Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1508 Shocked along the way

Looking at Chen Xin'an's livid face, Li Niandong curled his lips in disdain.

"Don't forget, this is my grandfather.

You don't have to worry about his safety, but I can't.

These are the people from the Qingxi Guard Group. They will ensure our safety in Qingxi during this period! "

Afraid that Chen Xin'an would blame his granddaughter, Mr. Li said to him: "Xiao Chen, don't worry about trivial matters.

Let’s go back to the hotel first! "

Chen Xin'an said nothing more, nodded and said, "Let's go!"

There were two minibuses specially used to pick up people, and Chen Xin'an's people took one.

However, Chen Xin'an himself did not get on the car. Instead, he rode out his Saber motorcycle from the cargo compartment of Riptide G3.

There were police cars in front of them clearing the way, and military vehicles in the back. The convoy was heading towards the reserved Red Star Hotel in Daliang City.

Chen Xin'an was riding a sword and cruising not far from the convoy, observing the surrounding situation.

About five kilometers away from the airport, a sign suddenly stood up at the intersection in front of me, and I could vaguely see thick smoke billowing on the road not far away!

As soon as Chen Xin'an accelerated, the motorcycle roared over and stopped next to a man wearing a road administration uniform.

"What happened in front?"

The man glanced at Chen Xin'an, then at the motorcade behind him, waved his hand and said:

“There was a car accident, we can’t get over it!

Hit an oil tanker and it might explode at any time! "

Chen Xin'an looked ahead and frowned.

If it was really so dangerous, why were there so many people around the scene?

Why not avoid danger?

Before he could think about it, the police car leading the way had already turned around and led the convoy to another road!

Just last night, Chen Xin'an had already planned the route from the airport to the hotel, passed it to Mr. Li, and got his approval.

This is the shortest and safest way to the hotel.

There is also an alternate route, which has been modified in some areas.

The road we are taking now deviates from the original route and does not reach the entrance of the alternate route.

This is equivalent to adding a lot of variables!

Chen Xin'an immediately started his motorcycle, caught up with the police car leading the way, and stopped him directly!

"What's going on? Who told you to go this way? Go back!"

A police officer stuck his head out of the back seat window, glanced at him and said, "Go back? There was a car accident over there. Didn't you see it?"

He didn't know the identity of this man in civilian clothes, he only knew that he was Mr. Li.

But he is the city bureau leader of Daliang City, and not everyone can yell at him.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "The car accident was weird, and you can pass on the edge, so there is no need to change the route..."

"Chen Xin'an, why are you stopping everyone!" Before he could finish speaking, Li Niandong and Hu Zhenrui got off the minibus and walked to him angrily.

The leaders of the municipal bureau also quickly got out of the car and said to Li Niandong and Hu Zhenrui: "Two leaders, this person blames us for changing our route and wants us to go back!"

Li Niandong scolded Chen Xin'an angrily: "Chen Xin'an, you are sick! Didn't you see there was a car accident on that road just now?

Why are you so rigid in doing things?

If one road is blocked, can't you switch to another one?

As long as you are here chirping, we are almost there.

Get out of the way quickly. If something happens here, can you afford it? "

Hu Zhenrui also said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Mr. Chen, I agreed to change the route, and I will be responsible for anything that happens!

I think in order to protect Mr. Li, we don’t have to follow your plan, we should be flexible! "

Chen Xin'an had a gloomy face, nodded and said, "Okay, let's get back to the hotel safely!"

This is on the road, and Chen Xin'an doesn't want to waste time by being verbose.

"Hmph! Pretending to be mysterious!" Li Niandong snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards China and Pakistan with Hu Zhenrui.

With Chen Xin'an behind his back, Li Niandong made a victory gesture towards Hu Zhenrui.

It's so great to be able to defeat that arrogant guy!

The convoy continued to drive forward. This road was not a main road. In many places, only two cars could pass, and there were fields next to it.

Qingxi is the most sparsely populated province in China, and its economic development is relatively backward.

Moreover, Daliang City is not the provincial capital of Qingxi, and its infrastructure is not very developed.

After driving for half an hour, the road ahead entered a narrow road and the convoy slowed down.

At the same time, several dump trucks came over one after another, preparing to meet the convoy.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an saw a cold light flashing inside a dump truck.

Something reflected the sun's rays, and for a moment, Chen Xin'an felt that it was a knife!

Before she had time to think about it, Chen Xin'an rushed to the minibus on her sword and shouted to the driver: "Get off! Get out of the ground!"

The driver ignored him and cursed: "You're crazy!"

This is a local green dresser.

No wonder he would scold Chen Xin'an like this.

Putting aside the fact that you are in green clothing, your discipline is not to take advantage of the masses and not to damage their property.

Even if there is a traffic jam here, which lasts all day and night, the driver will not drive into the people's crop fields.

Another reason is that the land in Qingxi is highly alkaline and there is very little land suitable for growing crops.

Therefore, the people of Qingxi attach great importance to the protection of cultivated land.

Anyone who dares to crush people's crops, from individuals to officials, will not give up easily, which is very troublesome.

It’s too late to explain the situation!

A dump truck seemed to have suddenly lost control. The front of the truck twisted and crashed into the minibus!

Chen Xin'an looked at the front of the car that was getting closer and closer, and her eyes suddenly shrank.

No matter how strong he is, he can't resist a dump truck with his flesh and blood!

At the critical moment, the police car leading the way made a roar.

He suddenly reversed and turned left, blocking the dump truck with his own body!

With this buffer gap, Chen Xin'an shouted at the minibus driver: "Turn right to go to the field, hurry up!"

The green driver's face turned pale and he didn't dare to say anything more. As soon as he accelerator and turned the steering wheel, the minibus rushed into the field below!

The minibus followed closely behind.

Chen Xin'an greeted the military vehicle behind him: "Don't stop, hurry up and follow!"

But the opponent's two dump trucks all seemed to have lost control and rushed down the field.

The two drivers each leaned out of the car window and shouted: "Get out of the way, the steering wheel is out of order!"

As they shouted, the dump truck slammed into the minibus where Mr. Li was!

Because we were driving in soft fields, the minibus couldn't pick up speed.

I could only watch as two dump trucks collided with me.

Fortunately, the camouflage off-road vehicles behind them came into play, roaring over and crashing into the dump truck desperately!

Chen Xin'an was riding a motorcycle quickly in the fields, shouting at the minibus driver: "Go, follow me, don't stop!"

Passing around these dump trucks, I saw a group of farmers rushing over with hoes and shovels from a distance.

Chen Xin'an led the two cars around them and onto the highway, pushed the accelerator to the bottom, and rushed forward!

Without someone to guide you, you will be in an unfamiliar place.

Chen Xin'an could only rely on the memory in his mind and the map of Daliang City that he had made up last night to find the way to the original route.

Fortunately, he found it!

Chen Xin'an rode a sword and ran all the way, cruising on both sides of the two minibuses.

After driving for two hours, we finally arrived at the Red Star Hotel.

After Mr. Li was arranged into the room, on the corridor, in front of Li Niandong, Chen Xin'an beat Hu Zhenrui violently!

Li Niandong screamed and tried to push Chen Xin'an away, but he slapped her in the face with his backhand.

She sat down on the ground, covered her face and cried loudly!


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