When Principal Meng entrusted Chen Xin'an to help find her son, she said that Feng Congjun was once a police officer in the Kyoto City Bureau.

But Chen Xin'an didn't expect that he was Sun Galuo's master!

Sun Galo stood at the window and looked outside, with red eyes and said: "When I came out of the police academy, my master was Feng Congjun.

If it weren't for him, I would have been hit by a car and killed on my first criminal mission!

Following him for two years taught me more than I learned in four years at the police academy.

In order to save me, he suffered eighteen wounds, and I can tell the story behind each one.

Mr. Chen, what would you think if you saw such a master? "

Chen Xin'an twitched the corner of his mouth, coughed twice and said: "I will think about how stupid this apprentice must be to make me injured so many times!"

Sun Gallo: "..."

Chen Xin'an, is it boring to chat like this?

Waving his hand, Chen Xin'an said to Sun Galuo: "I'm not trying to hurt you. There has been no news for five years. Maybe your master has..."

This was hard to say to Meng Aihong, but to Sun Jialuo, Chen Xinan didn't have to worry that he wouldn't be able to accept it.

Sun Gallo shook his head and said: "My master is still alive!

In the past five years, the Municipal Bureau has often received some information about Qingxi.

But the messages are all incoherent, making it difficult to form key clues.

And we can't find out who gave us these messages.

Recently, this Chengbei Industrial Park was sent to us by that mysterious person.

So we tried to find a way to go in and investigate the situation. "

Chen Xin'an nodded thoughtfully and said, "Do you suspect that these messages were sent to you by Feng Congjun?"

Sun Gallo nodded and said firmly: "It must be!"

Chen Xin'an expressed his understanding. If it were him, of course he would think so.

Coming out of the bathroom, Luo Xiaoman hurried over and said to Chen Xin'an with his mobile phone:

"Old Chen, something happened over there with Guishou!

At the Beihuan intersection, Yaoye was shot! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Xiao Zhang, who followed him: "Old Xiao, go call a taxi. Let's go there.

Brother Luo, please don’t get involved in this matter.

When you're full, just go back and don't worry about us!

You discuss the matters in the industrial park with Luo Zhen and the others. If you encounter any troubles, let me know! "

After the explanation, Chen Xin'an took Luo Xiaoman and walked out.

Xiao Zhang had already stopped a taxi, and the three of them got in the car and went straight to the Beihuan intersection.

"Hey, was there a car accident?" From a distance, I saw several cars at the intersection, one of which was still smoking.

Chen Xin'an and the others paid to get out of the car and ran over.

I happened to see an ambulance putting people in the car and preparing to take them away.

The ghost hand was right next to him, shouting all the time.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an stopped the person carrying the stretcher.

A man in a white coat looked at him strangely and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Xiao Zhang took out his driver's license, flashed it in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "The police are on duty!"

White coat: "..."

Are you sick?

Guishou looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in his eyes and shouted: "Mr. Chen, my father..."

Chen Xin'an looked at Yao Ye's wounds.

Shot through the heart and killed instantly!

This method is exactly the same as killing Xikun!

With a sigh, Chen Xin'an waved his hand and motioned for him to be carried away.

They were all dead and there was nothing he could do.

The ghost hands screamed and cried loudly, shouting: "I knew something was going to happen, why didn't you listen!

You didn't say anything when I called you, so I knew something was wrong!

Hurry up and hurry up, but you still haven't caught up. How could you just leave like this? "

A group of brothers nearby quickly comforted him: "Brother Shou, we..."

Ghost Hand kicked Lao Zhu in the stomach and knocked him to the ground.

He rushed forward and kicked him while cursing: "What the hell are you!

You were asked to follow your godfather and you were asked to protect him. How did you protect him?

He was beaten to death, and you didn't even lose a hair on your head!

Are you in cahoots with the killer? "

Lao Zhu howled like a pig: "Brother Shou, you have unjustly accused me to death!

The guy acted like a lunatic and crashed into the car.

Then he parked the car and ran to the back door and shot his godfather!

He fired one shot and ran away so fast that we didn’t even react! "

"You are so quibbling!" Guishou rushed over again like crazy.

Chen Xin'an grabbed him and said in a deep voice: "Professional killer, your people can't stop him!

You should calm down now and think about what to do next! "

Guishou turned his head, his face full of tears, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Chen, my father is gone..."

Chen Xin'an sighed, slapped him on the face and cursed: "So what?

Do you want to go with him?

Do you want me to give you a ride?

So many brothers are looking at you, how do you look like crying and crying here all the time!

Now you have something to say to everyone.

If you want to quit, let everyone disband and live honestly from now on.

If you want to continue to mess around, Yaoye is gone, and you are the boss. You have to lead the brothers forward! "

Guishou looked at the brothers around him and closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I am a gangster, I don't know anything else, I just know how to repay a favor!

My godfather has been so kind to me, but now he has been killed. As a son, I will do nothing in this life, but I must avenge him!

If you are willing to follow me, then continue to follow.

Let me tell my brothers, if my godfather fails to do anything, I will help him do it!

Use the fastest time to capture Daliang City!

But let me remind you, my enemy is King Qingxi!

So those who are afraid and those who shrink back can still leave now.

I don't blame you! "

Lao Zhu and others stood up, gritted their teeth and said, "Let's go? Where to go?"

This is our home!

Without Xi Kun, there will be Dong Kun, Nan Kun, and Bei Kun!

As long as King Qingxi wants to control Daliang City, we will not have a good life!

Only by taking our home in our own hands can we sleep peacefully!

If I don’t leave, I will follow Brother Shou and fight with King Qingxi! "

"Yes, follow Brother Shou and fight with King Qingxi!" All the younger brothers shouted in unison.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted: "Laojun!"

No one agreed, but suddenly one person in the crowd swayed!

Then the man turned around and ran away without saying a word!

Chen Xin'an rushed over like an arrow from a string and shouted loudly:

"Aman, Lao Xiao, get in the car and outflank us!

Note that the other party has a gun! "


Where is the car?

Fortunately, the ghost hand threw a car key over and shouted: "That white Nissan at the intersection! Brothers, let's follow too!"

I just screamed based on my feeling, but I didn't expect it to be an unexpected surprise.

Chen Xin'an followed the man closely, crossed the intersection, and entered a construction area.

There are many alleys here, but the other party is familiar with the roads, turning left and right, trying to get rid of Chen Xin'an.

But even he didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would be so difficult to deal with.

Always keep within ten meters of him, no matter how hard you throw him, you can't get rid of him!

Turning around an alley, Chen Xin'an suddenly stopped.

There was a man standing on the wall not far away.

Although he was wearing a peaked cap, Chen Xin'an still recognized him.

He is the professional killer who shot Xi Kun to death last night and Yao Ye tonight, Laojun!

At this moment, he was standing on a two-meter-high wall with his legs spread apart, holding a gun in his right hand and pointing it at Chen Xin'an's head.

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and looked at him, keeping her entire body on high alert.

The opponent's shooting skills are very good, and his hands are very steady at the moment.

After a lot of running and chasing, my breathing can still be controlled within a range that does not affect my shooting skills!

Such a gunman is really scary, and Chen Xin'an can't guarantee that he can survive the opponent's gun without being injured.

But the other party shook his head at him, then suddenly put away his gun, jumped off the wall, and quickly disappeared into the night!


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