot hit Guan Du on the head without any bias.

Most people simply can't bear this kind of impact and will definitely faint to the ground with a bloody head.

But Guandu's head was like a stone and he didn't react at all. Instead, he smashed the copper kettle!

The Inca waiter looked at the deformed copper pot in his hand and was stunned.

Before he could react, a mountain of meat suddenly hit him head-on, knocking him away!

Siwani punched Guandu hard in the heart!

This heavy punch is enough to cause cardiac arrest and make people lose resistance instantly.

But Siwani felt like she was hit on a pile of cotton, and there was no real harm at all.

Guandu blushed instantly.

After all, she was a girl. How could she be hit in this place?

She raised her strong arm and slapped Siwani on the face with a big slap, yelling angrily: "You stinking scoundrel!"

Siwani was whipped around twice and held on to the table next to her to prevent herself from falling to the ground.

Guan Du grinned and cried to Guan Fei: "Brother, that bastard touched me here!"

Guan Fei yelled: "You stinky foreigner is acting like a hooligan, I'll beat you to death!"

Brother and sister come together, you slap him with a big ear-scratcher, and I slap him with a big-ear-scratcher and pull him back!

Siwani was slapped by several big ear scrapers, her mouth was covered with blood, her face turned purple, she fell to the ground with a thud, and was kicked violently by the brothers and sisters!

The brother and sister trained with Mr. Luo Lie for three months, all of which were intensive training for strength.

With the natural advantage of their bodies, when the two of them join forces, even Guan Qing is no match for them!


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