Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1551 I don’t care whose grandson you are


Luo Miou's clothes were torn, revealing a piece of healthy, slightly wheat-colored skin under his neck.

Zhong Yue raised the corners of his mouth, wanting to hear Luo Miou cry for mercy.

But the woman in front of him just closed her eyes and was not moved at all.

On the other hand, several girls in the crew were so frightened that they screamed, held their heads and cried.

Wen Renqian looked at Zhong Yue quietly, her expression full of disdain and ridicule.

Zhong Yue said to her with a ferocious smile: "Don't worry, it will be your turn later!"

Wen Renqian sneered coldly and turned her head, not wanting to look at him again!

Zhong Yue had a bulging vein on his forehead. He glanced at her and then at Luo Miou, who was standing still with his eyes closed in front of him. With a gloomy expression, he pulled out the dagger on his body!

"Let her go!" Luo Zhen struggled to get up and rushed towards Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue kicked him down, then walked behind Luo Miou and began to cut the rope tied to her hands.

The pestle is here motionless no matter what it is doing. What is the difference between that and playing with a piece of wood?

There is no resistance at all. The less my Zhong family is, the less happy I am!

"Less!" the man in black next to him reminded softly, and came over to stand beside Zhong Yue.

Seeing his nervous look, Zhong Yue sneered coldly and said, "What are you afraid of?

He's just an actor in a martial arts drama.

You don’t really think she knows kung fu, do you?

Those are all just showy things, I can knock her down with just one hand! "

Seeing the man in black standing beside him a little uneasily, Zhong Yue cursed impatiently:

"You can see it more clearly if you stand this close, right?

What do you mean?

Do you want to come too?

piss off!

Wait until I get tired of playing with you before you come again! "

The man in black turned and walked away with a sullen face.

Zhong Yue looked at Luo Miou in front of him and said with a sneer: "Being bitten by a dog?

Haha, you bit me, not me biting you! "

Wen Renqian walked to Luo Miou, pushed her away with her shoulder, and looked at Zhong Yue calmly:

"Don't touch her.

After all, she is not married yet.

I'm already married.

If you want to play, play with me! "

Zhong Yue laughed loudly, looking at Wen Renqian who exuded the charm of a mature woman, cut the rope on her hand with a knife, and said with a laugh:

"I never thought of letting you go!

Since you can't wait so hard, just serve me together! "

Wen Renqian and Luo Miou looked at each other and seemed to have reached a tacit understanding.

Wen Renqian moved her hands, then hugged Zhong Yue's neck and said softly:

"The less, the two of us will stay with you. Can you let them go?"

"Yes! Of course!" Zhong Yue looked at the mature beauty in his arms with a fascinated look on his face, and said with a snort:

“I had no intention of doing anything to them.

It’s a bunch of trash, useless if you keep them, so you can’t kill them all.

But if we want to leave easily, we have to eat something and leave some handle in our hands, otherwise...

what are you doing! "

As he spoke, he found that he had been hugged by Wen Renqian and couldn't move his arms!

At the same time, Romiou took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the man in black who was rushing over!

The man in black snorted coldly, twisted his body suddenly to avoid the knife, and cursed: "Hua Fist..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Miou jumped up and kicked sideways, his legs flying in the air to perform a cross-stroke!

The man in black in front of him and a companion who wanted to go around Romi Ou from behind to snatch the dagger were forced back at the same time with one move!

The two of them had stern expressions on their faces. They rubbed their chests that were so painful that they couldn't even breathe smoothly. They finally understood that this was by no means a mere trick!

At the same time, Wen Renqian strangled Zhong Yue's neck with both hands, pushed her right knee upwards, and hit hard between Zhong Yue's legs!

Zhong Yue's face instantly turned the color of pig liver, and he let out a howl like a killing pig.

Wen Renqian pulled down her hands to make Zhong Yue bend down, and her body rolled over Zhong Yue's back.

With a kick in the air, the feet of a man in black who rushed up were kicked off the ground, causing him to fall heavily on the spot!

Zhong Yue covered his crotch, with tears and nose running out, and he yelled loudly: "I want to kill..."

Wen Renqian squatted down and grabbed his belt with both hands.

Before Zhong Yue could react, Wen Renqian snatched his belt away.

As Wen Renqian jerked hard, the belt wrapped around Zhong Yue's neck.

Wen Renqian quickly put the belt through the iron ring, and then pulled hard.

The belt tightened and strangled Zhong Yue's throat!

Zhong Yue stuck out his tongue, his face turned purple from the pain, and he grabbed his neck with both hands.

"Don't move, otherwise he will die!" Wen Renqian had a stern expression on her face, holding the belt with one hand.

She only needed to pull the belt in her hand to make Zhong Yue breathless.

The three men in black were throwing rat weapons, and they really didn't dare to move.

Wen Renqian said to Luo Miou: "Little Ou, please untie everyone!"

Everyone had their hands tied behind their backs.

In fact, that's all. Except for his arms, his movements are not restricted.

It's not that they are kind to them, but they don't take them seriously.

Luo Miou nodded, walked up to Luo Zhen, cut the rope on his hand first, and asked softly: "Brother, how are you?"

Luo Zhen was startled.

He has forgotten how many years this sister hasn't called him brother!

Shaking his head, Luo Zhen wiped the blood stains on his face and said to her:

"I'm fine! Let everyone get out and get out of here!"

Everyone moved their hands, ran to the side and took the bags containing equipment, carried them on their backs, and followed Wen Renqian who was holding Zhong Yue hostage and walked forward.

Zhong Yue had difficulty breathing, and his lower body was throbbing with pain.

Being led forward by Wen Renqian like a dog, she gritted her teeth and cursed:

"You guys just wait for me!

I will ask you to repay this grudge to me ten times and a hundred times!

Don't fall into my hands again.

I've had enough fun with you, so I'll throw it to the brothers.

When the brothers get tired of playing, I will sell you to a street hair salon!

I will make it impossible for you to turn around for the rest of your life..."

Wen Renqian pulled her hand and the belt strangled Zhong Yue's neck again.

Zhong Yue stuck out his tongue, and his eyes went black for a while!

Wen Renqian said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense! As long as we can get out smoothly, you can live.

Otherwise, we won't be able to leave here, and you won't be able to live either! "

Zhong Yue, who was panting heavily, finally took a breath, turned his head and scolded Wen Renqian with a sneer:

"Smelly cousin! Do you dare to kill me?

Don’t forget, I am the Yue Shao of the Zhong family, and my grandfather is the King of Qingxi!

I lend you a courage, do you dare to kill me?

Just an actor, a cousin, a bitch!

Do you think you..."

The belt around his neck suddenly tightened, this time with much greater force than before!

Zhong Yue felt like he was being strangled hard, and he kept exerting force, not giving him a chance to breathe!

There was a look of fear in Zhong Yue's eyes, and his vision began to turn black.

At this moment, he finally felt the approach of death!

He felt that he was on the edge of his life.

Wen Renqian's cold and trembling voice came to my ears: "I'm going to die, so who cares whose grandson you are?

If I want to fall into hell, I will throw you to the bottom first!

Although I am an actor, I am just a female streamer.

But if you are pushed too hard, it will still kill you! "

The belt around his neck was gradually loosened, and Zhong Yue, who was already lying on the ground almost unconscious, was slapped several times, and then dragged outside to soak in the rain.

"Uh!" Zhong Yue took a long breath and finally woke up!

He breathed heavily and screamed in horror: "Don't kill me!

I'm still so young and I don't want to die!

I'll send you out! "


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