Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1492 I’m just waiting

This person was once the leader of the cadre school.

Not to mention Kyoto City, even across the country, there are many cadres who are his disciples!

Based on this alone, the Zhang family is extremely proud in Kyoto City.

During the holidays, leaders who come to visit us can line up on the road!

What's more, there are also connections in the Grand Palace. Who dares to provoke such a Zhang family?

But this guy named Chen Xin'an didn't just crush Zhang Zhe's legs and break them.

He even kicked the old man's knees to pieces and made him kneel on the ground!

The old man of the Zhang family has only accepted kneeling from others in his life. When has he ever knelt down?

Seeing this scene, the Zhang family were all angry!

"Fight with these bastards! They are so lawless that even the Zhang family dares to bully them!"

"You dare to blame the Zhang family for nothing! Do you really think our Zhang family is easy to bully?"

"What's the point of bullying an old man? If you dare, beat me to death!

And what about the security guards? Are you here for a meal?

The leader was beaten and are you still here to watch the fun? "

A group of Zhang family members and the seven or eight security guards who came with them saw that the old man of the Zhang family was injured, so they all took the risk and rushed over!

Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to pay attention.

With Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang here, it's enough!

He turned his head, glanced at Zuo Meng who was standing at the door of the duty room and asked:

"Friend, can you help me bring a chair?"

Without any hesitation, Zuo Meng turned around and walked into the duty room, took out the chair and placed it next to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an asked his wife to sit on the chair, and he stood aside, turning to Zuo Meng and said:

"You just retired from the army? Which army did you come from?"

Zuo Meng smiled slightly and said to Chen Xin'an: "For people like me, I have no future, so don't embarrass the old army, just don't mention it!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted at him: "Stand at attention! Prepare to capture the enemy in fighting style—"

Almost subconsciously, Zuo Meng first raised his legs together, then stretched out his stance, making a preparatory move for fighting.

Chen Xin'an took a look, nodded and said: "The person who wears Yunlong? Isn't the army assigned to work? Why did you run out to be a security guard?"

Once the members of the five major special forces teams are demobilized, units will rush to get them and they will be treated well.

There are not many people looking for work on their own, but it is not impossible.

Zuo Meng looked at Chen Xin'an warily and asked, "Who are you? How do you know I'm wearing..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "I used to be an instructor in the Black Mountain Tigers, and I also dealt with you Chuan Yunlong people.

I have also seen you Captain Xin and Political Commissar Tan.

I can be considered friends with you instructors, Dai Wugang and the others..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Meng was already standing respectfully in front of Chen Xin'an. He wanted to salute, but then he remembered that he was no longer a soldier.

Then he put down his hand, bowed to Chen Xin'an and said, "Hello, Chief Instructor!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned this time, he frowned and said with a smile: "I only became an instructor some time ago.

The latest batch of Chuanyunlongs were discharged years ago. How did you know about me? "

Zuo Meng said truthfully: "Before coming to Kyoto, I contacted my old comrades once.

I am the soldier brought out by Captain Shi, and I retired due to injury.

My comrades told me about this training camp.

It also let me know that there is now a very capable military chief instructor!

I just didn’t expect that I would be standing in front of me right now!

Before I met you, I envied them.

But after tonight, if I tell them, they will definitely be jealous of me! "

Chen Xin'an laughed and asked him: "Zuo Meng, are you willing to come over and help me?

I have a security company that recruits all veterans, but not many people come from the five major special forces groups.

If you help me, the overall strength of this company should be greatly improved! "

Zuo Meng looked excited, stood upright in front of Chen Xin'an, nodded vigorously and said: "I do!"

The security squad leader, Brother Li, and Brother Ming standing at the door of the duty room looked at Zuo Meng with envy.

Just now I was laughing at people who would starve to death on the streets if they left here.

Unexpectedly, he was poached in the blink of an eye.

And it's still safe.

Chen Xin'an's company!

Brother Ming coughed twice, walked over cautiously, stood next to Chen Xin'an and said:

"Mr. Chen, is your security company still hiring?

Although I am not a veteran, I have been a security guard for many years and am very experienced..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said lightly:

"You are not suitable.

What I want is security, not security.

The most important thing is to have strong bones!

Yours is too soft! "

Brother Ming and the squad leader and Brother Li behind him were all red-faced and speechless with embarrassment.

Chen Xin'an ignored them and said to Zuo Meng, "Go to the dormitory to clean up and report to the company tomorrow morning!"

Zuo Meng seemed a little embarrassed, but he still nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Wait a minute!" Ning Xiruo took out her wallet, took out a thousand yuan, and said to Zuo Meng:

“The security company doesn’t have a night watch, can you help the company watch the night?

It doesn't take long, just a week. This is an advance salary, okay? "

Zuo Meng's eyes were moist.

How could he not know that people saw that he was living in distress and wanted to take care of his self-esteem, so they found an excuse.

Give him money to live and provide him with a free place to live?

Ning Xiruo put the money into his hand and said to him: "Go and pack it up.

I'll give you a phone number. You can call her tomorrow and call her Qingjie.

She is the head of a security company. "

Chen Xin'an nodded to his wife.

After all, he is not as careful as his wife.

After Zuo Meng left, Chen Xin'an walked up to Zhang Jihai who was slumped on the ground, looked down at him and said, "What's wrong, are you scared?"

During the phone call with Zuo Meng just now, Chen Xin'an deliberately did not go behind Zhang Jihai's back.

So he heard clearly.

Chief instructor of the entire army?

How big an official is this?

Zhang Jihai didn't know, but his nephew was just the instructor leader of the Black Mountain Tigers.

Moreover, he had been told clearly some time ago that he would no longer help him fight against Chen Xin'an and left the Zhang family.

I originally wanted to get through the most critical phone call, but Zhang Jihai hung up on me.

Although the person in the Grand Palace is the biggest supporter of the Zhang family, he is not available at any time.

Although the Zhang family relied on this relationship to accomplish many things in Kyoto.

But once something is leaked, even that person will not take care of the Zhang family in the slightest.

Because these things were done behind his back

Once something happens, he will be implicated too!

Chen Xin'an's background was too deep, which made Zhang Jihai avoid him.

Before he felt that he was at the end of his rope, he didn't dare to risk everything with Chen Xin'an.

After all, he is a young man in his twenties. No matter how fast he develops, he has only been in Kyoto for a year.

If the foundation is too shallow, all achievements will be nothing but rootless duckweeds, which will be forgotten if the wind blows.

How can he compare with a Kyoto boss like himself who has been rooted in Kyoto all his life and has disciples all over the world?

"Chen Xin'an!" Zhang Jihai collapsed on the ground, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes filled with resentment, and gritted his teeth and said:

"The humiliation you have done to me now will be repaid a hundredfold tonight!

If you dare, kill me now.

Otherwise, when my men come, you will die miserably! "

Chen Xin'an stood next to Ning Xiruo, reached out and held her slightly cold hand, turned to look at Zhang Jihai, and grinned.

"Okay, I'll just wait!"


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