Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1503 Are you here to have fun?

In the whole of China, there are only five troops that start with 00!

Everyone who comes out of there is abnormal and extremely strong!

And their strength is not only in fighting, but also in brains.

Otherwise, it is impossible to efficiently carry out complex and dangerous combat missions.

Is it difficult for anyone to manage a security team?

This is a waste of talent, okay?

Now no one dares to disobey.

Chen Xinan nodded, which was also the result he wanted.

The fourth squad leader is called Nie Fenghan. He looked at Zuo Meng and asked strangely:

"Captain, it is said that you are all booked after you come back, why do you come to Kyoto to venture?"

Chen Xinan also asked this question last night.

Zuo Meng pointed to his head and said self-deprecatingly: "I don't have enough education.

The job assigned is good, but it's very hard to do.

It's just a waste of time.

So I just quit and make a living.

Don't cause trouble to the unit and save burden."

Chen Xinan asked him: "Zuo Meng, please help me contact those comrades in arms who are in similar situations to you.

If you are willing to come to me, all travel expenses will be reimbursed and you will be accepted!

The treatment is higher than that of peers, not lower, I, Chen Xinan, can guarantee this!"

Zuo Meng nodded and said: "Okay, boss!"

The phone rang, Xiao Jiu called: "Master, the young mistress is arguing with someone on the ninth floor!"

What a joke!

This is Anhao Building, his own territory.

Who is so blind that he came here to quarrel with his wife, Chen Xinan?

The ninth floor is the headquarters of the Sunshine Welfare Foundation.

There is a charity performance at the Red Moon Stadium on the weekend, jointly organized by Sunshine Charity and Kyoto officials.

All the proceeds will be donated to more than 1,000 registered welfare organizations across the country.

Today is the last day to register.

So Xiaojiu has been very busy during this period, and even couldn't participate in the trip to Qingxi.

Chen Xin'an went down to the ninth floor, where there were quite a few people.

Some young men and women sat in the reception hall, all of them looked unhappy.

Ning Xiruo was explaining to everyone, Guan Fei and Guan Du stood on both sides of her, not letting anyone get close.

"Is that woman from your Sunshine Charity, Mr. Shi? I just want to ask her what her attitude is! Is that how she treats us donors?"

"We have been waiting here for more than an hour, but she didn't respond. When the old woman came, she gave priority to her. Why? Is that old woman the president?"

"Do you know how precious our time is?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars a minute, any reward is enough for an ordinary person's annual salary!

But I wasted more than an hour here, who will bear this loss?"

Ning Xiruo said apologetically: "I'm sorry, everyone, I know your time is precious, so I received you on behalf of Mr. Shi..."

Before she finished speaking, a young woman shouted impatiently: "What qualifications do you have?

What we want is a photo with Mr. Shi Chunyu!

Otherwise, why do we do live broadcasts?

Do you think that just finding someone to appear with us can prove that we are participating in the charity performance?"

Others also had a face full of sarcasm and sneers.

"Who do you think you are? Are you qualified to take a photo with me? Do you know how much traffic we control?"

"That's right! All of us are big internet celebrities and anchors? We all have tens of thousands of fans! Who are you to take a photo with us?"

"Hurry up and call out Ms. Shi, and let her receive us! It's normal for an ordinary employee like you to deal with those old ladies! You still need me to teach you, really!"

Chen Xinan walked over with a gloomy face and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Seeing Chen Xinan's face, Ning Xiruo knew that he was very unhappy with the people in front of him.

She quickly pulled his arm and whispered, "Don't be impulsive. These are all internet celebrities who are here to sign up for donations. However, they need to take a photo with Xiaojiu for the live broadcast, so that they can prove that they participated in this charity performance. After all, not all donors can go on stage." Chen Xinan nodded and asked her, "Where is Xiaojiu?" Ning Xiruo said softly, "Dean Tu is here. The children have rehearsed a few programs to see if they can go on stage. Husband, don't be impulsive. These people are internet celebrities. If they are not handled properly, the impact will be great!" Chen Xinan pouted, He said with disdain: "What influence am I afraid of? If they keep saying dirty things to me, I will beat them up one by one!"

Turning around, Chen Xin'an said to a group of internet celebrities: "Boss Shi has some important things to deal with, so if you have any requests, you can tell me and I will help you solve them!"

A male anchor sat on a chair, clasped his hands in front of his chest, crossed his legs, and looked at Chen Xin'an with a sneer:

"What can you solve?

If she can't solve it, what can you do?

We want Shi Chunyu!"

Several anchors next to him also cursed angrily.

"Important things? What else is more important than receiving us?"

"That old woman doesn't look like a rich person. How much did she donate? Is it worth it for your Boss Shi to lick her like this?"

"People like us always donate more than a million, right?

More than some big stars, so your company doesn't like us so much?"

"It's not just being ignored by Mr. Shi, but you are also being dealt with by people who are not even on the management list. This is not treating us big internet celebrities as human beings!"

"So this kind of newly opened charity is a place to gain reputation, and the money we donate may end up in whose pocket!"

"Fortunately, we are all just in name and have not actually donated, otherwise we would have been cheated!"

The receptionist standing at the service desk couldn't bear it anymore and said to these Internet celebrities:

"Stop talking nonsense, okay?

These two are Mr. Chen Xin'an, the chairman of our Anhao Group, and his wife, Ms. Ning Xi Ruoning!

When they came to receive you, why didn't they treat you as human beings? "

The chairman and wife of Anhao Group?

A group of Internet celebrities looked at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo in surprise.

It turns out that this man is the famous new richest man in Kyoto, Chen Xin'an?

Didn't his wife say she was a beauty?

Why does it look so ordinary?

It's far worse than the rest of us.

Doesn’t that mean that all of us might replace this yellow-faced woman?

Even if he can't replace her position, the benefits of having a night with this handsome richest man in Kyoto are immeasurable!

You know, Dream Media belongs to Anhao Group!

As long as you can climb the big tree like Chen Xin'an, going from Internet celebrity to big star will be like picking up something in your bag.

I can create a movie for you casually and package it to the big screen. How can it not be popular?

A woman with a snake face stood up, walked over with a smile on her face, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Oh, Mr. Chen, I really have a great name that I have admired for a long time!

I didn't know it was you who was here just now, so my words were a little abrupt. Please don't blame me!

I am little Princess Qiongqiong, the anchor of our Cardamom platform. I... Oops! "

Her feet suddenly slipped and she fell into Chen Xin'an's arms!

Chen Xin'an hugged Ning Xiruo and stepped back, watching helplessly as the little princess Qiongqiong fell to the ground!

The moment his body came into contact with the marble floor, there was a bang, which was painful to watch!

And because little Princess Qiongqiong really didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would not even hold her, let alone hold her.

So I was completely unprepared this time and fell hard.

Even his legs were crossed, and he looked as embarrassed as he could!

Chen Xin'an got angry, pointed at her and shouted, "What do you mean? Are you talking about porcelain?"

Did everyone see it? I didn’t touch her either! "


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