Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1476 Your butt is crooked, okay?

Many people gathered at the school gate, but no one dared to intervene.

Zhang Chunlei's arrogance was well-known in the school, and the power of the Zhang family was also well-known in Kyoto.

So no one dared to provoke Zhang Chunlei.

Two thugs walked up to Ou Peng, and one of them kicked Ou Peng back repeatedly and hit the front of the Aston.

"You fucking bastard!" Zhang Chunlei's face changed, and he ran over quickly, looking at the place where he had just been hit, and cursed at Ou Peng: "I spent more than two million to buy this car!

You can't afford to pay for a little paint loss!

You two be careful, this fucking bumpkin damaged the car, who can I ask for money to repair it?

His family can't even afford it even if they sell all the pots and irons!"

The two thugs looked embarrassed and quickly bent down to apologize.

He took out all his anger on Ou Peng.

"Don't do it! If you want to hit me, just hit me!" Lu Jingming and Li Xingpeng ran over together and protected Ou Peng behind them.

"Big brother, second brother!" The other three shouted.

Unexpectedly, before A Quan rushed up, the fourth brother rushed to the two thugs regardless of everything!

"Fourth brother!"

"Wang Xiaoshuai!

Everyone was shocked, Yang Zimo rushed up and hugged the fourth brother.

"Let me go!" Wang Xiaoshuai struggled and shouted: "These bastards are too bullying, I will do it even if I am punished!"

Yang Zimo scolded him: "Don't be impulsive! If you are deducted points, it's over! How can you be worthy of your brother!"

Wang Xiaoshuai's body shook.

At this moment, A Quan shouted angrily: "Zhang Chunlei! Today's matter is a personal grudge between you and me, and has nothing to do with others.

I just don't like you. You rely on being a member of the Zhang family to bully the school.

So I want to beat you!

If you are a man, come at me, your father!

Don't use despicable means to attack others!

I just don't like you today, you are a bully who takes advantage of others! Come on! " Zhang Chunlei's face was livid, he looked at A Quan with gritted teeth, and cursed at him: "You are looking for death, don't you? Get him!" The two thugs who were originally dealing with Ou Peng all turned around and rushed towards A Quan! "Old Third!" Lu Jingming and a group of brothers shouted. They knew that Old Third took everything on his head and kicked them all out! In this way, the matter became a personal grudge between Old Third and Zhang Chunlei. If the school wants to punish, it can only punish Old Third alone! Wan Chenxuan's face was cold, and she gritted her teeth and cursed: "Stupid! You don't even know how you died if you are so loyal! How dare you wrestle with Zhang Chunlei? He has the Zhang family, what do you have! You are a fool, it's better to be expelled earlier! " She grabbed Jiang Xiahan who wanted to step forward to persuade him to stop fighting, and said with a gloomy face: "Don't get close to him! This is not something we can get involved in!

You will only cause trouble if you go up, just stand here and watch the fun with me!

Let's see how this idiot who overestimates his own abilities is dealt with by the Zhang family! "

Two thugs rushed up and punched and kicked A Quan without any mercy!

They are all martial artists, with flexible body movements and heavy punches and kicks.

However, since A Quan is a trainee, it means that his fighting skills have been very good in his original school.

So he is not just passively beaten.

It's just that one against two, after all, two fists can't beat four hands.

Zhang Chunlei looked at the embarrassed A Quan and said with a grim smile: "With a piece of trash like you, you still look at me with displeasure?

You still want to beat me?

Do you have that ability? "


A thug kicked A Quan in the stomach, knocked him to the ground, and rolled several times.

"Ah! "Wan Chenxuan and Jiang Xiahan screamed at the same time.

Wan Chenxuan immediately shut her mouth and clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white.

Zhang Chunlei dodged and cursed with a sneer: "Is that all you can do? Why don't you get up and hit me..."

As soon as he finished speaking, A Quan suddenly stood up!

A Quan, who had been beaten to the point of having almost no power to fight back, seemed to have changed into a different person at this moment. He clenched his fists and punched Zhang Chunlei in the face like a tiger descending from a mountain!

"You bastard! I just don't like you! I just want to beat you up! What's wrong?"

Zhang Chunlei spat out a mouthful of blood and screamed in horror: "Pull him away! "

But Ah Quan didn't let him go. He followed him like a shadow, sticking to his side, punching him in the face one after another!

In just a blink of an eye, his white suit was splattered with his own blood!

In fact, he also knew how to fight, but at this moment he forgot all about it and just ran away while howling!

Unfortunately, Ah Quan grabbed his clothes and didn't let him break free at all. His fists rained down on his head!

Two bodyguards rushed up and gave Ah Quan a beating. Punching and kicking.

A Quan ignored the punches and kicks hitting him, and just knocked Zhang Chunlei to the ground like crazy.

Then he rode on him, swung his fists, and attacked crazily!

The screams were endless, and the two bodyguards were also scared. They stopped punching and kicking and rushed forward to pull A Quan away.

But even with the combined strength of the two, they couldn't pull A Quan off Zhang Chunlei!

Just then, a group of people rushed out from the school, and one of the men who looked like a cadre shouted:

"What are you doing!

Zhou Quan, let go quickly!

Are you security guards just watching the fun?

Go up and pull this person away for me! "

A group of school security guards rushed up and, together with two bodyguards, forcibly pulled Zhou Quan off Zhang Chunlei and held down his hands and feet!

Zhang Chunlei had been beaten like a pig's head, his face was black and blue, his eyes were swollen into two big peaches, and they were narrowed into slits.

Seeing Zhou Quan being pinned down by everyone, Zhang Chunlei gritted his teeth and cursed: "You bastard, how dare you hit me?! I'll kill you!"

He raised his foot and kicked Zhou Quan hard on the head!

But the cadre-looking man next to him didn’t even say anything to stop him!

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoshuai and Yang Zimo rushed up at the same time and hugged him.

"Instructor Song is already here, stop fighting! He will handle it!" Li Xingpeng said loudly:

"If you do something in front of Instructor Song, doesn't this mean that Instructor Song is here to cause trouble?

Let the security guard help you do it, right? "

The person who looked like a cadre was Instructor Song. He glanced at the surrounding students and knew that Zhang Chunlei should not go too far, so he cursed with a dark face:

"Zhou Quan, you repeatedly ignored school rules and got into fights with others!

This time, Zhang Chunlei was even injured, which was a serious violation of school rules and regulations!

I will report this matter to the Academic Affairs Office and deduct ten points from you! "

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked!

Yang Zimo frowned and asked, "Instructor Song, isn't this punishment too severe?

Deducting ten points is equivalent to being directly expelled, without even being issued a business certificate! "

Instructor Song pointed at Zhang Chunlei angrily and said:

"Are you blind? Can't you see how Zhang Chunlei has been beaten?

If the matter is so serious, how can he still be qualified to graduate? "

Wang Xiaoshuai said arrogantly: "But Zhang Chunlei's people also did a thorough job!

He is also injured!

And this is off campus!

What's even more irritating is that Zhang Chunlei took the initiative to cause trouble, but he also called people from outside the school to beat him!

Why don't you say this? "

Instructor Song was furious, pointed at Wang Xiaoshuai and cursed: "What do you mean?

Does that mean my treatment was unfair?

I didn't see Zhang Chunlei instructing anyone to fight, I only saw Zhou Quan beating Zhang Chunlei!

If you are dissatisfied, go to the principal and sue me!

See if she believes you or me!

And all of you, five points deducted!

If you are not satisfied, go to the Academic Affairs Office to appeal!

If your appeal is successful, you won’t need to attend my classes in the future!

Each and every one of them is talking about something, and they don’t care what kind of car they drive, yet they dare to provoke them! "


An SUV hit the Aston hard. Chen Xin'an stuck his head out and looked at Instructor Song with a sarcastic face and said:

"Are you Instructor Song? Your butt is really crooked!

Is a person like you worthy of being an instructor? "


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