Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1468 Do you think I am telling you a joke?

The people next to me were dumbfounded!

Are these definitely human hands?

If this were slapped on a human body, wouldn't the bones be broken into pieces?

The knife in Zhong Jingwen's hand pressed Cen Jiamei's neck closer, and he shouted to the people around him:

"Don't come here, I will really kill her!

Don't force me, keep that person away from me! "

Cen Jiamei, who was held hostage by him, cursed loudly: "Zhong Jingwen, you bastard!

Why are you crazy?

Let me go quickly!

It's against you, right?

You ungrateful thing, how dare you point a knife at me!

I’m not done with you! "

"Shut up!" Zhong Jingwen's eyes were red and he hit Cen Jiamei on the head with the handle of the knife!

With a scream, red blood flowed from Cen Jiamei's forehead.

Zhong Jingwen gritted his teeth and yelled: "You bastard!

I've wanted to kill you for a long time!

Who do you think you are if you order me to do this or that all day long?

My surname is Zhong, and I am a member of the Zhong family!

Who are you to boss me around? "

Cen Jiamei cursed angrily: "Zhong Jingwen, don't forget, if it weren't for me and my dad, you piece of shit Zhong family would be begging for food on the roadside!

Don’t forget who gave you today!

It’s me! And my father is the president! "

"Shut up!" Zhong Jingwen stabbed Cen Jiamei in the thigh!

"Ah!" Cen Jiamei screamed like a pig being killed.

Sun Galuo shouted loudly: "Zhong Jingwen, calm down and don't mess around!"

Zhong Jingwen pulled out the knife, gritted his teeth and cursed Cen Jiamei: "Don't say such nonsense to me!

Neither of you, father and daughter, are good people!

Yes, it was you and your dad who lent me the loan, but the interest rate was two points higher than that of other banks!

You want me to buy you a house to express my gratitude, and it cost me 20 million!

If Cen Longchang were here, I would stab him, a vampire, first!

Sungalo, don’t come here!

Don't force me!

If I stab Cen Longchang's daughter to death, you know what the consequences will be! "

Sun Galuo pressed down his hands to signal him not to be impulsive, and said to him, "How do you want to let him go?"

Zhong Jingwen said with a gloomy face: "Give me a car and let me get out of here! I promise to keep her alive, otherwise we will die together!"

Sun Galo said with a stern face: "After such a thing happened, I can't possibly let you leave Kyoto..."

"This car is for you!" Chen Xin'an pointed to the truck next to him and said, "The key is on top. No one will chase you within an hour!"

Zhong Jingwen and Sun Galuo both glanced at Chen Xin'an in surprise.

Why did this guy suddenly become so kind?

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, sneered and said to Zhong Jingwen: "You only have this chance, use it or not, it's up to you!

To be honest, it doesn't matter to me if you both die, I'd rather it!

The main thing is to look at that house before I help you!

Now tell me, how did you two think about my proposal? "

I knew this bastard wouldn't be so kind!

Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei almost burst their lungs.

I spent more than 10 million to buy a new house, and I haven’t even lived in it for half a year, but it already has a panoramic skylight!

Of course we can no longer live there.

Even if the floor is laid, it won't work.

Living in the same building as the culprit?

Maybe he fell asleep in the middle of the night and was hung upside down on the roof by this guy by his feet!

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhong Jingwen has completely broken up with Cen Jiamei, and this plastic couple can no longer own this house together.

Selling is inevitable.

It’s just that the price given by this bastard Chen Xin’an is really outrageous!

300,000 yuan to buy a large house of more than 100 square meters in a high-end community in the center of Kyoto.

What's the difference between this and picking it up for free?

But now, time no longer allows them to hesitate.

At this moment, where are they going to find a buyer?

Even if you really find a buyer to view the house, you will be blocked by Chen Xin'an and chased away before you even get upstairs, right?

This is a bandit!

Both Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei cried.

Heartbroken and bleeding!

But it doesn’t work if I don’t sell it. Are you angry?

Zhong Jingwen gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "The property rights are shared by me and her, and the property rights certificate and so on are all on it.

But even if I want to sell it now, I have no choice..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "There is a way!"

He took out his mobile phone, made a call, waited for the call to come through, and said with a smile:

"Ling Yu, have you finished the contract I asked you to make when you went out in the morning?

Okay, I want it now.

I'm at the Lyman Restaurant opposite Hongyun Building. You can deliver it directly! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Zhong Jingwen: "Wait for thirty minutes!"

Zhong Jingwen was dumbfounded. He stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and cursed: "You bastard! So you started preparing to take my house early in the morning?"

Chen Xin'an snorted: "This is nonsense! Do you think I was just joking with you last night?"

It's not nonsense. The key point is that you have asked someone to prepare the contract?

I didn’t say whether to sell it or not, okay?

Or has this guy already calculated that this will happen today?

Zhong Jingwen felt that this was impossible, he was not a god!

What is more likely is that even if this incident had not happened today, this guy would have done something similar to force him to sell his house!

This guy is very rich, and his feelings are all obtained by force, right?

At this moment, Di Rang suddenly shouted, and the boy from Zhongyi Hall who was being held hostage got up and ran away.

The unlucky Inca boss was just run over by Chen Xin'an's car. Although he didn't die, he had multiple fractures on his body.

The younger brother who was held hostage took advantage of him not paying attention and hit him in the chest with his elbow.

Dirang, whose ribs were broken, almost breathed away from the pain.

The hostage ran away as soon as his hands were released.

Furious, he rushed forward, threw the young man down, and stabbed the young man's head hard with the knife in his hand!

At the critical moment, the younger brother blocked it with his hand, and the knife penetrated directly through the younger brother's arm!

"Damn Chinese, I'm going to kill you!" Di Rang pulled out the knife and stabbed his little brother again.

But at this moment, a bright light flashed past, Dirang yelled, the knife fell, and there was a steel needle stuck in his hand!

A black shadow rushed over like lightning and grabbed the knife that had not fallen to the ground.

As a cold light shrouded the people around him, before they could see clearly, Dirang in front of him had turned into a bloody man!


He fell heavily to the ground, and the blood vessels on his hands and feet were cut open.

But it's not the aorta.

So he was bleeding a lot, but he wouldn't die immediately.

He could only lie on the ground, unable to move. He was horrified to feel that his blood mixed with vitality was passing through his body bit by bit!

Chen Xin'an picked up the injured hand of her younger brother, and while giving him an injection to stop the bleeding, she said without any emotion:

"I just said, as long as you let my brother shed a drop of blood, I will drain all your blood! Do you think I am telling you a joke?"

The younger brother looked at Chen Xin'an with emotion and said, "Boss, I'm fine, don't worry!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head at him, and then shouted: "Big Leizi! Send someone to take this brother to Zhenghe Hospital.

Tell your doctor about the best treatment plan.

It doesn't matter how much you spend, but you can't let this hand have any sequelae! "

"I know, boss!" Dao Lei responded and immediately ordered the boy next to him to find a car.

Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei looked at everything in horror, and even the Inca waiters were stunned.

This guy is killing someone in front of the police!

How dare he? !


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