Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1536 You are not qualified to talk about makeup and beauty in front of me

In front of everyone, Konoha really gently took off the disguise on Ning Xiruo's face.

When the edge lifted from Ning Xiruo's neck, Xingxing's expression changed.

Perhaps because of her emotions, she didn't notice this at first!

As a makeup artist, this is an extremely unprofessional mistake and a mistake that should not be made!

Because as long as you pay a little attention, you can find clues.

But she seriously applied makeup on someone else's face, which was like putting makeup on the mirror!

Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded.

No one expected that this woman would go out wearing a mask!

What do you look like that requires you to go out wearing a mask?

When Konoha really took off the whole mask and revealed the woman's true face, the car was completely silent.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ning Xiruo's face.

Even though they were both women, these makeup artists felt a strong sense of jealousy towards Ning Xiruo!

How can a woman be so beautiful?

Bright eyes, white teeth, and picturesque features. All the words to describe a woman's beauty can't be overused.

Even Luo Qianxue and Wu Yan, who often saw Ning Xiruo's true face, were momentarily distracted.

Luo Qianxue, in particular, sighed softly.

As the most beautiful woman in Kyoto before, Luo Qianxue thought that she could still be equal to Ning Xiruo.

Although he was disfigured and injured later, the recovery effect was very good, and now there are no traces of injuries.

But she also knew very well that her appearance was no longer as beautiful as Ning Xiruo's.

A woman's appearance will change with marriage.

You will gain weight due to pregnancy, and you will develop spots due to improper maintenance.

No matter how you make up for it, it will still be lower than before marriage.

But there are also some women who become more mature because of marriage.

Become more charming and more elegant.

Just like a flower, marriage makes her bloom more completely!

Ning Xiruo falls into the latter category.

Now, she was clearly ahead of Luo Qianxue in appearance.

It is no exaggeration to say that it has conquered the country and conquered the city!

"The guest is so beautiful!" Noya looked at Ning Xiruo dreamingly and praised sincerely.

Konoha curled her lips and said: "Whether my nephew-in-law is beautiful or not, do you still need to tell me?

One by one, there is also a makeup artist!

Will this look like a waste of your efforts?

That only shows that your skills are simply not good enough! "

Luo Qianxue also said angrily: "You still say that people are born with poor foundation?

Are you saying your face is ugly?

This one is wide and that one is narrow.

I didn’t know your beauty standards were so high!

I don't even have the nerve to dislike her. Where did you get the courage? "

Wu Yan squinted her eyes and said, "Are the emotional guests spending money just to listen to your ridicule and humiliation?

Do you have this qualification? "

A group of makeup artists all blushed and looked so embarrassed that they couldn't even raise their heads.

Grasshopper snorted and said, "I told you, my wife is the most beautiful!"

This time, no one dared to make fun of him.

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo shook her head and said to everyone: "What your face looks like is given by your parents.

So don’t take it too seriously whether it looks good or not!

Go ahead, or you won't be able to take many photos later. "

Noya bowed to Ning Xiruo and said, "I'm sorry, guest. We did something impolite because we were emotionally driven to work. Please forgive us.

However, I personally feel that with your eyebrows, too much dressing up would be superfluous! "

Xingxing also nodded vigorously and said: "Yes! Just need to put on some light makeup.

Try to restore nature as much as possible to highlight your beauty.

Wearing makeup will only have the opposite effect and lower your appearance! "

Konoha looked at her sarcastically and said, "What, is this the vision and point of view of your senior beautician again?"

Xingxing glanced at her with a blushing face and said with a straight face: "Yes! After all, I received formal school training and obtained an assessment certificate.

If you have the same certificate, you can question me.

If not, please consider my point of view as this may be the right advice to get the best results from your shoot! "

Konoha curled his lips and said with disdain: "Certificate? I don't have any German certificates in my life.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not qualified to question you!

You are barely qualified to talk about makeup and beauty in front of me!

Get out of the way, I'll do her makeup, you don't need to bother with it.

I really don’t know what kind of makeup you can do with your skills! "

"You..." This time, all the makeup artists were scolded, and everyone looked at Konoha Makoto angrily.

Xingxing said angrily: "This guest, there are still forty minutes left.

It’s not fun for Sister Hua to lose her temper if the filming is delayed! "

"It's not fun if I lose my temper!" Konoha scolded impatiently: "Go and stand aside, put down all the tools, and I will do it myself!"

"Okay! This is what you asked for. If it delays the shooting, explain it to Sister Hua yourself!" Xingxing angrily put the tools in his hands into the makeup box next to him.

Noya also walked to the side with a straight face and stood with Xingxing, looking at Konoha Zhen.

It's just not a job that one person can do, it depends on how you do it!

Konoha unceremoniously put down her half-length hair and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Close your eyes and take a rest. I'll give you a brand new makeup today. I guarantee you'll be satisfied!"

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, looked at Mu Yezhen in the mirror and said, "I've never been disappointed by your makeup!"

Mu Yezhen took a deep breath, crossed his hands and moved his joints, nodded and said to Ning Xiruo, "Okay, let's start!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her hands began to move, her left hand was combing her hair, and her right hand was quickly preparing makeup on Ning Xiruo's face.

The movement was so fast that only the afterimage could be seen, but it was very gentle on Ning Xiruo's face.

Just doing this one action, the people around her widened their eyes.

Xingxing murmured in disbelief: "Oh my God, the Thousand-Handed Guanyin technique that the teacher talked about!

This is the first time I've seen someone actually use it!

I thought it had been lost long ago!"

Noya, who was standing by, also covered her mouth and whispered: "I didn't learn the vine-wrapped tree braid technique for two years!

She actually did it with one hand!

How did she do it?"

"Don't talk! Don't distract Ye Zhen!" Luo Qianxue shouted at the two of them.

The two of them didn't dare to have any provocative thoughts anymore and shut their mouths obediently.

Outside the car, Chen Xin'an, who was wearing a big red robe, felt awkward.

But no matter how awkward it was, he had to endure it. His wife had been waiting for wedding photos for three years!

Sister Hua and Guan Fei patted the wrinkles on Chen Xin'an's clothes together.

Guan Fei gave a thumbs up: "Son-in-law, handsome! It would be nice with that hat!"

Chen Xin'an came over, slapped Guan Fei on the head and cursed: "That damn green melon-shaped hat, I won't wear that thing even if I'm bareheaded!"

Guan Fei touched the back of his head in confusion: "Why? I think it matches my son-in-law very well..."

Damn it, who are you cursing!

Chen Xin'an was about to hit him, but someone shouted loudly not far away.

Turning his head, a black car was running on the grassland.

There was a rope tied to the back of the car, and at the other end of the rope, it seemed to be dragging something.

You can't drive casually on the grassland, there are special lanes.

But this car didn't drive on the lane, but drove randomly.

What's more outrageous is that he was dragging a living person behind him!


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